Hampton News

Mr. Wheaton Lane enters Princeton College this fall. He has passed all his examinations without condition.

Mrs. Wallace Sterns started on her homeward trip to Granite Falls on Tuesday. She will meet Mr. Sterns in Chicago where they will remain until Saturday. Knowlton will remain with Mrs. Joplin another week.

Mr. and Mrs. Joplin had a visit from Mr. and Mrs. William Joplin, Mr. and Mrs. Finney and little sons, Mrs. English and Olga Wilkinson and two children, Mrs. Mattie Wilkinson and daughter Dorothy on Saturday and Sunday.

A food sale will be held on Mrs. Toppan’s lawn, Friday the 2nd of September from 3 to 5 P. M. If stormy it will be held at Cole’s Periodical Store. The sale is for the benefit of the anti plete1 Hampton’s quota to that cause.

The management of the street railway announce a change in fare zones which will be appreciated by citizens living just west of the railroad bridge on the Exeter Road. Heretofore the zone from the beach ended at the depot; it has now been extended to the corner of the Guinea road opposite the Bennett estate and will benefit a good many people living in that vicinity.

The Congregational Missionary Auxiliary met with Mrs. J. Q. Bennett in her cottage at Plaice Cove on Wednesday with a goodly number present. The program was in charge of Mrs. Martha Locke.

Mr. and Mrs. John Marston and friend are guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Marston.

Mrs. Elsie Godfrey returned from Exeter hospital on Sunday somewhat improved in health.

Mrs. M. E. Locke who has been spending the summer with Mrs. Ellen Blake leaves for Andover on Saturday. She called on friends near the big elm on Monday including Mr. and Mrs. Miner.

Mrs. Mary Snow and her little son of Marblehead have been guests of Mrs. Austin Weare the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Lyons and little daughter of “The Weirs” are guests in town this week. Mr. Lyons taught in the academy for several years.

Mr. George Velsor Pratt who has been spending the month with his aunt, Mrs. W. T. Ross, started on his way home on Wednesday. With Mr. and Mrs. Ross he motored to Boston on Tuesday. Miss Tiddaback was also in the party.

The West End Club was very pleasantly entertained on Friday afternoon, August 25, at Mr. Beecher Yeaton’s pine grove near his home. Miss A. Blanche Williams and her sister Mrs. Myron Williams of Waltham acted as hostesses. There were thirty-three present including the children. Games were played and every minute was one of great enjoyment. Delicious refreshments were served consisting of ice cream (vanilla and chocolate), an assortment of cakes and fancy cookies. The guests departed for home after giving their hostesses a vote of thanks for their pleasant afternoon.

The young people of the West End were entertained Tuesday evening, Aug. 22, at the home of Mrs. Jessie R. Towle who gave a party in honor of Miss Helen A. Tibbetts of Lynn who was visiting her grandfather, Mr. E. S. Bowley, and also in honor of Mr. Harold Blaisdell of Dexter, Maine, who was visiting his grandfather, Mr. Sam Woodman, at Mrs. Towle’s. The young folks were in the best of spirits and it was a very pleasant evening for all. Miss Tibbetts presided at the piano. Games were played and there was singing by Miss Bernice Gordon and Edward Delano. Refreshments were served of cookies and hot coffee and then more music and singing followed. At a late hour the party dispersed, although very loath to do so, their hostess urging them to stay longer. But at last they started for home, thanking their hostess for such a pleasant evening.

Mrs. Gilman Mace is confined to her bed by serious illness.

Mrs. Jeannette Pratt and children are at Mrs. Hugh Brown’s.

Rev. A. B. Thompson is ill this week.

Mrs. Irene Provandie is at Mrs. H. G. Lane’s.

It is hoped that quite a number will attend the county meeting of the W. C. T. U. at Salem, New Hampshire on Sept. 15.

Mrs. Thomas Sceva Blake, who, until a few years ago was a resident of Hampton, died at the home of her son Fred, in Somerville, where she had been tenderly cared for. Mrs. Blake, who was Sarah Weare before her marriage, was a most estimable woman, one of those of whom it is now said, “They are old fashioned and belong to the past.” As this means in many cases to be more upright and mindful of the things that make for a godly life, then Mrs. Blake can be counted in this class, would that there were more left to us. Mrs. Blake joined the Congregational church in her youth and was always a faithful member. She was buried from the Congregational [Webster] chapel.

House Party at The Willows:

Monday evening, August 29, occurred a gala event for the guests of “The Willows” at North Beach. Mrs. Barkley and Mrs. Whittemore of the younger married set, weary of journeying to the center for excitement, had, unknown to the other guests, arranged for a “party” of their own to be held in the spacious parlors of this well known resort. Tables were set for Bridge and other games for those not card players and the evening waxed merry until midnight was scarce two hours away when refreshments were served and the scores counted, resulting in the bestowal of the elaborate prizes to the fortunate winners. The gentlemen’s prize was won by Mr. Barkley while that for the ladies went to Mrs. Barkley but the latter being one of the hostesses she generously relinquished it to the next higher.

At the anagram table Mr. and Mrs. Chase won the honors and carried away prizes, outclassing all competitors.

After the winners had been congratulated and their healths drunk in Mrs. Whittemore’s delicious home brew another hour was delightfully passed in feats of strength and agility by the more athletic guests and a poem appropriate to the occasion and the possible after effects of “the morning after the night before” was recited by Mr. Chase amid tremendous applause.

Harry P. Stevens 23, died at Exeter Cottage Hospital Monday. Mr. Stevens was a resident of Hampton Falls, and also of Reading, Mass., where he was born March 21, 1898, a son of Frank E. and Lillian (Peabody) Stevens. He was engaged in farming. The body was shipped to Reading.

1. There is apparently type missing from this statement in the newspaper.