Hampton News

Grading of Hampton Centre School Grounds Postponed

Owing to several wet days this week, and consequent delay in finishing the outside of the new school building the plans for community grading of the grounds on Thursday of this week have been changed and the work will be done on Thursday, Nov. 10. A large number have signified their intentions of assisting, and it is hoped that everyone will take a part in one way or another.

The roof of the Odd Fellows building is being re-shingled.

Mr. Alonzo Blake and Mr. Benjamin Blake are among those who have had their homes painted recently.

Mrs. Nellie Collum had the misfortune to sprain her ankle. It is doing well at the present writing.

Mrs. Albert Shaw has so far improved as to be expected home soon.

Miss Fanny J. Towle is ill with pneumonia at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Thomas Dickerson, of Haverhill.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson have just returned from a pleasant auto trip in Maine. Their son Ralph is expected to return home from the Peter Bent Hospital, where he went a number of weeks ago to have a fractured leg treated, next week.

Mrs. Horace M. Lane expects to spend the winter with her brother in Philadelphia and plans to close her home here as early as Nov. 15.

Mrs. Stillman Dyer was a visitor last week with Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Asbury Marston.

Mrs. Everett Nudd and little son Robert are spending a few days with her mother in Merrimac, Mass.

Mrs. Thomas Nudd of Atlantic, Mass., visited Mrs. Benjamin Blake last week and hopes to return to Hampton in the spring to live. Mr. Barton Blake and Mr. Walter Snider were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Blake on Sunday, coming in their touring car and motoring with Mr. and Mrs. Blake to Portsmouth in the afternoon.

The West End Club met at the home of Mrs. Jessie R. Towle and were very pleasantly entertained. Miss Frances E. Towle acted as hostess. The meeting opened by the members singing Juanita and repeating the quotation. The reading of the minutes of last meeting followed. The club is to have a sale and entertainment some time in December. After business matters were attended to a very social hour was enjoyed in which delicious refreshments were served by the hostess.

Next meeting to be held at Mrs. Nathaniel Batchelder’s Thursday, November 3rd.

Alonzo Blake and Benjamin Blake have added their houses to those newly painted in Hampton.

John C. Blake was a recent week end visitor to Salem. Mr. Wallace Blake returned to business on Monday after a week’s vacation in his home in town.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane and two daughters, the Misses Eloise and Leonore, motored to Lewiston on Saturday to see the ball game. Miss Eloise took the train for Boston at Portland on the return trip Sunday so as to be in Warwick early on Monday.

The Congregational Missionary auxiliary will meet this Wednesday with Mesdames, Lane, Philbrook and Glidden as hostesses. The Baptist auxiliary will meet with Mrs. Albert Coffin instead of in the vestry because of repairs being made.

Miss Etta Blake is on the sick list this week and Miss Ella Lamprey has a very severe cold.

The Monday Club will be entertained this next Monday Nov. 7th, by Mrs. Wingate and Mrs. Ross in the home of the latter.

Mrs. Hazel Smith gave a Halloween Party for her sister, Alzena, in their uncle Amos Leavitt’s bungalow, Saturday evening, and it was a pretty affair.

The H.T.G. Club was entertained by Mrs. W. T. Ross on Thursday. Refreshments were served and favors awarded to Mrs. Belle Dearborn, Mrs. Maude Nudd and Mrs. Ethel Redman. The next party will be entertained on Thursday, Nov. 10th by Mrs. Ruth Palmer.

The reception to Rev. Fred Buker and family Friday evening was a very pleasant affair and largely attended. The party was entirely musical and very good. The ladies’ quartette and a male quartette sang. Miss Elliot sang two solos and Master Hollis Johnson played. They were both excellent. Addresses were made by the pastors and a fine luncheon served. In the receiving line with Mr. Buker and family were the other ministers and wives. A gift was presented Mrs. Buker from the Mother’s Circle.

Professor Teague has obtained use of the Academy building for the Parent-Teacher Association meetings and the next meeting, November 8th, will be held there.

The town of Hampton has completed a cement sidewalk from the corner of the Beach road and Academy avenue to the end of the town’s property on the latter highway. Work as commenced on the continuation of the walk from Ring’s village to the post office under the supervision of P.J. Buckley for Cashman Brothers, Newburyport, Mass.

Mrs. Charles R. Sargent has closed her summer home here and returned to Boston.

On Sunday last Mr. and Mrs. Elliot together with Robert and Alice Elliott and Harold Noyes, motored to Everett and Hyde Park, Mass, to visit their relatives there and to see Mr. Elliott’s sister and two daughters from New York, who had come to Massachusetts on an auto trip. A family re-union was held at Mrs. George MacLaine’s in Hyde Park, and it being the birthday of Miss Gertrude MacLaine, a birthday cake greeted the guests at dinner adding to the enjoyment of the occasion.

Among the many Halloween parties recently given in Hampton was one on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank [illeg.] when their daughter, Alice, entertained her teacher, Mr. Donald of the Junior High School, and friend to the number of twenty-eight. As the guests approached the house they were startled to behold a ghostly figure emerge from the shadow of a tree, greet them in sepulchral tones and command them to follow it. They were then led through dark, devious and winding ways to an upper room, when the ghostly figure departed and three maidens in Hallowe’en costume escorted them below, The house was most prettily decorated with crepe paper and evergreen, and Jack o’ lanterns were everywhere in evidence. The evening passed very quickly with all games suitable to the occasion interspersed with music from the Victrola and piano selections rendered by some of the young ladies. A special feature of the evening was the advent of “Old Black Joe” who added much to the merriment of the young people. Little Doris and Norman Remick contributed their share to the entertainment by singing “Bring Back My Daddy to Me,” which was heartily applauded.

When the fun had somewhat subsided the guests were invited into the dining room where delicious refreshments were served, and dainty favors were found at every place. As the guests gradually took their departure, all assured Miss Alice that they had spent a delightful evening which would long be remembered.

Rev. Fred M. Buker, for five and a half years pastor of the Baptist church, closed his labors here with a strong sermon on Sunday night from the text “I determined to know nothing among you save Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” His theme was “The All-sufficient Christ, the Man of Authority.” The attendance was large and many personal testimonies followed the message. Several referred with feeling to their personal obligation to the retiring pastor because of the deepening of their own spiritual experiences through his faithful ministry. At the close by invitation of the pastor, a circle was formed reaching shoulder to shoulder around the whole church while with clasped hands the pastor and congregations of the three churches united in singing Blest be the tie that binds. Pastor A.B. Thompson of the Advent church offered opening prayer and R.E. Thompson of M.E. church prayed just before the benediction which was tenderly pronounced by Pastor Buker. We cannot help regret that this man of God should be called to leave our community. The very best wishes and earnest prayers of a host of friends will speed him on his new field in the South.

This community will be out in force Tuesday night, if we can at all realize the double privilege afforded. Our newly organized Parent-Teacher Association has an alert and wise Program Committee. But even alertness and wisdom is not always linked with such good fortune as has attended this Committee. The speaker for Tuesday night at the Academy is the Honorable Albertus T. Dudley of Exeter. This distinguish educator has long honored his post on the Exeter Board of Education, was for years sub-master of the Noble and Greenough private school in Boston, has been on the faculty of Phillips Academy at Exeter [illeg.] of the Committee on Education in the last session of the N.H. Legislature. His message will deserve a capacity house. Do not fail to come. You haven’t joined yet? Well, that’s a pity, to be sure. Come right in and join. But whether you join at once or not, do not fail to hear Mr. Dudley. But the privilege is to be really double. A social period will follow the address and citizens all may get better acquainted with each other and with the educational specialists who compose our teaching force. Do come, whether you are teacher, parent or just a citizen of Hampton with a real interest in largest community development. Come.

Formal opening of the Young Men’s Community Club was held at the Club-room Monday night. Over twenty fellows were present and five of the board of directors. A constitution was adopted, twenty enrollment cards signed, and the following officers were elected: President W. Shirley Ware; Vice-president, Walter R. Clark; Secretary, Francis W. Donnell; Treasurer, Sherman W. Tarleton. The room provided Reading and Game privilege from seven to ten every week night. Dues are not a burden. The minimum age limit is fixed at fifteen. Friends of such an effort to serve our older boys and young men are invited to visit the room. The club will do its full measure towards self-support but donation of books, magazines, wood games, and money are solicited. Secretary Percy E. Jewell of the County Y.M.C.A addressed the meeting Monday night. The chairman of the board of directors, Rev. Roger E. Thompson, led the group in the consideration of a model constitution, surrending the chair to President Ware upon the announcement of the ballot electing him. Arrangements are being made for a varied social literary, religious and athletic program. At half past nine a committee of others served sandwiches and cakes and cocoa.