Hampton News

Big barn dance, Carnival, Hampton Beach, Wednesday, September 27. Novelties galore.

Miss Janet Ward went to Westminister, Mass., Labor Day to teach French and Latin in the High School.

Mrs. Charles P. Buck went to Portland Tuesday to attend the funeral of her father who passed away after a three day’s illness.

Vivian Wood has returned to Keene Normal School.

The annual meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at the home of Mrs. Addie Brown this week Friday at 2:30 P. M. All members urged to be present. State convention is held at Lancaster on the 26-27-28th.

The Union Bible Study Class will be held at the Methodist parsonage on Monday evening. All Christians desiring to know more of the Bible are invited to attend.

On Tuesday evening, September 26, at 7:30 o’clock, the 71st anniversary of the Rebekah Degree will be observed by Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge. An invitation has been extended to Rockingham Lodge and others. Rev. V. M. Haughton will speak and other interesting exercises have been prepared. The new timetables on the B. and M. go into effect Sunday restoring the service to the schedule of last winter.

Francis Donnell will take a course in electrical engineering at the State college at Durham.

Last Tuesday, Mrs. Taylor, mother of Mrs. Fred Harrison, who makes her home with her daughter, fell and broke her hip. Mrs. C. S. Toppan, who is a trained nurse, gave her first aid until the arrival the doctor. Mrs. Taylor is in her 88th year and the injury is likely to prove very serious, as she had already sustained a fracture of the other hip some six years ago.

The Friendly Class will hold its next monthly meeting in the Camp Fire Hall. Every member bring another person.

Mrs. W. M. Lord of Camden, N. J. is a guest in the family of her sister, Mrs. C. F. Adams.

The employees and friends of the Towle Manufacturing Company of Newburyport to the number of 300 were served a shore dinner at the Seaview House last Saturday. On Wednesday evening 200 members of the Newburyport Chamber of Commerce were entertained here.

Mrs. Elliot and daughter Alice are spending a few days in Boston.

The union meeting Sunday evening will be in the Baptist church at 7:00 o’clock.

Mabel Perkins and Helen Tolman went to Wolfeboro and Sunapee, respectively, to teach in the grammar schools there, some time ago.

Prizes for best Rube Costumes at Carnival Barn Dance, Hampton Beach, Wednesday Nite. Murphy’s. Novelties.

Jacob Godfrey recently suffered a stroke of paralysis in his throat.

Postmaster General Works and the first assistant postmaster general, Gov. Bartlett, were in town Monday. They visited Hampton Beach and took dinner at the Seaview House.

There is to be an entertainment on Friday evening, Sept. 29, in the auditorium of the Centre School house, for the purpose of raising money to pay for the piano which has just been put in for the use of the schools. Further particulars later.

Cutler’s Seaview House will close for the winter, November 1st, Proprietor Rich leaving for the South at that time. During the winter Mr. Rich will manage a hotel at Port Royal, Fla.

Although not many noticed the humidity in the air Tuesday evening, a “shower” descended on Miss Alice Elliot, at least. A merry party of her friends burst in on her at her home on Highland Ave., about 8 o’clock in the evening and “showered” her with many household articles of various nature. An enjoyable evening was passed with games and singing and, after light refreshments, the girls departed, wishing the bride-to-be a long and happy life.

Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clark on the birth of a 91/2 lb. son, born Friday night, September 15.

The first meeting of the Men’s Club after the summer vacation was held in the Chapel of the Congregational Church last Monday evening and was quite well attended, nearly one-half of the membership being present. The meeting was made unusually interesting by remarks from three other clergymen who joined the club that evening, Rev. R. S. Barker of the Methodist Church, Rev. Bernard Christopher of the Baptist Church and Rev. I. S. Jones, a former pastor of the Congregational Church. In addition to the three pastors, three other men were voted members of the Club. Remarks were also made by Rev. G. W. Clark, Ernest G. Cole, Supt. of Schools Walker; besides some very pleasant words as the occasion required from the new president, David Hamilton. The total enrollment of the club is now above sixty and it is hoped to reach 100 before the year closes. The club is open to all men without regard to religious affiliation and the special work of the club is to promote a spirit of cooperation for the good of the whole community.

Barn Dance at Hampton Beach Wednesday night.

A new time schedule has gone into effect on the Street railway which restores the hourly service in effect before the opening of the beach season. The new schedule was received too late to print this week, but it will appear in our next issue.

Stillman Hobbs has returned to Andover and Wilbur Norton to Exeter; Wheaton Lane goes back to Princeton and John Perkins will enter Harvard. Neal Tolman will enter the University of Vermont.

Farm Decorations and Animals at Carnival Barn Dance, Hampton Beach next Wednesday nite. Prizes for Rube costumes! Mrs. Young Wins Her Suit

The case of Mrs. Gertrude F. Young of Hampton to recover $10,000 damages from Mrs. Annie E. Nason of Exeter for alienation of her husband’s affections, which was on trial in the Strafford County Superior Court all last week, ended Monday night with a verdict for the plaintiff, who was awarded $2,500 damages.

Camp Fire Notes:

At the weekly meeting of the Camp Fire Girls Tuesday night plans for a fair were discussed and work was started. Some new members were voted on, and a new dance was learned. All members come to the next meeting as there is to be a special program.

Big Barn Dance:

The last big special event of the season at Hampton Beach will be the big “Barn Dance” to be held Wednesday night, September 27 at the Dance Carnival on Hampton Beach. The great hall with its novel decorations of cornstalks, hay, harnesses, forks, rakes, etc., will present an unusual appearance. The various barnyard animals will be there also to add to color to the scheme. There will be cows, sheep, goats, ponies, hens, ducks, turkeys, and even the humble swine will grace the occasion with his presence.

Murphy’s Orchestra of Haverhill attired in broad-brimmed hats and overalls will present a natty front at the barn dance. The management is giving money prizes in three classes: men, women and children, for the best rural make-ups, and it is thought there will be many present in costume. A number of farm novelties will be introduced during the evening and everybody is assured a jolly time at this unusual event.

Hampton sends quite a delegation to Durham this year. Besides Curtis Donnell, who is in the Junior year, Wallace S. Ware, Harlan Teague, Carleton Moore, Sherman Tarleton, and Curtis’ brother Francis will enter the Freshman class.

William Elliot has entered the Freshman class of Hyde Park High School in Hyde Park, Mass.

Mr. John Donald, principal of the Centre School, is absent from his work at present because of a strained knee. Mrs. Helen Brown is taking Mr. Donald’s place.

An Exeter Wedding:

Miss Beatrice O. Litch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin P. Litch, was married Wednesday afternoon to William L. Harrigan, son of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Harrigan at the home of the bride’s parents. The couple was attended by Mrs. George C. Webber of Portland, Me., a cousin of the bride, as matron of honor, and Richard C. Litch of Pittsburgh, a brother of the bride, as best man. The wedding music was played by Miss Arlene L. Helson of Augusta, Me., a cousin of the bride.