Hampton News

Mr. Abbott Joplin and wife spent Christmas in Haverhill with Mr. and Mrs. Finney. Mrs. Wilkinson and daughter Dorothy and Mr. and Mrs. Will Joplin were also present.

Mr. Victor Garland returned to Washington on Sunday and Miss Eloise Lane to college on Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ross are entertaining their cousin, Mrs. Alice Cooper of Marlboro St., Boston this week.

Word has been received here that Mrs. John Cutler is ill in a hospital in Daytona, Florida.

Mrs. Fred Blake is quite ill this week with tonsillitis.

Mr. Rupert Lindsey is reported better.

Mrs. Henry Hobbs entertained the Mother’s Circle Wednesday evening.

Mr. Hatch has moved from the late Mrs. Hubbard’s house on the Beach Road into the one recently purchased by Mr. Clinton Durant.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Spackman have taken furnished rooms in Portsmouth for the winter.

Edwin L. Emery went thru a successful operation of enlarged tonsils and adenoids at the Exeter Hospital last week.

A musical entertainment will be given in the town hall, Hampton, Friday evening, Jan. 21st at 8 o’clock by Miss Louise Smith, pianist, Miss Antoinette Francis, violinist, Miss Alice Howe, soprano and Miss Marjorie Pevear, solo dancer, all of Exeter. They are all pupils of well known Boston teachers, and a fine musical programme is being arranged to present before the music lovers of Hampton. Miss Pevear’s dancing will be a special feature. Don’t forget the date. Admission 50c including the war tax. Dancing will follow the entertainment.

The officers of Rockingham Lodge, No. 22, I. O. O. F. will be installed Friday evening, Jan. 14 by D. D. G. M. Frederick A. Charles of Exeter. Lunch will be served after the meeting.

A whist party for the benefit of Rebekah Lodge will be held in Odd Fellows hall Wednesday evening, Jan. 12. Admission, including refreshments, 25c

Mrs. C. S. Toppan and daughter Wilma spent a few days in Haverhill last week.

Howard T. Kidder of Franklin was a week-end visitor at the Methodist parsonage. He is a clerk in the Boston and Maine offices in Concord.

Everett and Dorothy Thompson have returned to college.

Miss Marion Turner of Salem, N. H. was a guest at the Methodist parsonage last week.

The 1921 officers of Ocean Side Grange will be installed Friday evening by Deputy Frank H. Pearson of Stratham.

Mr. Roy and Beatrice Eastman, of North Conway, have returned home after a pleasant visit of six weeks with their aunt, Mrs. Payson Blake.

Those from out of town to attend the silver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lane were: Mr. and Mrs. Will Philbrick, of Lawrence; Mrs. Edith Long, of Boston; and Miss Coverly of the Elliott Hospital, Manchester; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dodge, Mr. Curtis and Mrs. Marston, of Hampton Falls; Mrs. Belle Colvin, of Shelton Conn.; and also Judge and Mrs. Shute, of Exeter.

The remains of Mrs. Warren Harris, of Boston, were brought here for burial on Monday. Mrs. Harris was the adopted mother of George Harris.

The Monday Club was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Emma Young this week. A great many guests were present. Mrs. Coffin read a pleasing article on the life and works of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Two of his poems and several quotations from his works were read by the members. Dainty refreshments were served during the social hour. The next meeting will be Jan. 17 and will be gentlemen’s night.

The following officers of Winnicummett Rebekah Lodge were installed by D. D. P., Annie E. Akerman, in a pleasing manner: N. G., Laura B. Cannon; V. G., Bertha A Snyder; R. S., Belle S. Dearborn; F. S., Marion L. Dearborn; Treas., Caroline E. Cole; W., Gladys Y. Janvrin; C., Alice Brooks; (absent) R. S. N. G., Sarah Coffin; L. S. N. G., Margaret C. Noyes; R. S. V. G., Gertrude J. Young; L. S. V. G., Annie E. Akerman; I. G., Mary Toppan; O. G., Frank Coffin. After the installation delicious refreshments were served.

The Baptist Missionary Society was entertained by Mrs. Albert Coffin

The Congregational Auxiliary held its meeting in the chapel, to which the gentlemen were invited to supper. Annual reports of Secretary and Treasurer were read and approved. Receipts were $158.75 and expenditures $108.70. Two new members were added.

Grange Attendance Contest

Beginning January 7, 1921 and ending April 15, 1921 there will be an attendance contest in the Grange. The losing side will furnish supper and entertainment to the winning side.

Come and bring someone to help your side win. Below are the names composing the Blue side.

Blue side. Captain, Olive Nudd Frank Brown Harold Noyes Mary S. Brown Margaret Noyes Martha Blake Everett Nudd Wallace Blake Paul Nudd Anna Cole Bella Nudd Julia Dewey Wilson Olney Clinton Durant Harold Perkins Belle Dearborn John Perkins Robert Elliot Oscar Pevear Etta Glidden Ruth Palmer Mildred Greene Lillian Roberts Lillian Garland Helene Roberts Lucy Haselton Ruth Riley Dorothy Hobbs Walter Scott J. Hale James Evelyn Shaw Merton James Pearl Snow Frank James Esther True Addie James Lawrence True Joshua James Russell True John Janvrin Jessie Toppan Gladys Janvrin H. Lester Tobey Flora Lane Robert Tolman Perley Ladd Addie Thompson Rupert Lindsey Clara Teague Moses Littlefield Fannie Towle Martha Locke Jessie Towle John Mills Martha White Dean Merrill Vivian Woods Hazel Myers Helen Yeaton Clarence Brown Beecher Yeaton Sarah Batchelder Clayton Johnson Lorraine Lindsey Charles H. Palmer Wallace Philbrick Christopher Toppan Winnifred Taylor Marion Batchelder Charlotte Bryant Agnes Dearborn Katherine James