Hampton News

Much garden work is going on in town this week. The season is two or three weeks earlier than last year and spring work is being pushed.

There will be a final rehearsal for the Old Folks Concert in the Town Hall, Wednesday evening, May 4. Miss Johnson will be present. All come.

The town is putting in a cesspool for the Thompson House occupied by Harry Cleveland. Sam McIlveen is doing the labor.

The spring schedule of cars on the street railway is published in another column by direction of Supt. W. A. Scott.

Nelson Norton Jr. has returned from the Exeter Hospital after having a successful operation for adenoids.

The Whatsoever Circle will hold a food sale in Cole’s Periodical store, Friday afternoon, April 29, from 3 to 5 o’clock. Bread, rolls, doughnuts and cake will be on sale. Mr. Charles Blake has rented his house to a party from the beach very advantageously. Mrs. Fred Blake of Medford, with a friend was his guest on Tuesday.

Mrs. Parker Blake entered the Sacred Heart hospital in Manchester on Monday for treatment of very high blood pressure and will remain several weeks.

Mrs. Abbott Young spent one whole day last week with her sister Mrs. Elsie Godfrey, and is visiting this Thursday with her sister, Mrs. Ida Philbrick in Portsmouth.

Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge entertained the children of the town Wednesday evening. There was a pleasing program prepared and games were played. Ice cream cones and fancy crackers were served to about sixty children and as many adults.

The short drama, “Country Folks,” which was given by the Senior Class of Hampton Academy in the town hall last Saturday evening, was pronounced a great success by all who attended. The lighter parts were especially well played and afforded the audience much amusement. The class realized a good profit on the time invested and feel pleased with the outcome of the affair. Much credit is due to Miss Ingerson, Mrs. Young and Mr. Teague for the success of the drama, as they put in a great deal of time coaching the cast. After the drama a social dance was given. Music for the drama and dance was furnished by the P. E. A. Orchestra.

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Towle spent Thursday in Boston.

The Ladies Aid met with Mrs. Emma Young on Tuesday with a good number present. It was voted to do some papering in the parsonage. There will be one more meeting this year.

Rev. I. S. Jones was in town on Wednesday. He visited the cemetery and was pleased with the work done there.

Master Hugh Pratt of Lynn is visiting Mrs. Hugh Brown this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hurd of Boston are visitors of Elmwood Farm.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Ireland are now living in Mrs. Mabel Wood’s house on the Exeter road.

Mr. Oscar Garland has a fine position in the Concord High School where he is teaching mathematics and some of the sciences.

Mrs. Caroline Shea, after a pleasant month spent in Boston, has returned home.

The Monday Club will be entertained next week by Mrs. Spackman. This is the annual meeting. The following meeting will be the last and will be Past Presidents Day. We are very sorry to learn that Mrs. Walter Scott is not so well this week. She suffered another ill turn on Tuesday.

Mr. John Janvrin has sold his rooming house at the beach. He has leased a number of town lots at the beach and will soon begin building.

Andrew Paulsen will move his family into Mr. Jacob Godfrey’s house. Mr. Lindsey will move elsewhere. Mr. Edward Blake died on Saturday after a lingering illness of elephantitis. He had grown to enormous size and suffered intensely. The funeral was held from the Advent Chapel on Tuesday and was largely attended. There were six bearers. P. J. Paty has sold the Hampton Pharmacy to E. C. Green, who comes to Hampton well recommended. Mr. Green intends to enliven the store by weekly sales on special articles and these sales will be advertised in the Union. Mr. Paty will remain through the summer with the new management.

The adjourned meeting of the School district will be held May 5 at 7:30 o’clock, one week from tonight, at which time the committee appointed to examine sites and receive plans for the new central building will report.

A N. E. Campaign of “Clean Up and Paint Up Week” is to be observed in Hampton May 2 to May 9, under the direction of the Winnicummet Improvement Society. Tip carts will make trips for rubbish on Friday the 6th on all the roads except the Beach Road and High St. to North Beach. On these roads on Saturday the 7th. The N. E. Clean Up and Paint Up Campaign offers a silver cup for the cleanest town in N. E. Let us compete for the trophy.

Rev. Inor Partington left for his home in Orleans, Mass. on Thursday after a pleasant visit of a month in town. He will meet Mrs. Partington in Boston. Mr. Partington was a welcome guest in the homes of his former parishioners. He dined with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin True on Friday, with Mr. John C. Blake on Saturday and Mrs. Addie Brown and he were welcome dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ross on Saturday.

Wilbur K. Parker has qualified as truant officer for Hampton schools.

Mr. William H. page, formerly of Newburyport, and four children are now at the Elmwood, on account of the recent death of Mrs. Page who was Mrs. Walton’s daughter.

Mr. Warren Mace died on Tuesday after a long illness. He was a member of a large family of children, nine in number, only three of whom survive. In his immediate family Mr. Mace leaves a widow, two children and two grandchildren. The funeral will be held on Friday.

Thomas Cogger lost valuable horse one day this week, which cost him about $350. Mr. Cogger has just received his new $5000 truck.

Word has been received of the death of Lewis Armington, Melrose, who, with his father, mother and sister have spent many summers at their cottage at North Beach.

Miss Clara J. Powers has returned from the South and reopened her home here, where she will be glad to welcome her friends at any time.

The Seaside District Sunday School Convention will be held in the North Hampton Congregational Church on Tuesday, May 17.

A convention of Advent Sunday Schools was held in the Advent chapel here Wednesday. Today there is being held the N. H. State Conference of Advent churches. Both were largely attended.

The U. W. Club was delightfully entertained by Miss Alice Brooks and Messrs. John and William Brooks last Wednesday evening. The dining room was prettily decorated, the prevailing colors being yellow and white. The dining table was captivating to the eye. From the center rose a gaily decorated May pole from which streamers of yellow and white reached to the several plates and were there attached to favors of flower baskets filled with pansies. At each plate also was a jonquil basket filled with candies. Refreshments of fruit salad, sandwiches, assorted cake, club ice cream and coffee were served. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Everett Nudd, Mr. Willard Emery, Mrs. William Cash and Mr. Frank Brooks.

The H. T. G. Club was entertained by Mrs. Anna S. Ross last week. Favors were awarded. A nest of aluminum sauce pans to Mrs. Ella Moore; a candy jar to Mrs. Mildred Winchester and a set of Japanese trays in a box to Mrs. John Janvrin. Refreshments were served. The next meeting, on Thursday, May 5, will be entertained by Mrs. Minnie Hobbs at the beach. Gentleman’s night will be observed Monday evening, May 2, in Mechanics Hall at 8 o’clock sharp.

Rev. Inor Partington preached a wonderful sermon Sunday morning before a good sized audience, concerning the day in the Baptist church. His text was, “His Kingdom Come,” but the real theme of his sermon was the availability of earnest prayer. One problem he quoted is well worth remembering. The Height of Your Love for Christ Multiplied by Your Sympathy for Man Will Give the Area of Your Soul.

The Congregational Missionary Auxiliary will be entertained in the chapel on Wednesday, May 4th. There will be a speaker from Boston and it is hoped many of the ladies of the church will attend this meeting. A special silver collection will be gathered to defray expenses of the speaker and the only collection taken at this meeting. The County Home Missionary meeting will be held in Somersworth on Wednesday, May 11th and this society it is hoped will be represented. Dr. Bloom of the Sunday School Extension Society will address the Convention.

The Womans’ Missionary Society will meet at the home of Mrs. Katherine James next Wednesday afternoon. There will probably be some echoes from the Boston Convention.