Hampton News

The remains of Mrs. Edward Thompson of Amesbury, Mass., were brought here for burial recently. It will be remembered that Mr. Thompson was the son of the late John L. Thompson, whose home is now occupied by Harry Cleveland.

The recent cold snap has given our icers a chance to get in a supply of ice for the coming summer.

Mrs. Howard Lane has had as guests this week, Miss Ryder, a missionary from Japan, and Mrs. Arnold Yantis, who addressed the Mother’s Circle and invited guests in the Baptist vestry Thursday, also Mrs. Clara and Mrs. Meda Nutter.

Regular meeting of Ocean Side Grange Friday evening, Feb. 4. The program for the evenings is as follows: Singing by the Grange; Reading, Alice Swain; Discussion, “What I Would Do If I Were a Woman and What I Would Do If I Were a Man; Reading, Alice Elliot. There will be a supper at six o’clock. All members cordially invited.

A most distressing accident occurred on Monday when Mr. Austin Mace fell from his mower, striking across the wheel of a wagon. He was seriously hurt and carried to the Portsmouth hospital where an operation was performed, the result of which cannot be determined for a few days.

The Baptist Missionary Auxiliary was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Henry Hobbs on Wednesday. A missionary, Miss Ryder, from Tokyo, Japan, addressed the meeting most instructively. Dainty refreshments were served.

The Congregational Missionary Auxiliary was entertained in the chapel on Wednesday. Miss Ackerman had a carefully prepared program. Mrs. Jennie Stevens read most effectively a poem which called for aid for the starving children in the near east. Mrs. Palmer and Mrs. Lane served a delicious supper.

Mr. M. C. Morse has opened a shoe repairing shop recently and is doing first class work. His shop, which is located in John Janvrin’s old office, contains modern up to date machinery. The prices are fair and the work guaranteed. Leave your shoes here to be repaired and you will be sure to be satisfied with the work done.

A crowd of about forty young people gathered in the Grange Hall Saturday evening at nine-thirty at a surprise party on Miss Hazel Myers. The crowd gathered outside the hall during a rehearsal of the Grange officers and at its close ran into the hall shouting, “Greetings, Hazel!”

A variety of games were played after which John Perkins presented a pretty pearl necklace to Hazel from her friends.

Refreshments were served by the hostesses: Mrs. Murray, Mrs. Myers, Mrs. Noyes, Mrs. Elliot and the crowd left, wishing Miss Myers many happy birthdays to come.

Mrs. Clara Nutter, Mrs. Mary Chipman, Mrs. John York, Mr. Chester Godfrey, Mr. and Mrs. Archie York, Mr. Frank Leavitt, Mrs. Annie Hawkins, Mrs. John Nutter Jr. were among those from out of town who came by to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. E. D. Berry.

Master Lloyd Ring, the little son of Mrs. Ring was taken to a sanitarium in Pembroke on Saturday to remain for treatment until April.

The Whatsoever Circle will meet with Miss Jeanie Cash Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock.

Saturday evening, February 12, the Center School will give a Valentine Party in the Town Hall to which all are cordially invited. After the entertainment, which will consist of numbers by the pupils of the Primary and Junior High School, “mail” carriers will distribute the valentines which may be mailed at the “Post Office” in the corner of the hall. Ice cream and cake will be on sale during the evening.

The H. T. G. Club was delightfully entertained by Mrs. Ella Moore in her pretty home on Friday. Delicious refreshments of chicken wiggle, strawberry sherbet, cake and coffee were served. Favors were won by Mrs. Nudd, Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Ross. On Wednesday evening, Feb. 9, the club will observe “Gentlemen’s Night” in Grange Hall.

On Saturday evening, February 5, at the Town Hall, Hampton, a dance will be held from eight to eleven-thirty. The Jazz Band from the Phillips Exeter Academy will furnish the music, and the proceeds will be given to the Junior class of Hampton Academy. The matrons will be Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Donnell and Mrs. Emma Young. There will be a car to Exeter after the dance. Ice cream will be on sale during the intermission. Tickets admitting couples, 75c; single tickets, gentlemen, 50c; ladies 35c.

The Freshman Class of Hampton Academy are giving a Masquerade Ball, Friday of next week. Guests are invited by invitation.

Mrs. Annie J. Lamprey, a former resident of Hampton, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Martin Garrity, of Somerville, on Jan. 28, at the age of 81.

Mr. Hugh J. Murphy:

Mr. Hugh J. Murphy died Wednesday, January 19, at the Exeter Cottage Hospital in his 34th year, after an illness of two years with arthritis. It had required expert treatment and long stays in a hospital at Waterbury, Conn., and the Carney Hospital in Boston. Mr. Murphy was born in Exeter December 3, 1887, son of Patrick L. and Annie E. (Hestes) Murphy and here spent his younger years. After leaving the High School, where he played on the Eleven, he became a molder at a local foundry and on its closing found similar employment in Conn. He finally became a street railroad motorman and for the past few years had been inspector of electric cars in Waterbury, Conn. He returned to Exeter three months ago from Hampton Beach, where he spent the past two seasons for his health. He was a worthy young man and well liked by all acquaintances. His wife died while he was in the hospital. He leaves a daughter, Gertrude, and a son, Hugh J. Jr., aged 10 and 8 years. He is also survived by his parents, three brothers, Joseph P., George H. and Edward J., and by two sisters, Mrs. P. J. O’Brien and Annie C. Murphy. The funeral with High Mass of requiem, was held at St. Michael’s Church. At this church he had been altar boy and had sung in the choir. The pallbearers were Patrick J. O’Brien of Roxbury, Mass., Frank E. Stevens of Lynn, Mass., Thomas Hennigan of Somersworth, N. H. and George H. Murphy of Bradford, Mass.

Mrs. Elizabeth D. Berry:

The death of Mrs. Elizabeth D. Berry which occurred on Sunday, Jan. 30, has left a marked vacancy, not only in the wide circle of family connections but in the far larger company of deeply attached friends. Mrs. Berry was the daughter of the late Jonathan Godfrey, and was born December 16, 1835, the oldest of fifteen children. Fourteen of these children lived to grow up, marry and have children, and nine survive Mrs. Berry. Almost all of her life was spent in her native town. Early in life she was married to Mr. Aaron Berry, who died in 1865. Two children were born of this union, one, J. Winchester Berry, survives his mother and she also leaves ten grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Mrs. Berry always exercised a generous and genial hospitality, making her home the familiar and delightful resort of a large company of friends and a center to which the members of her large number of relatives often gathered. Her sympathies went out in warmth and tenderness towards the sorrowful, the lonely and the poor and she nobly kept up as long as health permitted her generous, delicate kindness bestowed by service and by gifts upon the needy and afflicted. She was a member of the Congregational church from early years and her devoted attachment bore fruit in a zealous, constant and faithful attendance at all its meeting and participation in all its activities. She was instrumental in having the present organ placed in the church, giving a large contribution in all that related to its prosperity and usefulness she was regarded as a self-sacrificing leader and wise counselor in past years and was always a loyal friend and helper of her pastor. As one pastor, Mr. Warren, said at her funeral, “This loving woman would need fewer adjustments in order to enter the heavenly home than many.” By the power of the Christian hope which had been her chief comfort in life she was kept in perfect peace and the end surrounded by those nearest to her came, under the gentle
ministrations of devoted affection, as she gently breathed away her earthly life. The esteem in which the deceased was held was shown by the large number of beautiful flowers which surrounded the casket.

The funeral was held on Tuesday, conducted by Rev. Edgar Warren, assisted by the pastor of the church. The bearers were Mr. Irvin Leavitt, Mr. Charles Leavitt, Mr. W. Noyes and Mr. Oliver Hobbs.

The trial of Alvina Laroque vs. Thomas Cogger, a Hampton case of trespass to person, resulted Friday in a verdict for the defendant. The plaintiff alleged that on one occasion when she had carried his dinner to her husband, in defendant’s employ, the latter addressed angry words to her and finally struck her. With this contention the jury did not agree. Counsel: Sleeper & Brown, Scammon & Gardner.