Hampton News

Mr. Otis Marston has had a bow window built on the east side of his house.

Several from here attended the W. C. T. U. Convention in Dover, among them Mesdames Leavitt, Marston and Lane.

Miss Hazel Stedman is a welcome guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. Albert Coffin.

Mrs. Nellie Newton is taking a well earned vacation spending it with her husband’s mother in Portland, Me. The children are with their grandmother, Mrs. Annie Berry.

Mr. and Mrs. George E. Farnham are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a little daughter, Norma May, at Exeter Hospital, October 21st.

The regular November meeting of the Men’s Club, which falls upon the second Monday, has been postponed until the fourth Monday, owing to other important events coming on the second and third Monday evenings. A committee composed of Scot Noyes, John H. Elliot and Warren H. Hobbs will have charge of the program and the supper.

The H. T. G. Club was delightfully entertained by Mrs. Eugene Leavitt last week. Refreshments of chicken wiggle on toast, harlequin ice cream, cake and coffee were served. Favors were won by Mrs. Frank Brooks, Mrs. Warren Drew and Miss Sadie Lane. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Anna S. Ross.

Miss Eloise Lane, who is teaching near Providence enjoyed the weekend in her home in town.

Mrs. and Herbert Perkins have just returned from a very nice visit with Mrs. Robert Paterson in Port Jefferson, N. Y., opposite Bridgeport, Conn.

Mr. Thomas Cogger and Mr. Kenneth Ross returned on Saturday from a two weeks trip up in Vermont.

The cottage near the powerhouse occupied by Howard Lane has been sold and Mr. Lane will move his family into a tenement on the Shaw estate.

Mr. Mackennon and family who have been living in Mr. Remick’s tenement have moved to Mr. Fred Perkins’ tenement.

Improvements are being made along the Mill Road and on the Drake Road. Mr. Alonzo Blake and Mr. William Lane have had electric lights installed. Mr. Charles Blake and Mrs. Ellen J. Blake have had their houses painted and Mr. Arthur Blake has had a lavatory put in his home. Mr. Merton James, Mr. Lafayette and Mr. Beecher Yeaton have had electric lights installed.

Mrs. Beecher Yeaton entertained Mrs. Hugh Brown on Tuesday and her father, Mr. Harrison Hobbs and Mrs. Geo. Philbrook on Wednesday.

Miss Hattie S. Adams of Framingham, Mass., is making a brief visit in the home of her brother, Mr. C. F. Adams.

Mr. and Mrs. Otto Robertson of Everett, Mass., are visiting in the home of Mr. John Elliot. Mr. Robinson has been attending the meetings of the Presbyterian Synod in Newburyport, while his wife has been with her brother’s family in this town.

The Missionary Auxiliary of the Congregational church will meet next Wednesday. This is the Thank-offering meeting and it is hoped a large number will be present and a generous thank-offering made. There will be guests present from N. Hampton and Rye. The Greenland auxiliary could not accept the invitation because of a previous engagement. Rev. G. W. Clark will give an address which we know will be excellent.

There will be a farewell reception given to Rev. and Mrs. Fred Buker on Friday evening by his parishioners and invited guests.

The harvest supper in the Congregational Church Wednesday was a great success as to numbers and receipts. The efficient committee included Mrs. Ardenia Hobbs, Mrs. Jessie Towle, Mrs. Charles Brown, Mrs. Coffin, Mrs. Ethel Munsey and Miss Olive Nudd.

The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Lucy A. Marston on Friday at 2:30. A large attendance is desired as there will be the reports from the State Convention.

The Whatsoever Circle will meet with Misses Gilpatrick on Saturday afternoon at 3:00 o’clock.

The friendly class will meet Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Fay Mace.

Miss Page, our home demonstrator, is expected to be in town on the afternoon of November 3rd. The meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Christopher Toppan at 1:30. Miss Page will give a demonstration on home millinery and will help the ladies to trim and remodel their hats. A good attendance of ladies is desired.

At 7:45 on Monday evening, October 31st, at Odd Fellows Banquet Hall, a Hallowe’en party will be given for the Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge. Members and the general public are cordially invited. An admission of 15c will be asked to defray expenses. Where possible kindly come in costume. A prize will be given for the most unique costume. A hallowe’en lunch will be served; same to be included in admission. Come ready to shake your foot in a barn dance, and do a little reeling. A good old fashioned time will be in order. Come and enjoy it.

The last meeting of the Mother’s Circle was held at the home of Mrs. Bernice Palmer with Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Belle Perkins as hostesses. There were 22 members present and 8 guests. Three very interesting papers were read on “Fashion, Its Use and Abuse” by Mrs. Keene; “Remedies for Evils of Fashion,” by Mrs. Tolman, and “A Well Dressed Woman” by Mrs. Brown. The music for the evening was furnished by Mrs. Bernice Palmer, Mrs. Belle Perkins and Mrs. Bettina Hobbs. The next meeting will be held at the Methodist vestry next Wednesday evening, Nov. 2. The program will be in charge of the Sunshine Committee and the hostesses will be Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Farnsworth. (Please notice change in date.) Hampton Citizens, Attention!

The exterior of the new school building will be finished in about a week, and the building committee wishes the grading done before the ground freezes. There is no money for this purpose. Although the erection of the building itself will not cost a dollar more than the contract price, no provision has been made for the grading, and it seems unwise to borrow money for this purpose.

The building committee and the board of education after discussing the matter came to the conclusion that this work ought to be done by citizens of the town, without further compensation than the satisfaction of having a part in beautifying the grounds of one of the finest school buildings in Rockingham County. The Union is in hearty accord with this plan. It is done in many places, and it enhances the pride which each citizen takes in the property from having taken a manual part in the work.

A day has been set for the work – THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3. Every male citizen large enough to help is urged to give a day’s work with shovel, rake or other implement; every owner of a team is asked to give the use of it with a driver for that day for ploughing, scooping, or hauling gravel. There will be work for everyone, and everyone should work.

The women will serve a splendid dinner for the workers in the Congregational Chapel and it is worth a day’s work to get a dinner such as the Hampton women can serve.

LET’S MAKE IT A HOLIDAY. Close all places of business and push the work to completion in one day. Anyone who can give his team or who desires special work should notify Mr. C. S. Toppan, Mr. Warren Hobbs or any member of the building Committee most convenient; everybody else can report for duty at the school grounds at 8:00 o’clock, Thursday, November 3, or if it rains on Thursday, report on Friday.