Hampton News

Jacob T. Godfrey received many remembrances from his friends on his 81st Birthday, on the 14th.

It was regretted that more were not present at the Sunday School Convention at the Baptist church last week. Those who did attend felt well repaid by fine reports and addresses. Also a fine dinner and a good social time.

W. C. T. U. meeting at Mrs. Marion W. Leavitt’s on Friday. All come.

Miss Grace Chesley holds a dancing class for children at Ford Hall in McReels’ Building, Exeter, N. H. on Saturdays at 3 o’clock.

Ralph Johnson who was so seriously injured a few weeks ago has returned to his home convalescing under the watchful care of his sister who was, before her marriage, a nurse in Peter Bent Hospital, Boston.

Rockingham Lodge I. O. O. F. will confer the First Degree on a class of seven candidates Friday evening.

Friends of Mr. Curtis DeLancy congratulate him on winning his suit in court on Tuesday. He certainly deserved it.

Mr. Charles Greenman has been obliged to take a vacation on account of ill health and the doctors have ordered him to take a trip away from business cares. With Mrs. Greenman he started South this Wednesday morning, to be gone some weeks, trusting a change will be of benefit to him.

George J. Dearborn:

George J. Dearborn passed away at his home on the Exeter Road after a long and painful illness.

He was born at Bride Hill on September 22, 1858, son of Deacon Josiah J. Dearborn. His mother was Nancy Knowles of North Hampton.

He married Miss Agnes Whenal of North Hampton. They have three daughters and one son, who with their mother mourn a kind and loving husband and father.

There are many relatives and friends who sympathize with the family in their loss. Mr. Dearborn belonged to one of the oldest families in town.

Thomas K. Nudd:

Mr. Thomas K. Nudd, one of Hampton Beach’s landmarks passed away on Tuesday, Nov. 14th. Mr. Nudd was born Jan. 3, 1845, son of Oliver Nudd, whose residence was one of the first on the Beach. His mother was Sarah E. Redman, both belonging to old Hampton families. His house was the last one on the Beach road going toward the bridge, long before it even thought of existing. Great changes came in his day. After he became an invalid he spent a number of years with his daughter, Mrs. Sanborn, in Weymouth, coming back to his old home in April and there ended his days. He married Sarah Young, daughter of Enoch Young. Later in life he married again. Mr. Nudd leaves a wife, two daughters, Mrs. Benjamin Blake and Mrs. Florence Sanborn; four grandchildren, three sisters, Mrs. David Lamprey of North Hampton, and Mrs. Julia Ross, Mrs. Edna Nudd of Hampton Beach. His funeral will be on Friday afternoon at his home.

Sadie Belle Lane is spending a few days in Boston.

Mr. and Mrs. John Carberry are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, born at Dover on Saturday.

Mrs. John Donald and two sons have returned to town.

Mary Gookin spent the weekend in Boston.

Watch for the sign of the Golden Goose which will announce the Thanksgiving social to be held at Odd Fellows Hall Tuesday evening, Nov. 28th. Everybody invited.

Mr. and Mrs. Spenser of Brattleboro, Vt., who were married recently, are spending a few days at Mary C. Toppan’s.

Rev. A. B. Thompson is quite ill, threatened with pneumonia.

If by any chance some one was unintentionally overlooked or any one away from home when the canvasser called and wishes to become a member of the Red Cross and donate their dollar, they can call at the periodical store in the village or send to Mrs. Ernest Cole and their donation will be gratefully received and a receipt sent to them. In this connection it is well to mention the gift from the pupils in Miss Marston’s room in the Centre School, who, instead of spending their pennies for candy gave them to the Red Cross, amounting to $2.00.

The program for the regular meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association was not carried out last Monday evening, owing to a small attendance, because of various other social gatherings that evening. The next meeting will be one of the best of the season and due notice of some of the features will be given.

John A. Janvrin is building an addition to his lumber shed 18 x 100 feet. John W. Berry’s men are doing the work.

Frank S. Mason commenced today to move the North School building to its new site on the Beach road where it will be made into a home for A. W. Gookin.

Frank Dennett entertained a party of men at cards on Thursday evening.

The K. G. Whist Club was entertained at the Toppan Mansion on Thursday evening. The favors were won by Arthur Janvrin, James Eastman, Lorraine Lindsey and Marion Dexter. Dainty refreshments were served.

Clyde Brown has been confined to his home by illness.

A large party of young people attended the Armistice Ball at Pittsfield on Friday Night, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green.

On account of the inability of Prof. Dawber to be present in Hampton next Monday evening, the meeting of the Men’s Club at which he was to speak, has been postponed one week to Monday, Nov. 27. Prof. Dawber’s subject will be “A Man’s Job in the Community.” At this writing it is expected that Prof. Dawber will arrive in Hampton on Sunday, Nov. 26 and speak at a union meeting that evening.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational Church met at the home of Mrs. Lucy Marston on Tuesday afternoon, eighteen members being present. A very profitable meeting as well as social was enjoyed. Plans were made and a committee appointed for a fair and drama to be held on Dec. 19th, 1922. The chairman for each table are as follows: supper, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noyes; drama, Mrs. Emma Young; housekeeper’s table, Mrs. Jessie Toppan; fancy work, Mrs. Martha Cash; ice cream, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hobbs; candy, Mrs. Alice Thompson; apron table, Mrs. Clara P. Miner; 5 and 10 cents store, Mrs. Jessie Shaw; Japanese table, Miss Ernestine Cole; Whatsoever table, Banner Class table, in charge of Whatsoever Circle and Banner Class. General committee for lower hall, Mrs. Caroline Cole, Mrs. Cash, Mrs. James Hutchins. After the business was over Mrs. Marston served a very delicious lunch of creamed chicken sandwiches, cake, doughnuts and cookies with tea. Mrs. Leonora Wing and Miss Marston assisted the hostess.

Mrs. Frank Stevens and Miss Adeline Stevens spent the weekend with friends in Boston.

Mrs. J. L. Bryant, Mrs. Belle Dearborn and Mrs. Doctor Thompson spent Tuesday in Haverhill.

The H. T. G. Club met with Mary Toppan on Thursday. The favors were awarded to Mrs. J. L. Bryant, Mrs. Belle Dearborn, Mrs. W. Drew. The next party will be with Mrs. Harry Munsey.

The Welfare Committee will have a sale of fancy articles, Friday afternoon at 2 o’clock in Lane’s Block.

Mr. and Mrs. Ireland moved from the Wood homestead into one of Mr. Thomas Cogger’s houses this week. The Wood place was sold to Mr. M. C. Morse of Hampton Beach.

Mr. and Mrs. Hunter with their son, Douglass, of Hampton Beach are nicely settled in John Snyder’s house for the winter months.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ross are improving in health every day after their very serious automobile accident some weeks ago, although not being able to be out much. They were very fortunate to escape with their lives, and friends will be glad to hear of their full recovery.

On Sunday Red Cross Day was observed at the Congregational Church with interesting address by the pastor, Rev. G. W. Clark. A splendidly rendered solo, “Oh, Dry Those Tears” by Mrs. Leston Holmes was much enjoyed. The Sunday School was well attended and, as always, interesting.

The Banner Class was entertained at the home of Miss Isabelle Thompson. All the members, with their teacher, Mrs. Gertrude Young, were present. After a social hour, with games, delicious refreshments were served by the hostesses.

Mr. Lester Tobey gave a luncheon on Tuesday afternoon for Mrs. Alice Tolman who leaves town on Wednesday morning to reside in Lancaster, Mass. Mrs. Tolman leaves many friends who regret her going.

Automobile drivers who are in such a hurry to get by somebody generally get something else, as the case again on the main road in Hampton Falls, on Tuesday. A woman turning out for a truck met a touring car head on. Fortunately no one was seriously injured, yet both machines were smashed. In Massachusetts there is a law against this cutting in. Why not New Hampshire?

Mrs. William Cash entertained a party of friends at her new home on Monday evening.

The American Mechanics entertained a number of Lodges on Tuesday evening, a large number being present. A fine evening was enjoyed and ended up with one of their baked bean suppers and all the fixings, served by the members of the home order.

Miss Elizabeth Philbrick has gone to Lawrence to visit her brother, William Philbrick, for a short stay.

It is much wiser to buy a place in Hampton than to hire one, for as soon as one gets nicely settled someone comes along and wants the place to the extent of buying it, and out you go house hunting again. This has happened three or four times this fall to different parties. Hampton is one of the most progressive towns in the state and in twenty-five years will be a city.

Miss Eloise Lane and brother Wheaton attended the Harvard Princeton game at Cambridge, Mass., on Saturday.

Mrs. Elizabeth Hawbolt, grandmother of Mrs. Charlotte Kimball, has gone to Buffalo, N. Y. to spend the winter with the family. She visited Niagara Falls and reports wonderful scenery and fine weather.

Mrs. Addie Brown is with her sister, Mrs. Marcia York, in Kensington.

Miss Theodate Hobbs has been chosen delegate from the Camp Fire Girls of Hampton to visit the Exeter Camp Fires on Saturday evening.

Mr. Edward P. Brown is improving his buildings with a coat of paint. Charles Palmer is doing the labor.

Mr. Edward Towle and wife, in company with Mr. and Mrs. Paty, are starting for St. Petersburg, Florida this week to spend the winter.

Mr. John Willcutt, a former resident of Hampton, is visiting friends and relatives here, after twenty-five years absence. Mr. Willcutt finds many changes and his friends hardly recognize him. He now resides in Burlington Vt., in the Hotel Nesimes, and after a five weeks’ vacation will return there.

William Brown has just received an Embalmer’s license from the State and he has also passed a stiff examination for Undertaker and has a certificate of efficiency. He has taken over the business of R. E. Tolman and is now prepared to render first class service when needed.

The Monday Club will observe Reciprocity Day, Monday, November 20th, at the Assembly Hall, with an address by Rev. Edward Carvell of Newmarket. The Executive Committees from Exeter, Hampton Falls, North Hampton and Rye Clubs have been invited; also each member has four guests to invite.