Hampton News

Mrs. Belle Perkins went to Lakeport last week for a number of days.

Miss Katherine Barker who has attended Keene Normal School the past year is at home for the summer.

The Currier Studio opened to the public Monday in its new home near the depot. This building was designed especially by Mr. Currier for his business and is up-to-date in every respect. Watch for regular announcement next week.

Mr. Bert Perkins and Miss Beatris Garland of Smithtown were united in marriage at the Methodist parsonage Saturday evening, June 24.

The Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge will hold a lawn party on Toppan’s lawn, Friday evening, July 14.

Mrs. J. L. Bryant attended a party at Odd Fellows Home at Concord, Wednesday.

A piano fund for the new Centre School has been started by a contribution from one of the clubs. Let’s make it grow by helping the Community Food Sale along next week, Friday, July 7th, on Toppan’s lawn. Anyone wishing to donate food may notify Mrs. C. S. Toppan, Mrs. Henry Thompson or Mrs. Cole.

Seventy-eight were present at the annual meeting and dinner of the Hampton Academy Alumni at Hotel Ashworth last Saturday. This is the largest number attending since the organization of the association. Mr. Ashworth gave an extra fine dinner to the party and the speaking which followed made the meeting one of the best. The old officers of the association were re-elected.

Fred E. Sanborn has opened the barber shop which he has built in the rear of Buck’s Novelty Store facing the depot sidewalk. The shop is a model one, daintily finished in white and with modern tonsorial equipment. This is the second barber shop which our ex-postmaster has built in Hampton, the building now occupied by the cooperative bank having been originally a barber shop built by Mr. Sanborn.

Miss Mary Buker will be at the Echo this summer. She returned to town some time ago after spending the winter with her brothers in Washington and Virginia.

A delegation from the Hampton W. C. T. U. attended the convention in Exeter today.

Mr. and Mrs. Buker attended the graduation of their son, Raymond, at Bates College.

The new floor in the Methodist church vestry is fast being laid. “Many hands,” etc.

The tenement recently vacated by Frank Redman, on the Exeter road, will be occupied by John Donald in the near future.

The O’Keefe Co-operative Stores will open a branch in Thomas Cogger’s new block in town. Mr. McKeen of Exeter, who will run the store, would like to procure a house in town.

Charles Green has a large store of fireworks in for the coming 4th.

The Casino Theatre opens on Saturday night for the season. A good line of pictures will be shown as has always been seen there in the past.

“Hobbie” is back on the cars for the summer and his cheery “fares please” may now be heard by anyone who cares to invest a dime in car fare.

Fred Cook, an employee of the Allen garage, Salisbury Beach, was hired by two strangers to take them to Hampton Beach about midnight on a recent Saturday night. Just before reaching Hampton they ordered Cook to stop; doing so, he was struck on the head and made unconscious. On recovering he found that he had been robbed and the strangers gone. On notifying the police the weapon used upon him was found and a hat belonging to one of the men. The description is similar to that of the men who recently held up Lieut. Governor Alvan Fuller on the Lafayette Road in Hampton a short time before.

Reconstruction work on the Beach Road is now completed up to Moses Brown’s. The road which was in such bad condition last season, will be a blessing to thousands of autoists this summer.

Ray Buker Accepts Church in Maine:

Raymond Bates Buker, the National Intercollegiate Two Mile Runner, who in both 1921 and 1922 won this event in the annual Penn relay meet at Philadelphia and who was graduated this week from Bates College with double honors in philosophy and language has accepted a call to become the pastor of the Congregational Church, Oxford, Me.

Buker has been filling this pulpit last winter while still a senior at Bates, and has given such satisfaction that the parishioners have asked him to become their regular pastor.

Although he has completed his college course and he can no longer run for the honor of ….. [missing material] … to keep in training for a year or two anyway. July 4th he has consented to go to Belfast and run in an exhibition two miles at a celebration.

In 1923 a track meet is to take place at Los Angeles, Cal., in which many of the best athletes not only of this country but from abroad, are expected to compete. It is Buker’s intention to keep in training and enter this meet.

Mr. Buker’s record at Bates is a remarkable one. Not only has he been foremost in athletics, but he has won honors in both the language and philosophy departments as a student. In addition he was one of the freshman prize debaters, a member of the Politics Club, the Phil-Hellenic Club, Jordan Scientific Society, was class chaplain all four years of his course, was leader of the Student Volunteer Group and President of the Y. M. C. A.

For four successive years he won the two-mile event at the Maine intercollegiate meet, this year lowering the record for the event to 9m 45-1-5s. He led the field in the Maine intercollegiate cross country run for four successive years, and in 1920 won the New England intercollegiate cross country at Boston.

He is the only athlete who ever won the Penn relay two mile event for two successive years. At the National Intercollegiates in the Harvard Stadium in May, last, though suffering from a severe cold, he ran against the finest college runners of the country, being beaten by Higgins of Columbia in a finish so close that many who saw it thought it a dead heat. He was captain of both the Bates cross-country and track teams for this year.

The Bates College Club, which each commencement elects as members seven of the men of the graduating class who have not only done the best work for the college in all lines, but give promise of making the greatest success in after life, this year elected him one of the first of his class.


Another bakery shop has opened at Hampton Beach, which will be known as the Sunshine Bakery, under direction of Mrs. A. H. Hozen. The new bakery is in the rear of Ring’s Block with entrance just around the corner on Marsh avenue.

Miss Margaret A. Mahoney, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Mahoney, was married Wednesday morning in the Church of the Immaculate Conception to John O’Donnell, a business man of Newburyport and Hampton Beach. A nuptial high mass was celebrated by the Rev. William H. Ryan, pastor of the church. Miss Catherine Mahoney, cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Dr. Connors was best man. Following the ceremony there was a wedding breakfast at the home of the bride, 226 Storey avenue. After a wedding trip thru Maine and New Hampshire the couple will live at Hampton Beach.

Hampton Beach Team

Following is the schedule of games for this season: July 1, Portsmouth Navy Yard; July 4, Exeter All Stars; July 8, Manchester Textile Club; July 15, Epping; July 22, Kingston A.A.; July 29, Fremont A. A.; Aug. 5, Marines of Portsmouth; August 12, East Manchester Atlantic A. A.; Aug. 19, Fremont A. A.; Aug. 26, Salisbury A. A.; Sept. 2, open ; Sept. 4, Kingston A. A.; Sept. 6, open; Sept. 9, open.

Watch bill posters for open dates. Games called at three o’clock standard time on the Hampton Beach oval.

The batting order is as follows:

  • Brown, capt. — 2nd base
  • Holmes — C.F
  • Dort — S.S.
  • Rielly — R.F.
  • Klinger — P.
  • Mortell — C.
  • Rowell — 1st B.
  • Hughes — L.F.
  • Hobbs, Asst. Mgr. — 3rd B.
  • Bigley — Sub.
  • Kierstead — Sub.
  • Clark — Sub.

Manager James Eastman has worked indefatigably to make this a successful season and there is every reason to believe that his efforts will be amply rewarded. With Clyde Brown as Captain the boys are not lacking in “pep” and enthusiasm and they only need the backing of their score of friends and wellwishers to go over the top with the best of luck.

Drowned at The Beach

Pern B. Bennett, 36, an insurance agent of Brookline, was drowned at the beach last Saturday evening while assisting his brother-in-law, Walter E. Doe, an instructor in Phillips Exeter Academy, in the rescue of an Exeter girl who overexerted herself while swimming about 50 yards from the beach.

Bennett was caught by a heavy undertow and swept far out from shore. The girl, Miss Peggy Kenniston, 15 year old daughter of Mrs. W. B. Kenniston, was brought ashore by Doe.

Mr. and Mrs. Doe, Bennett and two of three others were spending the day at the beach and were in “The Pebble,” the cottage of Leonard B. Smith, when they heard the girl crying for help. Bennett and Doe swam out to where she was struggling in the water and had helped her to within a few yards of the shore when Bennett became exhausted. An undercurrent bore him seaward.