Hampton News

George Lindsey and family have moved into the new house they purchased from L. C. Ring.

Mrs. Charles Raymond, Richard and Pauline returned Saturday from Newton Center, Mass., after spending a week with Mrs. Raymond’s father and mother. While there Richard had an operation for tonsils and adenoids at the Newton Cottage Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Alley of Florida have been guests of H. M. Lamprey and his sister, Mrs. Shea, for the past few weeks. During the time Mr. Alley has taken business trips to Portland and New York.

The remains of Mrs. Hattie A. Cutler were brought to Hampton on Thursday by undertaker Junkins of Exeter and buried in her lot. A dollar bill which her son Charles always carried and several other souvenirs were buried with her. A beautiful blanket of flowers made of roses, forget-me-nots and calla lilies entirely covered the grave.

Miss Mary Emma Locke is recuperating nicely in the school where for two years she has been matron. At the close of the term, she will come to Hampton and spend the summer with Mrs. Ellen J. Blake.

Isabelle Thompson, Evelyn Shaw, Ruby Wyman and Vivian Wood are spending a while at the beach in Mrs. Wyman’s cottage, enjoying it very much.

Mrs. Thompson was the guest of the girls at dinner on Sunday.

The Post will have as speaker on Memorial day, Rev. Lucien C. Follansbee, D. D. who is a noted speaker. We are especially desirous that many should hear him, we are sure that he will interest both old and young. His subject will be “What We Owe the Boys in Blue.” Services Memorial Sunday at the Baptist church. Serenade

A very exciting time was had at the home of George P. Mace on Friday the 13th when about thirty of his friends, old and young, gathered around the house with drums and horns for a serenade. Even though it was rainy and was Friday the thirteenth everyone had a very enjoyable time as Mr. Mace invited them in and treated them with fruits and cigars.

Everyone went home hoping that the bride and groom would sleep well but some doubted it even though the bride had all doors and windows locked on the second floor. Lock pickers, steeple jacks and ladders were all handy.

Arthur Rodgers of Norwood called on is aunt, Mrs. Gilpatrick, on Monday.

Gladys Gilpatrick entertained her Sunday School class, the Busy Bee’s, on Friday evening. Games were played and piano solos were played by some of the girls. Dainty refreshments are served.

On account of Mr. Holmes’ funeral the meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be postponed till next week. Notice again on Sunday.

The County W. T. C. U. will be held in Northwood on June 9th. Let’s all plan to go.

W. R. C. meeting next week. All come.

There will be no public exercises of the schools at Memorial time this year. It will be observed in the schools.

The Post and Corps are expected to meet with the Grange on Friday evening at 8 o’clock.

Miss Clara Powers kindly opened her home this week for the Past Presidents’ Day of the Monday Club. The day was beautiful and about forty ladies were present. The guest of honor was Mrs. William Burlingame of Exeter, who spoke to the gathering upon the Federation of woman’s clubs and some of the things it has accomplished. The music was excellent. It was furnished by: Mrs. Young, piano solo, Mrs. Coffin, vocal solo, accompanied by Mrs. Lane, and a piano solo by Miss Powers. Annual reports were given and Mrs. Anna Ross gave the history of the club since its organization in 1907. Six names were proposed for membership to be voted on at a special meeting. They are: Mesdames Myers, Elliot, Winship, Hutchins, Tolman and Wingate. Refreshments of fruit salad, cake and Russian tea were served.

Eugene Leavitt left early Wednesday morning in his auto for New Boston where he attended an auction sale.

Miss Titcomb of Amesbury will give vocal lessons every Friday at the home of Mr. Elliot. For full particulars see Miss Elliot at Cole’s.

Riverside Lodge, No. 72, of Kittery, Me., will visit Rockingham Lodge, I. O. O. F., June 1 and work the first degree on ten candidates. Grand Master Dudley of Concord will be present.

Wood’s Cash market in Cogger’s building next to Buck’s dry goods store opened most auspiciously on Wednesday. Although but little advertised there was a large patronage and all were surprised and pleased with the low prices and high grade of the meats, butter, canned goods, etc. with which the store is stocked. Mr. Wood desires to thank the public for the generous patronage given since the opening. Read the big adv. in this issue for special prices.

About thirty ladies and gentlemen attended the Sea-Side District Association in North Hampton on Tuesday and were well repaid for going as the addresses were excellent and the dinner most sumptuous. Rev. Mr. Buker took up a class of small boys from his Sunday School who recited the Ten Commandments perfectly and was an inspiring feature for other teachers who have children memorize more of the truths of the Bible.

Joseph F. Holmes:

The sudden death of Mr. Joseph F. Holmes was a shock to his many friends, though his poor health had in a measure prepared them for it.

Mr. Holmes was born in Portsmouth Nov. 7, 1869, son of Monroe and Laura Holmes. The family moved to Hampton in 1871 to the place where Joseph has lived. He had two sisters and one brother who are now all that remains of the family. Joseph Holmes was a quiet kindly man and had a large circle of friends. He was respected by all and has held many town offices. As a lodge member he has been very popular.

He married Miss Fannie Snyder, then of this town. They have one child, Leston, a young man who is left to comfort his mother in her bereavement.

The entire sympathy of the community goes out to the family so suddenly bereft. The town loses an upright man but to the family the loss is irreparable. The funeral services will be held at the home at 2 o’clock on Friday. The Mechanics will assemble at their hall at one to attend in a body.

Lydia A. Blake

The death of Mrs. Lydia, wife of B. Herbert Blake, which occurred in Exeter Hospital on Tuesday, was a blessed relief from suffering. Lydia A. Lane was born in Hampton in 1852, daughter of Oliver and Sarah Brown Lane. She was the second of six daughters, four of whom are still living. To those who have known Lydia from childhood there is no need of speaking of her worth. As daughter, sister, and wife, she has never failed in any duty that has come to her. She has never been known in public perhaps, but in her own quiet way, she has done her work faithfully and well. Of suffering, she has seemed to have had more than her share, but she has been patient thru it all. For her to die is gain. We are sorry for the many relatives who will miss her sorely and the husband who is left so lonely, every heart goes out in sympathy. But for Lydia, friend to all, we are glad that her sufferings are past.

The funeral is at her home on Thursday at 2 o’clock. The bearers are Messers. Barbour, Ross, Dearborn and Brown.

Hampton Beach:

Preparations for the opening of the various hotels are being hurried along.

Matthew and Hugh Craig of Lawrence are building a summer residence on Boar’s Head. Mrs. M. T. Alexander of Haverhill is also building a cottage on the Head and expects to occupy it this summer.

It is probable that the string of incandescent lights which have illuminated the streets the past few summers will be replaced with larger street lights of the type used on the “White Way” of Haverhill, Lawrence and other places.

A revival of beach excursions, that is the days on which special round trip tickets will be sold at considerable reduction from the regular fares, is being agitated by the board of trade committees from which have already interviewed the Exeter and Hampton, the Portsmouth, and the Mass. Northern Streets railways from whom reports are expected the present week. It is understood that the Boston & Maine railroad may also run excursions.