Hampton News

Mrs. Charles Blake spent several days last week with her friend, Mrs. Mullen of Eliot, Me.

Sheriff Fred Thompson has moved his family into the tenement vacated by Mr. Teague in the Lane Block.

Rev. Fred Buker is taking a well earned vacation these two weeks.

Herbert Beede has moved into Mrs. Mabel Johnson’s home and Superintendent Walker will occupy the tenement vacated by Mr. Beede.

Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ross entertained the following cousins over the weekend: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Dexter of Manchester, Mrs. Alice Cooper of Marlboro St., Boston, and Mrs. Hattie Washburn of Brooklyn, N.Y., and Calais, Me. Mr. Dexter is superintendent of the Amoskeag Mills in Manchester.

The Monday Club opened the year of 1921-22 very auspiciously this week in the pleasant home of Mrs. Arthur Young with Mrs. Hutchings as assistant hostess. After a few words of greeting from the new president, Mrs. Margaret Noyes, a short business meeting followed and then the program of the day was taken up. Mrs. Sarah M. Lane gave a complete and interesting report from the Federation meeting held in May. Roll call was responded to by current events. Although the rain poured outside there was warmth and cheer inside and an enjoyable meeting was held. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses. The musical program was greatly enjoyed, being furnished by Mesdames Young, Spackman, Lane and Coffin.

A guest of Dr. Fernald preached most acceptably in the Baptist church Sunday morning.

Quite a number of ladies attended the New Hampshire branch of the Woman’s Board in Portsmouth on Wednesday and found it very profitable.

Miss Etta C. Blake returned on Sunday from a two weeks’ visit spent with Rev. and Mrs. Inor Partington in Orleans.

Mr. Parker Blake moved his family to Norwood, Mass., on Saturday.

Miss Dorothy Wilkinson of Methuen, Mass., granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joplin, will be married on October 12.

The H. T. G. Club will be entertained by Mrs. Charles Batchelder on Thursday, Oct. 13. At the business meeting Mrs. Ruth Palmer was elected secretary in the place Mrs. Wiggin resigned.

All telephone subscribers have received cards announcing Telephone Week October 17th to October 22nd, and inviting them and their friends to visit the Central Office and see how telephone calls are handled. A general response to the invitation is desired for it is believed that such visitation will prove of mutual advantage.

Mrs. Maude E. Sprague of Reading, Mass., spent the week end with Mrs. Fred E. Perkins.

The Board of Directors of the Community Club will meet at the Club Room at 7:30 this Friday night. Mr. Percy Jewell will address the meeting.

Most of the town has not had a sign of frost this fall, a most remarkable climatic condition.

The manufacture of children’s Fine McKay Shoes will be carried on in Cogger’s building in the freight yard under the name of Murray and Crole. The business will be small at first but it is expected will develop into a substantial industry.

In this issue is published the financial statement of the Hampton Co-operative Bank. It shows a steady growth since its incorporation six years ago, that is really remarkable and reflects decided credit upon the instituters and managers of the bank.

About thirty were present at the chapel Wednesday evening to perfect an organization of a Teacher-Parent Association. The meeting was presided over by Rev. G. W. Clark, the temporary chairman. The constitution and by-laws drafted by a committee headed by David Hamilton was adopted. Mr. Hamilton was elected the first president of the association but he positively declined to serve and Edith C. Warren was elected president. Other officers were: vice-president, Mrs. Edmund Langley; secretary, Mrs. Nellie White; treasurer, Leroy Hamilton. The election of six committee chairmen, who with the preceding officers make up the executive committee, was postponed until next Tuesday night, which will be the first regular meeting of the association. All parents are urged to be present at this time and extend a helping hand to a movement that will do much for our children in promoting closer working relations between teachers and parents. Twenty-seven signed the constitution last night, there should be one hundred more next week. Radio News

Radio amateurs please notice the official schedule printed in the Delfelco adv. This must be followed and no 8 r m (interference) can be made during long distance A. R. R. F. relays, all such 8 r m will be reported to the radio inspector of this district, and your station will likely be closed for a certain length of time. Interference from a neighboring radio station is being caused lately and spoiling the best part of the long distance phone reception but it is hoped that they will have their set properly tuned and adjusted within a few days. The 500 mile concerts are getting better each week, many “specials” being included in the regular program. These “specials” consist of vocal and instrumental solos by prominent artists of Pittsburg. Friday, October 7, a special program will be given for children, beginning at 7:15 P. M. All those interested are invited to attend this and also regular 9-10 entertainments.

The results of the World Series Base Ball games will be given out by the Pittsburg Station KDKA at 6:05, 7:05 and 6:05 [sic], P. M., every night. Those wanting the scores can obtain them by calling Hampton 177. Do not call before 6:30. Sale of Christmas Seals The New Hampshire Tuberculosis Association has appointed the following officers for Hampton and adjoining towns.

Mrs. C. S. Toppan is to be the chairman for the Christmas Seal Sale in Hampton.

Mrs. Edward Smelte is to be the chairman for the Christmas Seal Sale in North Hampton.

Miss Blanche Boynton is to have charge of the Seal Sale in Little River.

Rev. Charles Parker is to be the chairman for the Christmas Seal Sale at Hampton Falls.

Mrs. Earl Currier is to have charge of the Christmas Seal Sale at South Hampton.

Mrs. Beulah Goodwin is to be the chairman for the Christmas Seal Sale in Seabrook.