Hampton News

The W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Annie True on Friday afternoon at 2:30. Leader, Mrs. Ware. Subject, Our Obligation to the Foreigner.

A very pleasant meeting of the W. R. C. was held on Wednesday. Mrs. Maude Collins and Mrs. Mary Lamprey joined the Corps. It was voted to hold but one meeting a month until September.

Mr. and Mrs. Tolman and Roberta have just been on a trip upcountry to visit friends.

Work is progressing rapidly at the M. E. church. A new floor is being laid under the direction of an efficient committee and plans are made for other minor repairs.

Rev. and Mrs. George W. Clark enjoyed their vacation. They spent a week in New York City and a week on Cape Cod.

The frame of Cogger’s building on Main Street is up and covered in and interior work will soon begin. The Store fronts, of which there will be two, will be of plate glass.

We believe that many would agree to the statement that the sermon by Rev. G. W. Clark before the graduating class and scholars of Hampton Academy on Sunday afternoon would be difficult to surpass. Taking his text from Matt. 20:7 he made it clear to the young people that if they wished to be successful in life they must not be afraid to serve and at the end of life whatsoever is right that shall they receive. Scripture was read by Rev. Mr. Christopher and an eloquent and uplifting prayer was made by Rev. I. S. Jones. Two delightful solos were rendered by Miss Mary Chase. A large audience was present notwithstanding the frequent showers of the afternoon.

In the evening a fine representative of all the church people in town gathered in the first real union meeting for several years. Rev. G. W. Clark spoke warm words of welcome. This was followed by a fine praise service in which all seemed to heartily join. Rev. A. B. Thompson offered a most fervent prayer and a short address was made by Rev. Christopher. Next Sunday evening the union service will be held at the Baptist church.

Mrs. Teague returned recently from a trip to Portland.

Mr. Sumner Fall and family took Mrs. Addie B. Brown for a pleasant ride on her recent birthday, stopping at her sister’s, Mrs. Lucy A. Marston’s, where ice cream, fancy crackers, candy, etc., and a pleasant time were much enjoyed.

Mrs. Church and daughter came before Memorial Day for the summer, Mr. Church coming weekends.

Mrs. Martha P. Locke is in town and expects her daughter Mrs. Hamel Drew and baby for a visit of two weeks.

Miss E. B. Norris has gone to Wellesley to attend the graduation of her niece, Lucille Norris.

The annual meeting of the Mothers’ Circle will be held next Wednesday, June 21, at the home of Mrs. C. S. Toppan, with Mrs. Walter Brown and Mrs. George W. Clark hostesses.

It is rather risky carrying liquor these days. Do we not need more stringent laws at the Beach?

Another fire similar to that on the Exeter road occurred on the Beach road last Friday when an out building at the rear of the Damsell house, opposite Elmwood, was slightly damaged. Quick response by the chemical from the beach and the village truck prevented a serious fire.

Miss Clara J. Powers has opened her home on High St. for the summer.

Next Sunday will be observed as Children’s Sunday at the Congregational church. Instead of a regular sermon the pastor will give a brief talk to children and the remainder of the time will be devoted to exercises by the children of the Sunday school.

The invitations have been sent out for the Hampton Academy Alumni Association Annual dinner and meeting.

It is to be held at the Ashworth on Saturday, June 24. Dinner at one o’clock and meeting in the same room directly after. Rev. Leon A. Morse of Dover, who is a live wire, will deliver the address.

It was decided some time ago that it was a needless a waste of time and expense to send cards year after year to those who never replied or attended the meetings. But everyone is welcome to attend who is eligible to do so. All who attended the Academy previous to 1887, all graduates since then, and by a vote of the Association a few years ago those who attended the High School for two years but could not finish the course could come in as associate members. It is also wished that those who once join would pay the dues of 50c per year even if they do not attend. Many of the older members do this, many others only pay when they come so their names are not kept on the books.

Mr. Ashworth has provided a tempting menu and it is expected that a large number will be present.

Mrs. J. W. York of Kensington and her two daughters were recent visitors in town.

Amede Cote, the tailor at Hampton Beach, has again opened his place on C Street for this season and will be pleased to see his old customers again, as well as many new ones.

This week the Reed-Cushing food shop and delicatessen was opened on C Street. The shop is already having larger patronage and when the season is at its height will doubtless do a large business.

There was a large attendance at the health exercises entertainment, which was given by the pupils in the Center School under the direction of Mrs. Hemingway, the district nurse. The entertainment was designed to raise money to buy paraphernalia for these exercises in the schools and there was quite a large sum netted. The audience was much pleased with the demonstration work by the children.

We have received a communication in criticism of the management of the street railway which we purpose to publish next week in hopes that it will lead to constructive criticism and an increased public interest in this property.

The graduation exercises of the twelve members of the Senior Class will be held Friday evening in the town hall. A neat program has been prepared and printed which will make a nice souvenir of the event.

This afternoon Constance Adams was run over by a bicycle ridden by one of the boys on the cement walk in front of the Center school and badly injured.

Charles Jewett of Wyoming recently motored here to visit a cousin, Mrs. Annie Berry. He also stopped in Manchester to see a sister. He covered 2500 miles on the trip.

On Wednesday of last week Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Clark attended the Rockingham County Congregational Conference in Atkinson. Mrs. M. W. Leavitt accompanied them on the trip.

Mrs. Elizabeth Chase, assisted by Miss Elizabeth Norris, entertained the Congregational Women’s Auxiliary at her home on Lafayette Road on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Godfrey, vice-president, presided in the absence of the president. Mrs. Ross had charge of the program which was on the Women of India. After a report of the annual Cent Union in Derry, May 10, was given by the delegate, a nice lunch was served.

Mine host George Ashworth gave a complimentary supper at his hotel on Thursday evening, June 8, to the members of the building committee of the new central school house and their wives and to the school board and their life partners. Besides Mr. Ashworth there were present L. C. Ring and daughter, Mrs. Byron E. Redman, Harry D. Munsey and wife, Edwin L. Batchelder and wife, Christopher S. Toppan and wife, Warren H. Hobbs and wife, and Mrs. Edgar Warren.

Before the supper the visitors were conducted thru the spacious hostelry which is now ready for summer guests, and greatly admired its perfect appointments and immaculate neatness, and silently congratulated the guests to be upon the ideal conditions which are awaiting them.

Supper was served in the rear of the large dining room, and service and food were in keeping with the high reputation of the Hotel Ashworth. After the meal there were informal remarks by those present, all expressing their satisfaction with the beautiful new school house and rejoicing that they were connected in any way with its construction.

A rising vote of thanks was given Mr. Ashworth for his splendid hospitality.