Hampton News

Miss Virginia Sullivan of Portsmouth passed Saturday here with her friend, Miss Josephine Blake.

Miss Frances Sanborn of Methuen was the week end guest of friends in town.

Mrs. George Torrey of Biddeford, who has been visiting relatives at Kittery, was calling on friends in town Tuesday.

Dr. J. W. Syremeirs and wife of Portsmouth were among the motorists here Sunday.

Miss Dorothy Goodwin of Beverly, Mass., has been passing a week as the guest of Miss Josephine Blake.

The number of automobiles at the beach on Sunday was about equal to some days in midsummer.

Mrs. Thomas Hobbs is to open a tea room in the new building at the corner of A St. and Ocean Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. George Ashworth report a very enjoyable season in the South the past winter, combined with a pleasure trip to Iowa.

Miss Belle Sampson of Portsmouth has accepted a position at the beach.

Mr. Guyan, proprietor of the Dance Carnival, is making many improvements on his property at Great Boar’s Head.

Mrs. B. M. Comeau of Haverhill has arrived at the B. M. C. cottage near Great Boar’s Head and will pass her 5th season here this year.

Mrs. Belle Derlin will operate the O’Donnell House, near Cutler’s, this season, as usual, having recently arrived from the South.

The business meeting of the Monday Club will be held at the home of Mrs. Harry I. Noyes on Monday, May 15, at three o’clock.

Rev. Harold Niles of Concord will deliver a lecture before the Monday Club and friends on next Wednesday evening. Probably the meeting will be in the town hall.

There will be a stereopticon lecture in the auditorium of the Centre School building next Monday evening, May 15, at 8:00 o’clock. Subject — “Behind the Screen in the Telephone Industry.”

Fred Sanborn is having a barber shop built on Cogger’s land fronting the depot yard, next to Buck’s Novelty Store.

Harry I. Noyes is building a garage at the rear of his residence on Academy avenue.

C. O. Stevens is erecting a building on the site of Whittier’s hotel which is to be used as a tea room and refreshment parlor. Mr. Stevens is also planning to erect three cottages on the same premises later in the season.

It is understood that the New Antler, one of the houses that was destroyed by fire last year at the beach, will not be rebuilt this season.

Mr. Kenneth Lewis, the efficient telegraph operator at the Hampton station, has made many friends among the traveling public since coming here from Gloucester about two years ago and his courtesy toward all has made him one of the most popular employees of the B. and M.

The opening of Cutler’s Sea View House this year will be the 47th consecutive season and the management has an enviable reputation for its shore dinners which are enjoyed annually by people from all parts of the United States.

A party of local young men including Wallace Ware, Harlan Teague, Francis Donnell and Kenneth Lewis attended the Radio Exposition last week at Mechanics Building, Boston. Messrs. Ware and Teague remaining four days and Lewis and Donnell being away but one day.

Mr. Alexander, the Real Estate Dealer, is one of the busiest men at the beach. He is at his wit’s ends, so to speak, at the many demands made upon him at this time for cottages, stores, etc.

The moving pictures in the town hall this week will be on Friday evening, May 12, instead of on Saturday evening, as usual, Mr. Crocker having kindly changed his date to allow the presentation of the drama “Sunshine” for the Red Cross on Saturday evening.

Many cottages at Hampton Beach will be occupied much earlier than usual this year and the building activities point to an unusually busy season. Carpenters and other workmen are rushing to complete buildings for the official opening day, May 30, and there have been many changes and improvements in all sections. The burned district has some fine new buildings said to be absolutely fireproof.

Fifty-six children were most delightfully entertained by the Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge at their Children’s Night meeting Wednesday evening. A professional entertainer, Helen Sylvester of Boston, was engaged to amuse the little people, which she did with the greatest success, giving them character readings, songs and dances. Following this a dainty repast of ice cream and cookies was served.

Born April 15 to Mr. and Mrs. G. Milton Dearborn a daughter, Elsie Edith.

Miss Marion Dearborn of Lynn spent the week end with her parents in town.

The grading around the new school building, building concrete walks, etc. is being pushed this week under the direction of Orrin Lane.

The North Shore Tailoring Company will open about June 1 at Dumas No. 4 Store, where they do custom work for Ladies and Gents. Cleaning, pressing and repairing. Hampton Beach near North Shore Hotel.

It will be Ladies’ Night at the next regular monthly meeting of the Men’s Club, Monday night, and an interesting program is being arranged.

The Senior Class of Hampton Academy will hold a food sale at Cole’s store, Thursday afternoon at 2:30. Rolls, doughnuts, cake, bread, pies and candy to be on sale.

The first large social gathering at Hampton Beach for the coming season will be held at the Sea View House by the Knights of Columbus on Sunday and Monday, May 28 and 29.

John T. Felch of Hampton has been sentenced by Judge Branch of the Superior Court to one year in State Prison on the charge of breaking, entering and larceny at the Hampton Beach cottages of A. E. Roberts of Boston on March 4, 1919.

Several from the beach attended an entertainment in Portsmouth Saturday evening at which Mrs. Florence Gilbert Hanscom, the impersonator, reader and soloist was the headline attraction, as an entertainer. Mrs. Hanscom is an artist of exceptional ability and her audiences are with her from start to finish. She made a delightful impression upon all who heard her.

Parent-Teacher Association:

The May meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association was held in the Centre School building last Monday evening. It is the last meeting of the current school year and was one of the most interesting of the several meetings since the association was organized.

Owing to the illness of the president, Mrs. Edgar Warren, the Vice-President, Mrs. E. Langley, presided.

The annual report of the Secretary was read. It showed the association was organized with 28 charter members and now has a membership of 83.

The report of the Treasurer, Ray Hamilton, showed receipts to date totaling $41.26 and expenditures of $10.52 leaving a balance on hand of $30.74.

Miss Irene Trefethen reported for the committee on school lunches. A fund of $69.08 was raised for the purpose and $63.67 was spent. The North School had the best record. Ninety three lunches were served at a cost of $1.86 and every lunch was paid for by the pupils.

It was voted that $25 of the Association’s funds be used for teeter boards and swings for the school playground. The money will be expended by the executive committee under the direction of David Hamilton who is chairman of the school improvement committee.

The nominating committee reported a list of officers for the ensuing year. The report was accepted and adopted without change and one ballot was cast for such officers nominated, as follows:

President, John Donald; Vice-president, Mrs. E. Langley; Secretary, Mrs. Nellie White; Treasurer, Ray Hamilton; Chairman Social Committee, Mrs. William Blake; Chairman Educational Committee, Mrs. I. S. Jones; Chairman Publicity Committee, Charles Francis Adams; Chairman Legislature Committee, Mrs. S. Shaw; Chairman School Department, David Hamilton.

The foregoing officers make the Executive Committee.

The entertainment for the evening consisted of demonstration of teaching mathematics. Third grade work by Miss Cutts and upper grades by Mr. Donald. This was followed by lemonade and cookies. The next meeting will be on the second Monday of October.

The committee having charge of the candy table at the sale which will follow the drama for the benefit of the Red Cross nurse in the town hall Saturday evening, May 13, desires everyone interested in the work of the Red Cross, who is willing and able, to contribute home made candy for the table. Responses to this invitation will be much appreciated.

The postponed food sale will be held Friday, May 12, in Lane’s block. The rain storm of last Friday was necessary to have it put over a week.

A large section of the open space beneath the big dance hall at Boar’s Head has been finished off as a dining room with interior finish of grained oak and white. Mrs. D. A. Munsey will run the dining room and will open on May 30.

Friends of Miss Helen A. Watson are pleased to learn of her sailing for home after a long sojourn with her nephew in Brazil.

R. E. Tolman and family have moved to the Batchelder place, and Charles Batchelder’s tenement is already taken by a brother of Mrs. Beede’s.

The Post and W. R. C. are invited to meet with Ocean Side Grange on Friday evening the 19th.

Work upon John A. Janvrin’s two houses on the Williams land opposite Odd Fellows hall, will begin in a few days.

Mrs. Ernest White’s mother, Mrs. Hussey, has been obliged to go to Boston for an operation on her eye.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Perkins are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a little son.

Ernest G. Cole returned last night from a visit to New York state. He accompanied his daughter, Ernestine, on her return to her school, ten days ago, and has been absent since.

Miss Bernice Godfrey is confined to her home with neuritis.

The Sunday School meeting on Tuesday forenoon and afternoon at the Congregational church was well attended and very interesting. Rev. W. A. Linaberry of North Hampton was elected president in place of Rev. Mr. Hurlbert who has left the state. The addresses on the program by Rev. J. L. Clark of Exeter, Rev. W. L. Linaberry and Rev. Clinton Carvell were all very fine. All were glad to greet the two new pastors in town, Rev. Bernard Christopher and Rev. J. L. Barker. A pleasing feature was a song by the Banner Class of the Sunday School. A fine dinner was served by the Ladies’ Aid.

The highway teams are busy this week hauling the screened gravel for covering the tarvia which will soon be applied to the streets.

John Elliot has just finished a closet for the manual training room in the new school house.

Mrs. Georgia Mace who has been ill for some time is still in poor health.

Thomas Moore has begun work upon Cogger’s building, to be erected just south of Carberry’s market.

Roger Moore had the misfortune to stick a nail in his foot the other night, and therefore the game with North Hampton was cancelled.

Next Sunday will be Mother’s Day in the churches.

Deputy Sheriff Fred Thompson has recently purchased a new Nash automobile.

For several weeks past A. Guyon’s big dance hall has been open to the public on Saturday evenings and will continue until further notice. There has been a good attendance each night.

The Winnicummet Improvement Society is planning a Clean-up Day for Hampton which will be held soon. Date and other particulars later.

Last Sunday evening in the town hall Percy Jewell, County Y. M. C. A. Secretary, and Miss Connors, in charge of the girl’s work, spoke on what is being done for the young people in our county and state. A drive will begin soon for the benefit of this work and it is hoped that all will contribute towards a very worthy cause, the making of men and women for tomorrow.

An accident occurred Tuesday afternoon as the 12 o’clock car from the beach was on its way to the transfer station. The trolley wire broke and traffic was delayed about 15 minutes , making it unpleasant for passengers who were bound for Hampton Depot to catch the noon train.

Red Cross Benefit:

The Lynn Item of May 9 had the following concerning the drama “Sunshine:”

“Sunshine,” an amusing drama in three acts, will be presented Wednesday and Thursday evenings in the vestry of the People’s Christian church. The play depicts the humorous side of life at a sanitarium, where most of the patients’ ailments are imaginary. Involved situations create interest and merriment.

Participants include: Nellie Fadden, Maudelka McCann; Mary Beers, Mrs. McCann; Helen Hupper, Mrs. Sol Whipple; Edith Hart, Miss Mitford; Lionel B. Stewart, Mr. Butternip, the old man; Emma Little, the nurse; George Little, Buddy Brady, the ball player; Winthrop W. Howard, Major Kellicott, the speculator; Frank Smart, Jim Anthony; Daisy Knox, Sylvia Dean; Beatrice Randall, Mary “Sunshine.”

Musical numbers will be a feature of the program. Mildred Worssam, pianist, and Francis Aldus, saxophone, will play the accompaniments. An orchestra will play between the acts.”

The Hampton branch of the Red Cross are pleased to give you an opportunity to see “Sunshine,” by the above cast, at Hampton Town Hall, Saturday evening, May 13th, at eight o’clock. Spend a pleasant evening and incidentally boost a good cause.