Hampton News

Thomas Cogger has purchased of Sarah M. Batchelder, all the lots facing on the Beach road in the recently surveyed tract reaching from High Street to the Beach road.

Otis H. Marston is confined to the house with a severe attack of rheumatism.

Capt. S. Bailey of Malden, Mass., a summer resident of Hampton, has purchased a new Ford sedan from Hampton Center Garage, to be delivered on April 19th.

Warren Moulton of North Hampton has purchased his third car from the Brooks Motor Sales of Portsmouth and will appear out shortly with a new Ford roadster.

John Donald was the guest of William J. Brooks at the Warwick Club, Portsmouth on Tuesday evening.

Arrangements are now being made for an entertainment some time in May for the benefit of the Red Cross. One of the features will be a drama entitled “Sunshine” by the Invincible Club of Lynn. Further particulars next week.

R. E Tolman has the Batchelder place on High Street and will move his family there about May 1st.

Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge No. 26 I. O. O. F. is invited to attend a special service of worship and memorial at the First Congregational Church, Hampton, N. H. on Sunday, April 23, 1922, at 10:30 a.m. Let every officer and member be present if possible.

Miss Jordan’s ball team of the East End School won a decisive victory against North Hampton Grammar School last Friday. The score was 20 to 13. Edmund Langley slammed a home run while Winslow White and Roger Moore knocked three baggers. Clarence Shaw made a spectacular one hand catch in the outfield. The team has games scheduled with Hampton Center School, Exeter 5th and 6th, and will possibly play Greenland if they are successful in other games. People who have seen this team play are expecting to hear of great victories this season. Watch for the results of the following games.

Work will begin next week on the new building which Thomas Cogger is to erect on Lafayette road between the drug store and the market.

Sam Brown has the contract to put in the cellar and foundation for the house which F.S. Mason will make of the barn recently moved to a lot on High Street opposite the Shoe shop.

Dean Merrill will build a house on Academy avenue in the early summer.

Sam Brown will erect a home for himself on Highland ave. in the near future.

Miss Craig, the efficient bookkeeper at E. G. Cole’s, spent the week end with friends at Natick, Mass. Also a short trip to other places.

The many friends of Mrs. James Hutchins are very glad to welcome her back to her home after a long absence of nearly five months. She has finally recovered from her serious illness.

The Auction Sale of the real and personal property of the late Ira Atkinson was quite largely attended last Saturday. Warren J. Prescott of Hampton Falls was the auctioneer. The personal property was sold first, most of the articles bringing a good price. The real estate, which consisted of a small cottage house and shed and 1/8 acre of land, was bid on by several parties and was sold to Andrew Roberts for $510.

Are you in on the struggle for gold? Did you know that a $2.50 gold piece will be given away to anyone (whether patron or not) selling the most tickets for the screaming, hilarious, up-to-the-minute comedy-drama, “No Trespassing,” that will make every mother’s son sit up and take notice, in the Town Hall, Wednesday evening, April 26th? Have you made that date with your “one and only” for the greatest event of the season, this rollicking, frolicking drama, fairly bubbling over with mirth and merriment? If you miss this, you have missed all! And, say, “Berkmeier’s Melody Orchestra” will furnish music during the drama and for the dance to follow. Home made candy will tickle your palate and ice cream cool the inner man. There’ll be a great time in the old Town Hall , April 26th, and you can just bet we’ll all be there.

The West End Club was entertained very pleasantly Tuesday evening, April 4th, by Mrs. Nathaniel Batchelder and at her request the club presented the burlesque musical entertainment, “The Sweet Family.” Some of the costumes were very ancient and queer and the girls did well and the audience laughed heartily. There were 32 present. The evening passed very quickly by playing games, singing etc. Mrs. Helen Yeaton presided at the piano. Refreshments were served of delicious sandwiches, cake and coffee. The guests departed at a late hour thanking their hostess for such a pleasant evening.

The Seaside District Sunday School Convention will meet in the Congregational church, Hampton, on Tuesday, May 9. Dinner served by Ladies’ Aid. Programs will be ready by another week.

Mrs. Addie B. Brown is staying with her sister, Mrs. O. H. Marston.

The West End Club was entertained very pleasantly by Mrs. Willard Delano Thursday April 6th. The meeting opened by the members singing America the Beautiful followed by the quotation, reading the minutes of last meeting and other business. The program for the afternoon was as follows: Selection on the Victrola, readings by all the members. The meeting closed by all enjoying a social hour. Delicious refreshments were served consisting of sandwiches, cake and coffee. The next meeting to be held with Mrs. Jessie R. Towle, April 13th.

Friends of Mrs. Nellie Coffin Rich were shocked to hear of her sudden death in Amesbury on Tuesday at her home. Mrs. Rich was the daughter of Aiken L. and Julia Brown Coffin, both natives of Hampton. She was born Nov. 15, 1865. She had one child, Dorothy, who married Philip, son of J. Parker Blake. They lived with Mr. and Mrs. Rich in Amesbury. Mr. Rich was a devoted husband and much sympathy is felt for him and his children.

Neil Tolman has returned to Dartmouth College, after a two weeks’ vacation.

Frank, the little son of Mrs. Nellie Newton, met with a painful accident at school last week. When throwing in wood in the woodshed another boy accidently hit him on the head.

At the union services last Sunday evening at the Advent church the people completely filled the church. The union services have been well attended all winter. A great attraction has been the singing by the men’s quartette.

Parent-Teacher Association:

The Parent-Teacher Association in the Centre School building Monday evening was well attended. It was planned to have the meeting in the auditorium but as the use of blackboards for the reading demonstration was necessary the meeting was adjourned to one of the rooms on the second floor. After the reading of the minutes by the Secretary, Mrs. White, action was taken on the change in the constitution which makes the election of officers come in May. The change was voted, and later on the president named a committee of three to nominate officers to be elected at the next meeting. This committee is Mrs. Harry I. Noyes, Warren Hobbs and Mrs. Edgar Howe. A letter from Mrs. Simmers of Durham was read, which urged that the local association affiliate with the State and National associations. The letter was laid upon the table without any definite action.

The entertainment for the evening was furnished by demonstration of the method of teaching reading; in the first grade by Miss Cutts; second grade by Miss Brown, and the third grade by Miss Anna Chase with four of her pupils from the North School. This demonstration work was most interesting and was greatly enjoyed, especially the first grade work, where Miss Cutts showed how the minds of the little pupils are first interested by stories and then led on to learn the phonetic character of the letters long before they know the alphabetic nomenclature.

Miss Brown demonstrated another step in the interpretation of the text which the pupils are learning to read.

Miss Chase’s four pupils demonstrated the remarkable expressiveness which the pupils of this grade are showing under the modern system in our Hampton Schools.

The absence of Rev. Mr. Thompson, who was one of the charter members of the association, and who has done so much to make a success of the association, was keenly noticed. It is with much regret that the association parts with his services as he goes to his new field of work.

Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Glidden have returned home after spending a very pleasant vacation in California.

Adjourned Town Meeting

Above 100 voters attended the adjourned town meeting in the Town Hall Tuesday evening. Moderator Byron E. Redman called the meeting to order and stated briefly that under Article 12 of the annual meeting a committee on fire apparatus for the beach was appointed to report at an adjournment at this time, and then called on George Ashworth. The report submitted showed that several companies had been visited and prices obtained for combination apparatus, along the lines of ideas outlined at the March meeting. Prices range from $11,000 to $12,500. It was voted to accept this report.

L. C. Ring then moved that the town purchase a triple combination of pump, chemical and hose, the cost not to exceed $12,000, the money for which should be raised in four installments — $3,000 this year and three notes for $3,000 each payable one each year dated on the day of delivery of the apparatus. It was voted that the vote on this motion be by ballot and check list. The vote was as follows: whole numbers cast, 100; yes 48, no 52.

Building at Hampton

The Portsmouth correspondent of the Manchester Union in Monday’s issue says:

“There is very little new building going on in Portsmouth at the present time and about every carpenter is employed on work at Hampton Beach, where many new cottages are going up and new buildings being erected to take the place of those burned in the fire of last year. There has been a large addition built on the Casino and much new work is being done at the Big Boar’s Head section.”

Nor is new construction confined to the Beach. In the village, besides a business block there will be at least five houses erected this spring and summer and others may follow in the near future.

Radio Notes:

As the season for thunder storms approaches the radio amateur begins to wonder how he can properly safeguard his outfit against lightning. There are several very good ways of accomplishing this. First is buying a large 600 v 100 a lightning switch which is the best means for switching one’s set. But this is quite an extra expense for the beginner. Another way is by purchasing one of the new vacuum lightning arresters. These are inexpensive and one does not have to throw away any switches in order to protect the set. The Underwriters call for a no 4 wire for the lightning ground. This ground wire should connect to a pipe driven into moist earth not less than eight feet below the surface. The next method of protection is by disconnecting the aerial lead-in wire and putting it into the ground. This last method is cumbersome and not advised. Wireless aerials are a protection from lightning when properly grounded. Be sure you notify your insurance company that you have erected a wireless aerial on your premises.

Copies of “Radio Broadcasting News” can be secured gratis by writing to the Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa. This publication is sent out every week giving the programs of KDKA and WSZ.

Tom Thumb Wedding:

Under the auspices of The Mother’s Circle Mrs. Jessie Toppan, President, and her efficient committee, Mrs. Jasper Myers, Mrs. E. J. Brown, Mrs. Elliot and others were fortunate in securing the services of Miss Gibson of Wisconsin, Ill., director of Tom Thumb Weddings, who travels from Maine to Florida and staged this very pleasing affair with two rehearsals, last week Wednesday.

The presentation of the wedding revealed to us all the fact that we have in town a wonderful lot of smart children that the town should be proud of. Looking on the faces of those 44 children, from 4 to 10 years old, beauty and intelligence beamed forth. Each and every one acted perfectly at home. The committee in charge are to be congratulated on the success of the evening’s entertainment. The little ones were exquisitely dressed in accordance to their parts. The bride, a dainty little girl, all in white with veil and train; the bridegroom and best man perfect little men in evening clothes; the maid of honor, a beautiful doll; the brides maids, flirty and dignified; the ring bearer, a sweet baby girl in blue. The ushers were handsome, never once forgetting their duties.

They were all beautiful children and space will not permit a full description. Following the reception the children sang. Joseph Raymond, “Silver Threads Among the Gold;” Caroline Philbrook, “I Cannot Sing the Old Songs;” Norman Walker, “When You and I Were Young;” Wilma Toppan, “When You Look in the Heart of a Rose;” Edith Raymond, “O Promise Me;” Elsie Paulson, “I Love You Truly;” Lloyd Ring and Doris Spackman, “Loveland,” with chorus.

Those who took part in the wedding were: Bride, Virginia Dennet; Bridegroom, Philip M. Toppan; Maid of Honor, Eleanor Palmer; Ring Bearer, Elizabeth Mary Toppan; Brides Maids, Vrylena Olney, Margaret Noyes; Ushers, Howard Hobbs, Wayne Higgins; Best Man, Robert Nudd; Train Bearer, Ruth Kierstead; Minister, Arthur Hamilton; Minister’s wife, Doris Remick; Father of bride, Carl Bragg; Mother of bride, Ruth Ball; Father of groom, Herman Remick; Mother of groom, Frances Marelli; Grandfather Thumb, Joseph Raymond; Grandmother Thumb, Caroline Philbrook; Grandfather Midget, Norman Walker; Grandmother Midget, Berl Walker; Uncle of Bride, William White; Rejected Suitor, George Clark; Political Friends, Leroy Hamilton, Leon Mace; Bachelor Friends, Eugene Moriatty, Leston Perkins; Three Old Maids, Pauline Raymond, Thelma Page, Ruth Perkins; Three Cousins, Wilma Toppan, Edith Raymond, Elsie Paulson; Loveland Couple, Lloyd Ring, Doris Spackman; Invited Guests, Stella Shaw, Donald Ring, Donna Brown, Richard Raymond, Constance Adams, Eva Carlson, Rita Brown, Edgar Locke, Leonard Blake, Verna Higgins.

Refreshments of ice cream were served the children by older girls, after which a social dance was enjoyed by all.

The ice cream table was in charge of Mrs. Maud Nudd; the candy table, Mrs. Ireland and Mrs. Elliot.

Mrs. Myers and Miss Brown had charge of the children singing.

The writer thinks it would be worth while to have another Tom Thumb Wedding before 25 years come and go and sends in at this time an account of the Wedding 25 years ago.

Hampton’s Tom Thumb Wedding 25 years ago as it was written up at the time.

The Tom Thumb Wedding which occurred in the Memorial Chapel on Friday evening under the auspices of the women of the Congregational Church, was an entire success, and attracted a good audience in spite of the rainy weather.

Mrs. William Ross, Mrs. Ernest Cole and Mrs. Fred Blake deserve great credit for their efforts.

The piano solos by Miss Lena Dube of South Berwick, and songs by Miss Sadie Young of this town were excellent, and added much to the attraction of the program.

The chief interest, however, was directed to the wedding pageant, which included a large number of the town’s cutest little folks, who went through their parts with an aplomb and nonchalance which would have done credit to a wedding party of mature years.

The entire affair was conducted in pantomime, Miss Dube playing the wedding march and presiding at the piano during the entire ceremony.

Ice cream and cake were served in the dining room at the conclusion of the program, a separate table being provided for the bridal party.

Souvenir chocolate cups were also in view and found a ready sale.

The wedding party included the following: Groom, Forrest Mason; Bride, Mary Coffin; Best Man, Winslow Blanchard; Maid of Honor, Pauline Brown; Ushers, Randle Young, Prescott Eaton, Clarence Blake, Clinton Berry; Bridesmaids, Gladys Young, Augusta Blake, Lucy Hobbs, Edith Coffin; Flower Girls, Gladys Worthen, Muriel Mason; Parents of Groom, Gratia Godfrey, Edwin Thompson; Parents of Bride, Carrie Blake, Wolcott Coffin; Rector, Everett Shaw; and a large number of little guests.