Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Norman and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kershaw and family of Fall River spent the holiday with their sister, Mrs. Gilpatrick. Also Mrs. Joseph Lambert and Mrs. Merrill and son are spending a few weeks with their sister and aunt.

Mrs. John Elliot was called to Maine on Wednesday by the illness of her mother.

The Congregational Sunday School picnic will be held on Friday, July 22, at Leavitt’s Grove, North Beach. Those attending please leave on the 10:40 a. m. car. If stormy the picnic will be held Saturday.

The Mother’s Circle held a picnic at North Beach on Wednesday afternoon, July 13.

Under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid Society of the Congregational church a lawn party will be held at “Rose Lawn” Tuesday afternoon and evening, July 26. The usual attractive tables will be displayed; one for aprons, food, ice cream and others. Supper will be served from 5 to 7. Further particulars will be given in the next issue.

The adjourned annual meeting of the school district will be held Friday evening, July 15. It will be an interesting meeting as the report of the building committee of the Central School house will be submitted. There will also be an opportunity to reconsider the vote whereby the old Center School building was to be moved to a location on the town hall lot. A good deal of objection to the placing of this building where it will mar the setting of the town hall is arising and a new location may be selected.

On Sunday morning a motorcycle collided with an auto as it was turning in to the Methodist church. The young man on the motorcycle was carried to Dr. Fernald’s and later to Exeter hospital.

A number of Hampton residents employed at the Navy Yard have been laid off.

A large truck ran over one of Mrs. Mary Sanborn’s dogs on Saturday. The baker coming along short it, as it was dying.

Mrs. Anna Shelton observed her 81st birthday on Saturday in a very pleasant manner, remembered by many friends. Mrs. Shelton is truly 81 years young.

Mrs. Vianna Marston will observe her 80th birthday on Monday. Another young old resident.

Mr. Clarence Yeaton was carried to Exeter Hospital last week as he was very ill with cancer of the stomach. He lived only a few days. He is to be carried to Congregational [Webster] chapel this afternoon for the funeral service, then to Greenland for burial. Mr. Tolman has charge of the burial. Mr. Yeaton lived with his brother John Yeaton and since the breaking up of the Yeaton family has made his home with or near his nephew, J. Beecher Yeaton. He was a good man, quiet and kindly, perhaps not so well known as some but doing his duty as he saw it. Beecher’s brother Charles is with him. The rest of the family are in the West.

Harry I. Noyes has been awarded the contract for the construction of a comfort station at Hampton Beach. A description of the building to be erected will be given next week.

Bids for the new Central School house were opened on Monday, but were all outside the limit voted at the school meeting. Some changes in the plans will probably be made and new bids asked for.

The Selectmen have called a special town meeting for Monday evening, the 18th, at seven o’clock. The following will be taken up:

Article 1. To see if the town will vote to appoint an inspector of buildings.

Article 2. To see if the town will vote to adopt laws and prescribe regulations for the construction and maintenance of buildings in said town.

Article 3. To see if the town will authorize the Selectmen to make by-laws in regard to the guarding of fires and removal of combustible materials as the safety of property in said town may require.

Article 4. To see if the town will vote to purchase fire apparatus and equipment of the same and to pass any other vote relating thereto.

It is getting very dangerous to ride on the Lafayette Road on Saturdays and Sundays. Two serious accidents occurred there last week. For the second time Mr. Herbert Whidden was run into by an automobile and near the same place. Last Saturday an auto from Lynn smashed his top buggy and threw Mr. Whidden into the rail beside the road just above Asbury Marston’s. He escaped without broken bones but it is hard to find any place where he is not cut and bruised. A very serious one on his neck, arms, chest, side, etc. The car that did the damage was from Lynn and the owner stopped and did all in his power to repair damages. Plummer Mace was with Mr. Whidden and was thrown out but escaped injury.

Hampton Beach:

In order to set a persistent rumor at rest and to prevent further speculation on the part of an anxious public Secretary J. W. Tucker of the Hampton and Hampton Beach Board of Trade, announced today that the Hampton Beach Carnival would be held as usual this fall beginning on Labor Day, Sept. 5. The story had been freely circulated at the beach and in the surrounding towns and cities that the Board of Trade was not going to conduct a carnival this year. As a matter of fact the carnival of 1921 will undoubtedly be the biggest affair of its kind that has ever been conducted art a New England shore resort.

A wonderful out-of-door stage show of at least three big acts will be booked — not the ordinary vaudeville acts, but spectacular acts in each of which five or more people participate. As a headline attraction for this part of the carnival the management has booked Daredevil Van Norman, whose thrilling rides for life have made hundreds of people hold their breath in every summer resort in this country. Van Norman’s marvelous exhibition will be staged twice a day, afternoon and evening.

In addition to the stage shows for carnival week there will be the usual band concerts by Downes’ Military Band, augmented to thirty pieces for this occasion. There will be nightly displays of fireworks, thrilling races and athletic events, stunt flying by “Bob” Fogg in his plane that he calls the “Bear Cat,” the famous Mardi Gras nights with the confetti battles and all kinds of parades, pageants and sports. Without a doubt the 1921 carnival at the beach will prove one of the best and most successful of any that have been conducted there in the past.

Beginning next week the fireworks displays, which heretofore have been given on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday nights, will be given only on Wednesday and Saturday. The Monday night displays will be omitted. This program of fire works will be carried out thru the remainder of the season up until Carnival Week when the pyrotechnics will be displayed every night.

However, as a special attraction for next week a splendid free stage show consisting of three fine out-of-door acts, will be given on the big stage just south of the Casino. Special attention will be paid to selecting acts that are adapted for the open air and it is hoped that several of the best attractions that can be bought through the eastern booking houses will be seem beginning next Monday.

Two shows a day will be given, the first at 2:15 in the afternoon and the second at 8:30 in the evening. The times referred to are Eastern Standard. For Massachusetts folks the hours will be 3:15 and 9:30. The acts are absolutely free and are given for the weekend as a means of indicating that business is still going on at Hampton in spite of the fire of several weeks ago.

Everyone on Hampton Beach is interested in the Midnight Revue, a novelty vaudeville offering which is to be staged the latter part of this month with the assistance of the many professional theatrical folks on the beach. The entire proceeds will be given to Board of Trade general fund and will be used to entertain and amuse the guests of Hampton Beach during the summer season.

“Bob” Fogg and his “Bear Cat” are making a great hit at Hampton Beach this summer. Fogg is one of the best known airplane pilots in the country and the “Bear Cat” is his powerful passenger-carrying place. “Bob” has no desire to be known as a “daredevil” flyer, although to the uninitiated his daily stunt flight or exhibition would put him in that class.

Public Raid at Beach:

Monday afternoon the county officials raided the beach and got 96 quarts of very good whiskey which Nicholas Marelli of Beverly, Mass., is reputed to have had in his automobile at a garage there. Associated with Marelli was Michael Lauriola of Cambridge, Mass. The raiding party comprised County Solicitor J. M. Waldron, Sheriff Ceylon Spinney of Portsmouth and Chief of Police Blake of Hampton Beach. Other places visited were those of August J. Daly of Lynn, Mass., and John Crowly of Lawrence, at each of which it is alleged a small quantity of liquor was found.

The prisoners were taken to Hampton in the afternoon and were arraigned before Judge Lamprey. Marelli was fined $200 and costs, Lauriola received an award of $100 and costs, and Daly and Crowley were each fines $50 and costs.

Held for Grand Jury:

Herbert Hirth of Arlington, Mass., was held under $500 bonds for the grand jury by the Exeter municipal court Monday afternoon on a charge of passing a worthless check of $30. Hirth, it is alleged, passed a check in payment to W. A. McRell of Exeter on June 30, and the Mass. officials have been seeking him also for alleged theft of an automobile, and for passing a like variety of checks there.

He was arrested at Hampton Beach Sunday evening by Chief of Police S. L. Blake for operating an automobile without a license, and it was then that he was recognized by Chief Blake to be the man wanted in Mass. He was taken to Exeter by Deputy Sheriff F. O. Tilton of Exeter, City Marshall Michael Hurley of Portsmouth, and Rockingham county solicitor J. R. Waldron and arraigned before H. A. Shute.

The Mass. authorities will probably claim after he serves his time in this state, he pleading guilty to the charge.

Rockingham Divorces:

The following 22 divorces were granted at the May Term of Superior Court, which closed June 30. Elsie Zammorchi, Portsmouth, from Daniel, extreme cruelty; Otis C. Chaplin, Derry, from Maude E., statutory offence; Josephine S. Kelly, Epping, from Charles E., habitual drunkenness; Elizabeth C. Halel, Newmarket, from Clinton D., abandonment; Ernest H. Haddock, Portsmouth, from Grace M., habitual drunkenness; Thomas J. Burbine, Newton, from Rose, extreme cruelty; Nellie Eaton, Portsmouth, from Oscar, extreme cruelty; Alice Dingley, Raymond, from Stephen W., abandonment; Sadie M. Clark, Portsmouth, from Harry L., extreme cruelty; Katherine Lamprey, Hampton, from Uri, conduct injurious to health; Christina M. Long, Candia, from William C., abandonment; Stella M. Lougee, Exeter, from Albert S., extreme cruelty; John F. Stearns, Derry from Atta C. F., abandonment; Charles P. Brown, Derry, from Ida E., abandonment; Jennie F. Green, Newton, from Charles B., conduct injurious to health; Grace S. Fuller, Portsmouth, from Benjamin, impotence; Raymond O. Walker, Portsmouth, from Elizabeth, abandonment; George E. Judkins, Exeter, from Mildred A., statutory offence; Edith B. Hamblett, Farmington, from Charles H., extreme cruelty; Herbert J. Sweezy, Derry, from Lottie F., abandonment; Joseph Dumont, Derry, from Florence B., statutory offence; Sarah E. Howard, Exeter, from John A., abandonment; Gilman M. Smith, Northwood, from Maude S., statutory offence.

Public Announcement:

Beginning Monday, July 18th I shall be free to do plumbing, repairing, sheet metal work, etc.

In the near future I intend to equip and stock a plumbing and sheet metal shop, until then my headquarters will be my residence on High St., opposite the post office.

If you want any plumbing installed or repaired, roof, conductor, stove, or any other sheet metal work done, heating systems installed or repaired, call on me.

I will give it prompt attention. — Herbert B. Beede, Hampton, N.H.