Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goodwin have been in town visiting relatives.

Mrs. Mary Chipman of Somerville, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. J. W. York of Kensington, is in town this week visiting friends and relatives.

Mrs. Josephine Coffee has been in Boston visiting for the last five days.

Mrs. Marietta Twitchell is a guest of Mrs. Anna B. Shelton.

Mrs. Mary Brown is home from Exeter hospital but not doing as well as was hoped for.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nudd returned recently to their home at the beach.

They have made their home with their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Sanborn, in Weymouth, for many years.

Don’t forget the picnic outing of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union at North Beach this Friday.

On Friday afternoon, September 1st, at 3 o’clock the Past Noble Grand Club of Winnicummett Rebekah Lodge, will hold a food and candy sale on Mrs. Belle Dearborn’s lawn opposite the Post Office.

Rev. Augustus B. Thompson has been taking a vacation for the last two weeks, visiting his children in Maine.

Quite a number of the Advent people are at camp meeting at Alton Bay. Hartley Kierstead and family, D. Asbury Marston, Mrs. Nellie Akerman, were among those who went up over Sunday.

As there was no notice given of the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union picnic the Methodist ladies went on Friday last; as they found no one there, they went to the cottage of Frank Brown of Newburyport where were staying the daughters of the late Dr. Spaulding. The ladies reported a very delightful visit.

Mrs. Martha P. Locke is in town with one of her daughters.

The Congregational Missionary Auxiliary will be postponed one week on account of Carnival week and be held September 14th at Mrs. Bennett’s.

Miss Allison Philbrick is enjoying a month’s vacation at the home of her parents. Allison is a dietician in a Connecticut hospital.

The republican candidate for the governorship, Hon. Windsor H. Goodnow, will speak from the bandstand next Saturday evening at 8 o’clock. He will stay at the Sea View House over the weekend.

Mrs. Dennison, sister of Mrs. Sumner Fall, returned to her home on beautiful Mt. Royal in Montreal, Canada. Her husband came down to accompany her home.

Rev. Jonathan Lewis, a prominent citizen of the state will address a mass meeting on Sunday evening, September 3rd. His subject will be founded on the prohibition question.

Quite a number of the townspeople are at the camp meeting at Hedding this week.

A truck will go to Hedding on this Sunday morning. Call 59-4 or see Mrs. Elliot for reservations, as there is a limited space in the truck.

Mrs. J. W. C. Ibbotson of Plaistow, candidate for senator from the 23rd district, was in town Wednesday. He reports prospects very bright in his favor, though somewhat later in starting the campaign, he is making a vigorous one with good prospects of success.

The frame for Harold Noyes’ house on Highland Avenue is being raised this week.

Hervey F. Mallory, a member of the faculty of Chicago University, and former classmate of the editor of this paper [Charles F. Adams], paid a brief visit to the latter on Thursday. He was with his family on their way home from a motor trip from Chicago to Maine.

Miss C. J. Powers is building a bungalow home on the southerly section of the estate at the corner of High street which she reserved for this purpose when she sold her property recently.

The Mace house, or so called “haunted house”, of Whittier fame is being moved to a new location to the southwest. This historic house is to be retained by its new owner in its original form, with the huge chimney being moved with the building. The Lafayette road will be much safer at this point by the removal of this house.

(1) [There are two editions of the newspaper with a date of August 17, 1922. One if them is the regular general news issue that is indexed above. The second is headed Bi-Annual Political Number. No items are entered in this index from this second issue.]