Hampton News

Mrs. John Janvrin is having a delightful trip with a party of friends. They have spent some time in Atlantic City and in Washington.

Mr. George E. Garland is among those who have been on the sick list the past week. He is better, however, at the present writing.

There will be a conference, Oct. 27, in Concord of all the auxiliaries of the Congregational Church. Rev. John Kocerha of Pittsburg, Penn., whom they support, will tell something of the work of the missionaries at home. It is greatly desired that many attend from this auxiliary.

The Monday Club will be entertained by Mesdames Thompson and Noyes next week in the home of the former.

Mrs. Mabel Johnson returned on Sunday from Manchester where she had been under the treatment of Dr. Wheat.

Miss Lois Beck of Greenland will give a demonstration of dry goods at Hotel Echo on Wednesday afternoon, October 26. Orders will be taken for the well known World Star hosiery and underwear, for the famous Larnark knitting yarns and for all kinds of imported and domestic goods, and for ready-made curtains.

Mr. and Mrs. Fall and Mrs. Hugh Brown motored up to Mrs. John York’s in Kensington on Tuesday.

Mrs. Joseph Holmes is in the Anna Jacques Hospital in Newburyport, where she went for an operation.

Mrs. William T. Ross was the guest of Mrs. Alice Cooper of Marlboro St., on Thursday, at a luncheon given by Mrs. Cooper to a party of ladies at the Woman’s City Club of Boston.

There have been several transfers of real estate in town recently. The estate known as the Haunted House has been sold to a party who will fit it up as a “Tea Room.” Mr. Robert Batch-elder has been retained as care taker.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational Church met with Mrs. Emma Young on Tuesday with a good number present. Plans were made for a harvest supper on Wednesday, Oct. 26, and for a fair early in December.

Mrs. Albert Shaw went to Manchester on Sunday with Dr. Wheat for an operation for gall stones. Mrs. Shaw has been ill so long all hope this operation may be very successful.

On Monday evening, October 10, the U. W. Club gave a party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Nudd in honor of Mr. and Mrs. William Cash, it being their 15th wedding anniversary. The house was prettily decorated to represent Halloween. Games and music were enjoyed until 11:00 when the bridal party entered the parlor to the strains of Lohengrin’s Wedding March, where a wedding ceremony was performed and the bride and groom were presented with a pair of cut glass vases filled with assorted pinks and showered with crystal ware. The party then adjourned to the dining room which was also decorated. The dining table was the center of attraction in the middle of which was a beautiful wedding cake, decorated with a bride and groom and 15 lighted candles. Refreshments were served, the bride cutting the wedding cake. A social half hour was enjoyed and the guests departed wishing Mr. and Mrs. Cash many years of happiness and prosperity.

Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Parker entertained a bride and groom of Ipswich this week, viz. Mr. and Mrs. Leek.

Much to the pleasure of all a committee has waited on Rev. Fred Buker and asked him to rescind his resignation and take a six months leave of absence, returning in the spring to the church.

Mr. Clifford Lindsey with his father, sister and Oscar Garland motored to Worcester recently and had a pleasant visit with Rupert Lindsey.

The W. R. Corps held its inspection on Wednesday, the inspecting officer being Mrs. Bessie Bradbury Noyes. Considering the few present and the lack of rehearsals, the work was well done.

Miss Leonore Lane entertained a party of young friends in the Wheaton cottage at Plaice Cove. They were chaperoned by Miss Bradbury.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane entertained a party of ladies in her house at the beach on Friday, and a most delightful time was enjoyed. The day was mild, the sea just rough enough to be enjoyable and a sumptuous dinner served at one o’clock made a day long to be remembered.

The estate of Mr. Lauris Jenness has been sold to a party in Rye who plans to do light farming. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jenness are very sorry to have them leave town and trust it is only a temporary leave. Upon the mail route Mr. Jenness is particularly popular, being pleasant and extremely obliging.

Miss Mary Craig is spending a well earned vacation of three weeks in Peacham, Ver-mont, visiting her mother and brother. She will also visit a niece in St. Johnsbury.

Mr. Henry Hobbs and family returned from Plaice Cove on Monday where they have enjoyed a vacation of two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Abbot Joplin autoed to Methuen, Mass., on Wednesday to attend the wedding of their granddaughter, Dorothy Wilkinson and Mr. James Hazelhurst. Mr. and Mrs. Finney and little son of Haverhill accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Hazelhurst will spend their honeymoon on Plaice Cove, North Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane are having a delightful trip this week motoring northward and enjoying trustees’ meetings and conventions on the way. They will visit Concord, Manchester, Franklin and Laconia.

Miss Annie Akerman motored to Bethlehem with friends on Sunday. She will return to Laconia for the Sunday School Convention.

A number of ladies attended the 48th annual meeting of the New Hampshire Branch of Women’s Board of Missions in Portsmouth on Wednesday. It is seldom this meeting is so near Hampton so many felt it a rare privilege to be able to attend and hear about the work and the able speakers. The evening lecture was illustrated which the ladies enjoyed as they did the auto trip home.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ware had a fine trip to the White Mountains over last week end. They went with Mr. Merton James.

Mrs. Alice G. Swain is now at Nashua, New Hampshire attending the annual session of the Rebecca Assembly as a delegate from the local lodge.

The tenth tuberculosis clinic under the auspices of the N. H. Tuberculosis Association was held in Exeter on Friday, October 7th. Thirty-two patients were examined. There were 6 new active cases of tuberculosis discovered. Eighteen came in for examinations. There were four from Hampton and one from North Hampton that came to consult Dr. Kerr.

At the next regular meeting of Winnicummet Rebecca Lodge No. 26, Tuesday evening, October 18, there will be exercises to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the order, also the thirteenth anniversary of Winnicummet Lodge. A Harvest Supper will be served after the meeting. All members are hereby requested to attend without further notice.

The West End Club held their first meeting October 6th and were very pleasantly entertained at Beacholme Cottage, Mrs. Ellen Yeaton acting as hostess. A very fine dinner was served of clam chowder, baked beans, brown bread, an assortment of pies and cake and tea. It was a beautiful day and after dinner the meeting was held on the piazza, business matters attended to and a very social time was had by all. In the evening the gentlemen were invited for supper and we were so pleased when we heard our friend, Mr. J. Freeman Williams speak and to know we were to have the pleasure of his company thru the evening. There were 28 to supper, the children being served first and then going into the living room where a fire was started in the fire place. There were nine of them and they made a very pretty picture grouped about the fire place. A very fine supper of cold meat, baked beans, brown bread and white bread, pie, cake and hot coffee, chili sauce and pickled beets. In the evening games were played and dancing and other amusements were enjoyed. The gentlemen departed at a late hour. The club members were invited to stay overnight and those who could did so, retiring in the wee small hours. A fine dinner was served Friday, lobster being added to the bill of fare and the party started for home in the afternoon though they would liked to have tarried longer. We surely do appreciate Beecholme Cottage and its kind and generous owner.

Mrs. Belle S. Dearborn and Mrs. Jennie F. Stevens are at Nashua, New Hampshire attending the session of the Department Council of the Patriarchs Militant I. O. O. F. where they are to have conferred upon them the Decoration of Chivalry. This is the first time in its history that Winnicummet Rebecca Lodge has been represented in this highest branch of Odd Fellowship.

John Brooks and Harold Perkins have returned from a trip through Maine to Quebec, thence to Montreal and home by way of Niagara Falls.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Glidden are visiting Mrs. Glidden’s brother at Ayers Cliff, Canada.

The West End Four Hundred served a very fine oyster supper Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Jessie R. Towle, in honor of West End Club and gentlemen. There were 19 present including the club members. Two tables were very tastily arranged and a very fine oyster stew was served. Hot coffee and a variety of pies were much enjoyed. A very social evening was had by all and the boys certainly deserve praise for doing so well. A vote of thanks was given to the boys and to Mrs. Jessie R. Towle who is always so kind and hospitable.