Hampton News

Election of officers at the Rebekah Lodge on Tuesday evening. Plans are being made for a public installation thru the courtesy of District Deputy John Brooks of Odd Fellows Lodge and District Deputy Laura Cannon of Rebekah Lodge in the near future.

Mrs. William Ross returned from a month’s visit to New York State, with relatives and friends, on Saturday afternoon.

A compliment to Miss Etta Murray a young student of note, going from Hampton to Salem Commercial School and graduating with high honors from there, has been offered in the form of a fine position at Daniel Lowe’s, Salem, Mass. She accepted the same.

In the Sunday Boston Globe was a good picture of Hampton’s oldest man, 92 years of age, Mr. Aaron Palmer, who lives on the Beach Road at Young’s turnout, and a sketch of his life, very interesting.

Mr. and Mrs. William Webster of Haverhill, Mass., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Cash over the weekend.

Rev. George Clark and Mrs. Clark are spending few days in Boston and vicinity.

Mr. Newell Brown and Parker Small, who left town two weeks ago, are camping at Lake Mary, Fla.

The missionary meeting of the Baptist Church met with Miss Annie Johnson on Tuesday afternoon.

The Methodist Ladies’ Aid met on Wednesday afternoon with a good number present, after which a supper was served.

The Community Christmas Tree committee is having many busy days at this time making out lists and taking many trips shopping. Children and grown-up folks are looking forward to a repetition of last Christmas’ beautiful community tree and good cheer.

Word comes from St. Petersburg, Florida, that the temperature averages 85 degrees and they would like a breath of good New England air. Well, our climate isn’t so bad so far this winter.

Mrs. Carolyn Shea spent the weekend with relatives in Boston.

Mr. and Mrs. James Hutchins were in Lynn on Thursday and the weekend.

Open season for deer hunting is on and among those who left town on Thursday for Nottingham, N. H., were Uri Lamprey and Myron Norton, and from the Beach Joseph Dudley, Dr. Hewitt, Robert Ring, Walter Goss and many others.

On Tuesday morning the many friends of Mr. Charles Kelley were made sad by the word that he had passed to his reward after a very short illness of a week, with pneumonia, accompanied by pleurisy. Mr. Kelley has filled the position of station agent for two years and in that time has made a great many friends. He was 33 years of age and a fine specimen of manhood, endeavoring always to do what was right and was beloved by everyone. He leaves a wife and two children to mourn his loss and they have the sympathy of the whole town. The funeral services were held in the Congregational Chapel this morning.

Miss Laura A. Norris is confined to her bed for a good part of the time


Mrs. W. H. Norris spent the day here recently.

Mrs. Ellen Blake is staying with Mrs. Flora Lane for the winter.

Mrs. Gertrude Johnson Young spent Thanksgiving with her family in Exeter and the weekend in Haverhill, Mass., with her brother’s family.

Remember the Fair to be held in the Town Hall, Hampton, on Wednesday evening, December 20th, under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational Church. All kinds of fancy articles for Christmas; five and ten cents store, everything to please the children; domestic articles, a fine lot of aprons, new style and materials. The attractive Japs will be there with articles from Japan for sale; all kind of candy to be had with pretty young ladies in attendance. Ice cream will be in plenty of flavors. Supper in church dining room; entertainment in upper hall in evening.

When we heard of the breaking in at the store of Merrill Brothers at Hampton Falls and reading of breakings and entering through the southern part of New Hampshire this fall, we wonder if the advertising of our Federal and Town officers is not helping the Town in more ways than one. They are particularly interested in where officers are stationed along the highways where our stores and other business houses are. People not authorized to enter make a wide detour of the place.

Mrs. Leonora B. Wing has gone to Boston of the winter.

Frank Leavitt’s two baby grandsons are sick with chickenpox, having come with their parents to spend Thanksgiving.

Mr. and Mrs. S. Albert Shaw announce the engagement of their daughter, Thelma May, to Mr. Edgar C. Savage of Milton, Mass.

The Whatsoever Circle will meet with Miss Jeanie Cash, Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woods are spending the winter in Lynn, Mr. Woods having a position there.

The missionary meeting of the Congregational Church held on Wednesday at the Webster chapel with Mrs. Anna Ross and Mrs. Alice Thompson as hostesses. Mrs. Clark, President, opened the meeting; Mrs. Cole read the devotions. Mrs. Coombs sang very sweetly two lovely hymns, Harold Clark accompanying her on the piano. Mrs. Alfie Godfrey had charge of lessons. New officers were elected for the year 1923: President, Miss Annie Akerman; Vice-President, Mrs. Jessie Shaw; Secretary, Miss Carolyn Cole; Treasurer, Mrs. Anna Ross; for the missionary meetings. Officers for Ladies’ Aid were: President, Mrs. Emma Young; Vice President, Mrs. Carolyn Cole; Secretary, Mrs. Anna Palmer; Treasurer, Mrs. Gertrude Young. Whatsoever Circle: President, Miss Evelyn Shaw; the other officers will be chosen at their meeting on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. William Cash.

Miss Beatrice Church is a guest of Miss Ernestine Cole this week.

Mr. Elbridge Kelley of Peabody Mass., was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Young over Sunday.

Miss Mary Chase is taking the place of Miss Grace Williams at the Post Office while she is on vacation.

The W. R. C. will meet on Wednesday, 13th. It is election of officers so a good number should be present.

The New Hampshire Tuberculosis Foundation has opened its annual campaign to raise funds with which to carry on its work. This good work is financed through the sale of Christmas Seals and contributions. Each town has its quota to raise and Hampton’s quota is $127.50. Are we going over the top?-well, that depends on whether everyone is willing to do his or her share. Watch the campaign clock in E. G. Cole’s Periodical window to see how the people are responding to the call. Let us all work together and do our share. Prompt replies to the letters will be greatly appreciated.

Otis H. Marston’s family entertained his cousin, J. Edward Marston and family of Beverly, Mass. Misses Grace and Mary, Roy and Miss Sturtevant with Adeline Marston and Mrs. Wing enjoyed a long auto ride in the afternoon. Word was received this week of the death of Mrs. W. Walcott Fay, formerly pastor of the Congregational Church in Hampton. As a young widow Sally Rawson Cox was married in church here by the Rev. Solomon P. Fay, another old pastor. Mrs. Fay died in Cambridge. Mr. Fay died a short time ago after a long illness.

A painful accident occurred at the Centre School yesterday, when little Wayne Higgins ran into a post in the basement and cut his eyebrow open. Miss Marston, his teacher, went to a neighbor’s and telephoned for the doctor, who, assisted by the nurse, took three stitches in the cut and carried the little fellow home. A telephone in the school building would be very helpful at such a time.

The Monday Club was entertained at the pleasant home of Mrs. Harry Munsey on Monday afternoon. In the absence of the President, Mrs. Emma Young (who was in Concord that day), Mrs. Lester Tobey, Vice President, presided. Two new members, Mrs. Leston Holmes and Mrs. Robert Brown, were added to the membership list. A very interesting paper, prepared by Mrs. Toppan, was read; fine musical selection by Mrs. Lane, then a very pleasing duet by Mrs. Leston Holmes and Mrs. Harold Noyes, also a fine selection by a trio of ladies: Mrs. Fred Perkins, Mrs. Charles Palmer and Mrs. Hamilton were enjoyed, ending a profitable and pleasant meeting. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses, Mrs. Harry Munsey and Mrs. Edwin Batchelder. The next meeting will be in the form of a musicale.

The next meeting of Parent-Teacher association will be held in the Centre School building next Monday evening. The entertainment will be a moving picture show and the business meeting will follow. All parents should come to this meeting. There is no admission and the movies will be equal to those that you would see in the big theatres.

An operetta by the pupils of the Centre School will be held in the Town Hall, Wednesday evening, December 13. The public is urged to make this effort of the children a successful one. Admission, 25 cents.

The assessor’s inventory of the 1922 resident and non-resident property valuation has been published in book form and is now ready for distribution. Any taxpayer who desires a copy can obtain one at the Selectmen’s room in the town hall.

Hunto Encampment will receive officially and entertain Grand Representative Charles E. Hodgdon, Monday evening. An efficient director in the person of L. F. Stevens will prepare luncheon to be served after the meeting.

Rev. and Mrs. R. S. Baker very quietly observed their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on Nov. 29th at their home on Highland Avenue. Their children presented them with a beautiful set of silverware.

Miss Mabel E. Barker, Assistant Superintendent of Chardon Street Home, Boston, Mass., Mr. Robert T. Barker of New Hampshire College and Miss Ruth Barker, a member of the faculty of Robinson Seminary of Exeter, were guests of the M. E. Parsonage family over the holiday.

Pomona Grange meeting held at Exeter on Wednesday with an all day session. Many availed themselves of going from Hampton and found our electric cars come in very handy on a cold, windy morning. The State Grange meets in Portsmouth Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week. An open meeting of much interest is being prepared for Tuesday evening, opening night. This is the Sixth Degree.

The Mother’s Circle was held at the home of Mrs. Farnsworth with a good number present. After the business meeting a fine entertainment was enjoyed. This little band of mothers are doing good work in Hampton and every young mother should belong. Here they gain knowledge and good advice in regard to children and every home is benefited by it; not this alone but worthy community work they are doing and many a helping hand they have given to others in time of need. At the close of the meeting a fine luncheon was served by the hostess.

Mrs. Caroline Howe celebrated her ninetieth birthday on Monday, last. Ten of her friends and neighbors made the day and evening a very pleasant one for her. Mrs. Howe is not old yet and enjoys automobile riding and is much interested in the activities of the young people around her.

Mr. L. F. Bradbury of Milford, Mass., spent Thanksgiving and the weekend at the home of Edgar Howe.

Miss Gertrude Lamprey arrived home Monday from Bartlett, N. H., accompanied by her mother, where she has spent the past two months with her sister, Mrs. George E. Farnham.