Hampton News

John Roberts went to Orlando, Florida with Mr. and Mrs. William Redman last week.

Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mr. Robert Brown and Miss Helen Kimball.

There will be no school session on Friday, Nov. 11, that day having been declared a legal holiday by an act of Congress and promulgated by proclamation of President Harding.

Two snow storms have occurred since the last issue of the Union. The first of the season fell on Monday which, by old computation indicates seventeen storms for the winter in Hampton. You don’t have to believe unless you want to, however.

Street railway tickets for use of pupils in the Hampton schools are hereafter to be purchased at the office of the railway in the corporation bank building or of teachers and not from the school committee as formerly.

The many friends of Miss Fanny J. Towle who has been ill with pneumonia will pleased to hear that she is recovering and is able to sit up.

Mrs. E. S. Bowley who attended Miss Towle through her recent illness has returned home and reports having a very pleasant visit with Mrs. Thomas Dickson and family, and although on duty enjoyed every minute of the time.

On Monday evening, October 31st, a very successful Hallowe’en Party was held at I. O. O. F. banquet hall under the auspices of Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge. A large number were present with many in costume and all entered heartily into the spirit of the occasion. The hall was tastily decorated with Hallowe’en color and symbols and a gratifying sum was realized for the lodge. Arrangements are under way for another entertainment at the same place in the near future.

L. Frank Stevens has been made acting superintendent of the street railway in place of Walter A. Scott. Mr. Stevens was one of the oldest men in the employ of the old company. He began work in September, 1897 when the road was first built and has served continuously to the present time. He is making good with his new duties and his large circle of friends hope to see him made permanent superintendent. Superintendent Stevens has prepared a new timetable for the winter schedule which will go into effect Nov. 14th. Close connections at Smithtown with cars for Newburyport and Amesbury have been established and shoppers in those places can now make the journey without the long waits which have often occurred in the past.

Mr. and Mrs. Quimby and Mrs. Ernest G. Cole are touring Massachusetts and visiting friends in Providence.

Miss Adeline C. Marston and Mrs. Leonora B. Wing have arrived home after a three month visit in Montana. The enjoyed their trip immensely. They are spending the coming week in Boston.

So often it happens that two or three persons pass away at about the same time. This week was no exception and the remains of Mr. Wesley Towle, Mr. Ira Atkinson and Mr. Charles Philbrick have been laid in the cemetery.

The Monday Club was entertained by Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Wingate with a large number present and with two guests. Papers were prepared and read on the Japanese question. One by Mrs. Ross treated on immigration and one by Mrs. Shea on “The Pacific Question”, was interesting and instructive. Refreshments were served and arrangements made for Gentlemen’s Night, Nov. 21. Music was delightfully furnished by Mesdames Spackman, Young and Coffin.

The Congregational missionary auxiliary was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Philbrook, and Mrs. Glidden who served a delicious supper to 56 persons. The auxiliary was pleased to welcome guests from North Hampton and Rye and the Whatsoever Circle, and are grateful for the music furnished by Harold Clark. Rev. George W. Clark gave a most admirable address which held the attention of all present and gave them much valuable information in regard to Home Missionary work.

Mr. Howard Lane who has been occupying Miss Mary Brown’s house previous to its sale is building a house near Mrs. Littlefield’s on the Exeter Road.

The H. T. G. Club was delightfully entertained by Mrs. Ruth Palmer this week. Favors were awarded to Mesdames Drew, Hobbs and Janvrin. Refreshments were served of fruit salad, sugar ginger bread with whipped cream and coffee. Charles Philbrick This community was shocked on Monday to learn that a telegram had been received by Mr. Howard G. Lane stating that Mr. Charles Philbrick had died very suddenly from a shock on Thursday, November 3, in Kansas City and that the remains would arrive on Wednesday, November 9. Mr. Philbrick was born July 22, 1850, the son of Mr. and Mrs. David Philbrick. Always appearing to be in robust health, of a genial happy disposition, at all times bubbling over with fun, he was one with whom we could not associate death, yet we learn that he has been in ill health since June. Mr. Philbrick was a man among men and made friends of all who knew him. He went west about twenty-seven years ago and was a very successful business man in the business he chose and carried on, first in Chicago and later in Kansas City. On his visits to his native town summers he was hailed by all with genuine pleasure. Mr. Philbrick is survived by his widow and two sisters who are deeply grieved by his sudden death, and the sympathy of their friends is extended to them. The funeral service will be held in the Congregational chapel on this Thursday at 2:30 P. M. The Masons and Odd Fellows will be present and a male quartette will sing.

W. A. Scott started today as a rural mail carrier, succeeding Lauris Jenness.

Mrs. Addie Brown has rented the west side of her house to Fred Quimby. Mrs. Jessie Moore and Mrs. Sarah Tobey were in Newburyport on Wednesday to arrange for a rummage sale on Thursday for the Mothers’ Circle. Last year they cleared $34 for the circle besides giving large bundles to the Salvation Army.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane went to Boston on Wednesday to meet Mrs. Charles Philbrick.

On Wednesday evening the U. W. Club was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Belle Dearborn. Dainty refreshments were served. Favors were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. Willard Emery, Mr. Charles Raymond and Mrs. A. O. Stillings. The next meeting will be held Nov. 30 with Mrs. A. O. Stillings.

The principal feature at the moving pictures Saturday will be the presentation of a thrilling narrative of a circuit rider in the western hills.

John Wesley Towle:

Mr. John Wesley Towle passed away last Saturday evening after a long illness at his home where the funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon. In spite of the unpleasantness of the weather, a large company of friends gathered to show their respect for Mr. Towle.

The services were in charge of Rev. Charles Parker of Hampton Falls. Mr. Parker is head of the Odd Fellows of which the deceased was a member. The Odd Fellows held their services at the house owing to the bad weather. Miss Mary Chase sang two hymns.

Mr. Towle was an honorable upright man, and had held several town offices. He was a constant attendant at the Methodist Church and a member of the choir for many years.

Mr. Towle lived his life near the home of his birth, except for a short period spent with his daughter, Mrs. Herbert Perkins, after the death of his wife which was a loss from which Mr. Towle never recovered. He was devoted to his family and was tenderly cared for by his son Ernest and wife with whom he lived, and his daughter.

The flowers were very beautiful. A pillow from his children of white chrysanthemums, pink roses and ferns; beautiful spray of yellow chrysanthemums from the four grandchildren; from the Methodist Church, spray of pink carnations; spray of white chrysanthemums, Mr. and Mrs. George Barbour and Mrs. and Mrs. Lester Perkins; spray of pink and white carnations, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Colley; large spray of pink and white roses and ferns, Mrs. Abbie P. Lane and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blake and family; spray of lilac chrysanthemums, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hatch; large spray roses, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest LO. White and Mrs. Hussey; spray of pink and white carnations, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Marston; spray of pink roses and ferns, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando L. Blake and family; spray white carnations, Mr. Frank E. Smith and family; spray of ;white chrysanthemums, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Towle; spray of pink and white carnations, Mrs. A. Knudsen and Mrs. O. Aalerud.

The bearers were William S. Brown, John P. Blake, John C. Blake and Herbert Blake. Mr. R. E. Tolman was in charge as undertaker.

The East Rockingham Pomona Grange met in Hampton yesterday with the Oceanside Grange, its work being in the fifth degree, inspected by Deputy Andrews. Overseer Sawyer of the state grange was present at both the closed and public session. The next meeting of the Pomona will be the annual meeting at Exeter with the Gilman Grange on Dec. 7.

Parent-Teacher Association:

The first meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association since its organization last month was held Tuesday evening in the academy building with an attendance of about fifty. In the audience were not only school authorities and instructors but a good representation of those parents who have little opportunity of learning of school systems and work and for whose benefit the association, now national in its scope, was principally organized. Mrs. Edgar Warren, president of the association, presided. A brief business session was first held during which it was voted to change the meeting night to the second Monday of each month. A committee of three was appointed by the president to take charge of the hot lunches which are to be served the pupils this winter. This committee is Miss Trefethan, Mrs. Elroy G. Shaw, and Miss Elizabeth Philbrick. Mrs. C. S. Toppan was first named by the president, but declined.

The president then introduced Prof. Albertus T. Dudley of Exeter, who spoke entertainingly on the need and aims of the organization. The speaker first referred to the apathetic attitude of the general public toward educational work. He pictured the early days of the little red school house and while denying that this institution was more than a creation of the environment of its surroundings very nicely fitting into the social order of the times, and not by any means equal to the great educational system of today, he said there were some features of that colonial education that he wished could be brought back today-meaning chiefly the close relation the instructors in those little school houses bore to the home life of the community. This is one feature of the work of the Parent-Teacher association.

Another purpose of the association is the instruction of the parent in the care of the child.

A third is to assist the parents to understand the work of the teacher which includes discipline as well as the inculcating of knowledge.

A fourth and most important purpose of the association is the creation of a public sentiment in support of the school authorities in obtaining necessary educational facilities and conditions. In fact, the real work of the association is to provide an education for adults which will tend to advance and assist the elementary work of the modern educational system.

Following Prof. Dudley was a brief address by Mr. Clifton A. Towle, superintendent of schools in Exeter, who gave a condensed history of the organization of the association and its work in Exeter.

A social hour followed in which hot cocoa and fancy cakes were served to all present.

The association is in great good fortune in its plans for the December meeting. Miss Anna M. Simmers of Durham, President of the State Parent-Teacher association will deliver the address.

“The Big Punch.” Beginning next week Saturday the big one reel feature will be the first of 12 sacred films depicting creation as it was in the beginning. Each of the twelve is based on Bible history, non-sectarian and wholly unbiased. There will be one of these films each month.

Community Club:

The directors of the Young Men’s Community Club have organized with Rev. R. E. Thompson, chairman, and Melzar Dunbar, Secretary. The other members of the board are Howard G. Lane, Henry Hobbs, Samuel Ware, Principal Teague, of the academy, A. M. Fernald, M. D., Fred Perkins, H. G. Beede, Rev. Edgar Warren, Chester G. Marston, Edgar Howe, and R. E. Tolman. Twenty-nine young men and older boys have been admitted to membership, and more are waiting. Two long reading and game tables furnish forty-five feet of seating space. Chess is already captivating some beginners while the more familiar flinch and checkers are steady attractions. The favorite is the well-lighted billiard table. If another bunch is waiting to play one group of players may not use the table more than thirty minutes at a time. A drinking-water cooler will be in place soon, supplied with paper cups. A better lighting system has been authorized. Ware and Tarleton will do the job. Donations of money and games and valuable magazines are coming in. Special acknowledgement is made of a gift of five dollars from the Mothers’ Circle by its Welfare Committee; free lighting for October, the gift of Frank Mason; an excellent stove needing slight repairs, from the Baptist church; a large bundle of magazines and three books from Miss Irene J. Trefethan; labor and material making new entrance and filling old one at chimney, Harry E. Carter; labor by chairman of board of directors making reading tables and book-case and protecting the plate-glass window outside and in; the service by a committee of mothers of abundant refreshments at the “Opening” Monday night, October 31. Sherman W. Tarleton is the treasurer of the club.

Ira Atkinson, one of our country’s defender sixty years ago, loyal citizen ever since, kindly neighbor and friend, died after a short illness Nov. 5. Funeral services were held at the home of his niece, Mrs. Ella Atkinson Moore, on Highland Ave., Tuesday, Rev. Roger E. Thompson in charge. The recent drive for funds for the cemetery association resulted in a fund of $77 which is to be used for the general work of the association in the cemetery and for payment for the services of the Clerk and Treasurer, Mr. Charles M. Batchelder, for which purpose there is no other money. There are still a number of others who have promised contributions. Any such can leave it with Mr. Batchelder.

The household management [?] are serving hot lunches to the students this week.

The Seniors have at last received their rings and are greatly pleased with them.

The Hallowe’en Party given by the Juniors was a great success. The freshmen gave a great entertainment to the rest of the school. After the party games were played, followed by “eats” and more games. The party ended at the late hour of 11:20.

All the students were greatly pleased Wed. morning when Mr. Teague announced that Friday would be a holiday.

Tardy marks this year are counting up more slowly than they did last year. Let’s keep them way down!

Little Boars’ Head Fire

The magnificent summer home of William D. Hannah of New York, one of the show places on the coast, was destroyed by fire shortly after 3 o’clock Sunday morning with a loss estimated at $300,000. The owner made his escape in his night clothes down a ladder from his bedroom window. The servants also escaped in their night clothes through smoke-filled halls.

Nothing whatever was saved. The flames, raging through the big house, in a few minutes more would have cut off the escape of every living person. The house, erected during the past year and occupied this summer for the first time, is on the north side of the Head and the flames, fanned by the northwest gale, were swept to sea so that no other property was menaced.

Mr. Hannah was here for the weekend to supervise the closing of the house for the winter, with the aid of the servants. The fire was discovered by a maid, Miss Katherine Haviland, who was awakened shortly after 3 o’clock by a muffled explosion. She got up and opened her door and found the hall filled with smoke.

She called George Washington Murphy, the colored chauffer, who with his wife had rooms on the same floor, but she said that the smoke and flames were sweeping through the main part of the house and they could not get across to call Mr. Hannah. He was finally awakened by the cries of the three and the barking of his pet dog, who braved the smoke to scratch at his master’s door.

Mr. Hannah, when he opened his door, was met by a rush of flames. He slammed the door and with some difficulty succeeded in crawling out on a small balcony outside his window. Meantime the servants and the dog had fled down thru the hall and out by the rear. The chauffeur got a ladder and Mr. Hannah made his escape in this way, collapsing as he reached the ground.

Summoned by telephone, the men from the coast guard station number 13, at the further end of the Head, arrived shortly before the motor fire apparatus from Portsmouth and Hampton, but there was little that the firemen could do, as the house was then a roaring mass of flames, and at daylight only the walls and chimneys were standing. Later in the day these were dynamited.

The origin of the fire is still unknown. Surfman Johnson of station 13, passed the house at 2:45 and at that time everything was all right, but he said that the fire may have been burning then as all of the windows, with the exception of those in Mr. Hannah’s room, were shuttered for the winter. The sound heard by Miss Haviland is thought to be a hot air explosion, as she said that immediately afterward she heard the crackling of the flames in the hall.