Hampton News

Mrs. Helen A. Watson is entertaining her sister Mrs. Alice Choate of Beverly this week.

Miss Laura Norris is in poor health, not being able to ride in the auto which she has much enjoyed.

Miss Martha Chipman and Miss Adeline Marston spent a pleasant day with their cousin, Mrs. Henry Tilton of Portsmouth on Wednesday.

Two interesting reports of delegates to the Religious Educational School at Durham recently were made at the Sunday School of the Congregational Church last Sunday by Miss Thelma Shaw and Miss Helen Gilpatrick.

The date for the lawn party given by the ladies of the Congregational Church has been set for August 8. Full particulars next week.

The next meeting of the Woman’s Missionary Society of the Congregational Church will be held on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the cottage of Mrs. John Nutter, Plaice Cove, North Beach. A picnic lunch will be served.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jefferson and family of Cliftondale, Mass., spent the weekend at the home of William Gilpatrick. Miss Elsie Jefferson is spending the week with Helen Gilpatrick.

Irving Brown’s men have been at work the past week rebuilding the chimney on the town hall above the roof. The roof of the porch is also being reshingled.

Tuesday, the 18th, the West End Club held a picnic in Yeaton’s grove, on which occasion they presented Mrs. Helen Yeaton with a cut glass water set, it being her birthday. It was also the birthday of Master Roger James and he was the recipient of many presents from his friends. Refreshments of sandwiches, ice cream, cake and punch were served and a pleasant time was enjoyed by all.

Monday, the 24th, the members of the West End Club spent a very pleasant evening with Mrs. Nathaniel Batchelder at which time they presented her with a cut glass bowl in honor of her birthday. They also presented Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Toppan, who officiated as judges in a contest recently held by the West End Club, with reed serving trays, which were made by Mrs. Helen Yeaton.

If in trouble of any kind R. E. Tolman comes as a help in time of need. A valuable dog, a bird hound, was struck by a train on the railroad and thrown over in O. H. Marston’s field. Mr. Tolman was called to put the dog out of misery. He found a collar on the dog, with name of J. W. Dutton of Portsmouth. He was notified and came out at once and decided to take the dog to a veterinary. He bought the dog last January and went hunting back of the car barn, lost the dog and never found him. Query, who has had the dog since last January?

The new Centre School is in need of a piano for the auditorium. The Women’s Clubs of the town have taken the matter up and are working in unison to raise the money for the first installment so that the piano may be ready for use when school opens in September. But the piano is not for the pupils alone, but is necessary for community events which will be held in the auditorium frequently, and because the piano will be of benefit to all of us the community is to be asked to assist in the plans which have been made for a big community food sale to be held on Toppan’s lawn on the afternoon of Friday, August 4, unless stormy, when it will be held the next day. To make the affair a success everybody will be asked to give what they can in food of any kind, money or anything that will help raise funds. Solicitors will call.

Joseph Nudd, son of the late Lewis Nudd of the Boar’s Head section, Hampton Beach, died Sunday morning at 4 o’clock, after an illness of over two years. His father, a fine man, was the last of the Nudd line to operate the old Eagle house, which was built in 1830, as a hotel, the property going to a daughter, Belle Nudd, who now conducts it as a boarding house.

Joseph Nudd leaves a widow and five children, Everett, Ethel, wife of the late Officer Ray Haseltine, Marion, Madeline and Philip. For many years Mr. Nudd did a large lobster business.

The funeral was on Tuesday, R. E. Tolman officiating as undertaker.

A very profitable meeting of the W. C. T. U. was entertained by Mrs. Katherine James on Friday. The president Mrs. H. G. Lane had a carefully prepared program which was carried out in detail. Two new members were added. Delicious refreshments of raspberry ice cream, various kinds of cakes and coffee were served. The next meeting will be the annual outing held in the Wheaton Cottage at Plaice Cove.

Hampton Beach:

An accident that might have been serious Monday afternoon brought out the fact that the Board of Trade lifeboat is awaiting caulking and repairs, and cannot be used in case of need. Three young men who were stopping on the beach, went into the water further than they realized. The wind had whipped up sizeable rollers and when the trio turned around they were unable to make the shore without difficulty. Two of them, by desperate swimming, finally reached land in an exhausted condition. The third was unable to make progress and was floating on the waves.

Assistance was asked from Captain J. B. Myers of the Coast Guard, who made the run in record time, and also from the seaplane in the river. The young man’s brother, however, fearing the floating man might drift out to sea, went in and secured him before aid came. All four men refused to give their names.

What might have been a serious tragedy destroying what pleasure of two young ladies that was not later destroyed by the shower, was averted by the prompt action of Motorman Fred Noone of the Massachusetts Northeastern Street Railway. The car for Salisbury beach had proceeded from the Casino not quite as far as Dover avenue when the attention of the passengers and the operating crew was arrested by the sight of two young ladies in knickerbockers playing pass with a ball.

One of the young ladies, who wore a “keen” looking sweater, threw to the other maiden who failed to catch the ball and, speeding toward the tracks, the ball seemed doomed to destruction beneath the wheels of the rapidly approaching car.

Motorman Noone, seeing the anguish plainly written upon the fair faces, with quick and dexterous manipulation of his controls, brought the car to a gentle stop and, descending from his post, rescued the ball from its perilous position and tossed it to the hands which it had left but a moment before. Then he resumed his station and in response to the conductor’s two bells the car sped on and the maidens resumed their game.