Hampton News

The H. T. G. Club will be entertained by Mrs. Ella Moore on Friday, Jan. 28th.

Mrs. Ellen J. Blake will close her home next week and board with Rev. and Mrs. G. Clark for the remainder of the winter.

Mr. Winfield Hobbs of Boston came to Hampton on Tuesday so as to be present with his father, Mr. Harrison Hobbs, for a while on Mr. Hobbs’ birthday, January 19th.

A public Whist Party will be given in the I. O. O. F. Hall by Rebekah Lodge on Tuesday evening, January 25. Whist from 8 to 10. Admission 25c including refreshments.

The Whist Club was entertained by Mrs. Wallace Day at her home in Exeter on Friday. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Thomas Moore on January 28.

William Gilpatrick has been absent from home for the past two weeks at work in Fall River on a cement job there. He returned home Saturday night. Mrs. Hattie S. Culter, aged 67, widow of John G. Culter, died yesterday at Miami, Fla., of double pneumonia. She recently went to Florida for the winter, on the way contracting a severe cold. After a short stay at Daytona, she went to Miami, hoping to find relief by going further South.

By long service as mistress, and latterly as proprietress of the Sea View, an all-year hotel at Hampton Beach, Mrs. Culter was widely known and her friends many.

The remains were brought to Exeter on Tuesday, on Wednesday to her home at the beach. After a prayer was made they were brought to the Congregational Church and an impressive funeral service was carried out under the leadership of Rev. George P. Rowell of Providence, a friend of the deceased, assisted by Rev. George W. Clark. Three pieces of music were sung by Mrs. Coffin, Mrs. Lane and Miss Chase. The flowers were beautiful. The ushers were Mr. Warren Hobbs, Thomas Brown, Frank Coffin, and Randal Young. The remains were taken to Forrest Hills for cremation.

Mrs. Charles Ross and Mrs. Edna Nudd are spending the winter with their niece, Mrs. Marion Dearborn.

The Baptist Brotherhood held a very successful meeting Wednesday evening with about fifty present. A fine entertainment was given and refreshments served. This first meeting of the brotherhood being such a success, others will be held.

The installation of officers of the W. R. Corps will be held on Wednesday with a dinner at noon, to which the husbands are invited. The members of Perkins post are always honored guests at these installations.

Kenneth Ross has purchased several acres of woodland from George Dearborn.

Mr. Warren Clark has entertained his fiance several weekends of late.

Nelson Norton has purchased a new cow.

The Whatsoever Circle will meet with Marion Noyes, Saturday afternoon, at 3 o’clock.

Mr. A. C. Hanson has gone to California to spend the remainder of the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Frank Kenniston. Mrs. Kenneth Ross accompanied him as far as Boston and is now spending a week with her sister there.

Earline, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rex C. Perkins, formerly of Hampton, who has been seriously ill for the past nine weeks, at the home of Mrs. Perkins’ parents in Exeter, is slowly recovering.

The Gentleman’s Night of the Monday Club held in the Congregational Chapel this week was a great success. The dining room was prettily decorated and the tables were set in the form of an “L”. The place cards were very novel with a toast for each one engraved thereon. The menu was: grapefruit, Waldorf salad, roast chicken, mashed potato, jellies, pickles, pineapple sherbet, cake, coffee and tea. A very pleasing farce, music and speeches by several gentlemen and a pleasing musical monologue by Mrs. Arthur Young, were given after the banquet and a social hour enjoyed later.

The “Jolly Five” met with Miss Jessie Moulton Thursday evening last. Plans were made to observe Gentlemen’s Night Feb. 14 in the home of Mrs. Ransom Carlton of Rye. A good time was enjoyed.

It was hoped that the appeal for contributions for the European Fund for starving children would be responded to in a way to fill Hampton’s quota. This has not yet been done. It is hoped that all organizations in town will contribute. The W. R. C. has given $10. Mr. Spaulding writes that Hampton has gone over the top in all former drives and hopes it will in this occasion. Please give your contribution to Miss Craig at Cole’s, Miss Akerman at Lane’s, Mrs. Howard G. Lane or Mrs. L. A. Marston, chairman.

Mrs. E. D. Berry has been very ill this week and Mrs. Addie B. Brown has come from Kensington to care for her. At present writing she is much better.

Mrs. Arthur Young, Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Ross were guests of Mrs. Charles Dodge on Friday when she entertained the Woman’s Club of Hampton Falls in her beautiful home. It was a delightful occasion, artists being present from Malden and Exeter. Miss Chase and Mrs. Wadleigh of Hampton Falls also favored the club and its guests. Dainty refreshments were served and all pronounced it a great success.