Thursday, February 9, 1922

Hampton News

Miss Mary Cleveland came home from Lynn, Mass. quite ill with a cold on Friday. She had been ill several days in Lynn.

The W. F. M. S. of the Methodist church will meet next week on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jennie Godfrey.

Pastor Thompson of the Methodist church attended on Tuesday in Haverhill the funeral of one of the church’s very oldest members of the N. H. Annual Conference, Rev. Otis Cole. He began his public ministry in 1863. He was greatly beloved by his fellow-laborers.

The Father and Son Banquet, slated for Tuesday evening, Feb. 21, will be held in the Methodist church instead of the Baptist as announced last week. Rev. Mr. Hewitt will be well worth your effort to attend. Only Club members and their fathers and specially invited guests may attend the banquet, but everybody may attend the lecture. Exact time of banquet and lecture announced next week.

The monthly meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association next Monday night at the town hall offers four items of popular interest. Our recently employed District Nurse, Mrs. Hemingway, is the speaker of the evening; the Camp Fire Girls, under the direction of Miss Bradbury will repeat their jolly farce; and two live questions have already been pulled from the “question-box” for discussion. First is the worth-whileness of the school lunches, another, the possible advantage of dividing the first grade, as work opens under the advantages of the new building, in two divisions, one to meet the teacher in the morning, the other in the afternoon. If there is time to spare there may be other matters in that box. It has seemed to some that community singing may be successfully cultivated under the favorable conditions offered by the Parent-Teacher Association. Shall we get books? What books? Whether member or not, come.

The Methodist folks met in good spirit Monday evening to give preliminary discussion to the proposed federation of the Baptist and Methodist churches. Careful, prayerful discussion of all sorts of related matters was had and the feeling of the meeting crystallized in this motion, which was carried without opposing vote: We believe federation of our two churches desirable if conditions of federation can be determined which will be agreeable to both parties.

For the present the Club Room will be open only three nights a week: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

In the Chess Tournament Harold Clark won easily from Ring in two straight and Warren from True. Other games are in progress. The election of officers was postponed for a month. Donnell and Samuel Towle have withdrawn because distance deprives them of the Club’s advantages. Farnsworth also relinquishes his membership, we trust temporarily. Hatch has removed. We have 28 members on the roll. Grateful acknowledgement of generous gifts of money for this work is hereby made. Among the donors are Mrs. Alvin True, Mrs. Vianna Marston, H. G. Lane, E. G. Cole, A Friend, M. W. Dunbar.

The Ladies’ Aid of the M. E. church met at the parsonage Wednesday afternoon and evening. An unusually large number took advantage of the perfect day and much enjoyed the meeting.

The last meeting of the Mothers’ Circle was pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. Bettina Hobbs. A very interesting talk on “The Essentials in Diet for Good Nutrition” was given by Miss Marion Page, our Home Demonstration Agent. The next meeting will be next Wednesday evening, Feb. 15, at the home of Mrs. Jessie Moore with Mrs. Clara Teague as assistant hostess.

The U. W. club was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. Belle Dearborn, Wednesday evening, February 8. Dainty refreshments were served. The prizes were awarded to Mr. Oscar Scammon, Mr. Thomas Moore, and Mr. William Cash and Mrs. Charles Greene.

Austin Mace returned home from Manchester on Friday and Mr. Charles Batchelder from Newburyport.

The Monday Club and the Mothers’ Circle rendered most neighborly assistance to the Food Sale Committee of the Parent-Teacher Association at their Sale and Entertainment at the Town Hall, Friday afternoon. The teachers proved their loyalty to the Association by marshalling at very short notice their boys and girls for pleasing contribution to the entertainment. Two readings by Miss Cutts were particularly enjoyed. Grateful acknowledgement is here made of all the contributions of candy and food for the sale. Almost $50 remained after bills were paid.

The next meeting of the U. W. Club will be entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raymond.

The Union Service next Sunday evening will be held in the Methodist church.

Mrs. Wilbur E. Lamb fell and cut her face badly this week as did Mrs. G. E. Garland.

Mrs. Hemingway, the Community nurse, was confined to her home last week with a severe cold.

There were 108 in the Congregational Sunday School last Sunday and a good collection gathered. It was voted to contribute ten dollars to the Near East Relief fund.

The Selectmen have posted the warrant calling for a special town meeting on Monday afternoon, February 20, to see if the town will adopt the Australian ballot system at the March annual meetings.

Because of illness at Mrs. Walton’s, Mrs. Hemingway and Miss Hannington have gone to Mrs. I. S. Jones’. Mrs. Hemingway will do light house-keeping. They will have a telephone established.

Don’t forget Withington, the Harvard football star who will bring a life message to the boys of the Y. M. C. Club at the Methodist Vestry at 7:30, Tuesday night. Every friend of the work for boys and young men is invited. Offering for the work.

Joseph Mace was stricken by a shock on Wednesday, his right side being completely paralyzed. At present writing he has not improved any and he had difficulty in swallowing. Mr. Mace is in number of years next to the oldest man in town.

The Frances Willard memorial meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. Howard G. Lane, Friday, Feb. 17, and it is hoped many will attend. There will be a special program. Refreshments will be served and a silver collection gathered.

In Grange Hall on Feb. 14th the ladies, members of the Farm Bureau, and others interested are invited to meet with Miss Page of Exeter. Individual measures for fitted waist linings is to be the lesson. An all day session is requested.

The “movies’ Saturday evening were welcomed by the largest audience they have had this year. The vaudeville showing acrobats, dancers and trained animals was excellent. The comedy was good and the Pathe News photos very instructive, and the main picture was pleasing. This week the entertainment will consist of a comedy picture, vaudeville pictures, Pathe News photos and Tom Mix in “Big Town Round Up”.

About a year ago Beecher Yeaton bought a Registered Guernsey bull calf. This calf was by an outstanding sire but from an untested dam, who in the past year has completed a record of 11,555 pounds of milk or 597 pounds of fat. Five ninety seven pounds of fat will make approximately 700 lbs. of butter. A very good record for an 11 year old cow.

The H. T. G. Club was delightfully entertained on Thursday by Mrs. Belle Dearborn. Handsome favors of a bathroom set of a pair of towels and wash cloth was awarded to Mr. Sarah Batchelder, a novel bead tea tile to Mrs. Maude Nudd, and a spatula to Mrs. Eugene Leavitt. Choice refreshments of oyster patties, combination peach and orange sherbet, cake and coffee were served. The guests were Mrs. Cash, Mrs. Stillings, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Pickering and Miss Katherine Janvrin. The club will observe “Guest Afternoon” on Tuesday, Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14th.

Under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational Church a pie supper will be served in the vestry beginning at 5:30 Tuesday, Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14th. There will be meat pies, fancy cream pies and vegetables served at a cost of 35c. The Friendly Class will prepare an entertainment for the evening. The committee in charge is Mrs. Ardenia Hobbs, Mrs. Jessie Towle, Mrs. Margaret Coffey, Mrs. Caroline Cole, Mrs. Annie Berry and Mrs. Anna Palmer.

Rev. G. W. Clark preached a wonderful sermon Sunday telling why he was a prohibitionist, and there was to doubt in any one’s mind as to his being a prohibitionist at the close of his sermon. He gave several good reasons, fully explained, why every one should be a prohibitionist. One reason given is because all true ministers should be, another was because prohibition is a federal law, and all laws should be obeyed, because back of the law is the will of the people. The cry that prohibition does not enforce can well be answered by the fact that the laws against murder, larceny, bearing false witness, and so on are not enforced and there is no more reason for repealing one than the others. The singing by the choir was good and all enjoyed the solo by the new tenor, Mr. Churchill.

The Monday Club observed its annual musical this week in the pleasant home of one of its past presidents, Mrs. Sarah M. Lane, with a large number of members and guests present, about forty in all. Miss Dudley of Exeter gave a most pleasing musical program, explaining in her paper how to get the most enjoyment and understanding from music. Mrs. Lovejoy of Exeter, who has a wonderful voice, sang two groups of songs. During the social hour choice refreshments of fruit salad, cake and coffee were served by the hostess. The secretary reported having received a receipt for sixty dollars which had been sent to the Near East Relief fund by the club.

Cutler Will Case:

Monday morning in the Rockingham county superior court before Judge Thomas L. Marble of Berlin, the Cutler will case was begun, it being an appeal from probate in which relatives, Minnie Dearborn and Myra H. Johnson, the appellants, seek to break the will of Mrs. Hattie A. Cutler, widow of John G. Cutler, for many years proprietor of the Cutler’s Sea View at Hampton Beach.

Mrs. Cutler died in Miami, Fla., Jan. 14, 1921, and her will which was drawn up April 1, 1921 [sic], with Howell M. Lamprey, executor, gave a life interest to John B. Rich, present manager in the Cutler “Sea View” house at the beach and at his death it goes to his nephew, John H. Hull, and his wife Mildred. The allegations are that undue influence was used by the beneficiary, Mr. Rich, and that the testator was of unsound mind.

The foreman of the jury is Charles W. Coleman of Newington, and the panel consists of Charles S. Card of Kensington, Charles E. Gove of Seabrook, Fred S. Beede of Kingston, William McCue of Londonderry, James S. Martin and Alfred McCullom of Derry, Mark F. Piper and William H. Badger of Portsmouth, Charles W. Bonney of Salem, Albion D. Marden of Newton and Louis P. Lavoie of Newmarket.

Counsel comprises Scammon and Gardner of Exeter for the will, Sleeper and Brown of Exeter for Hull, and Merrill H. Brown of Boston, formerly of Hampton, for the appellants. The jury, after being out about 20 minutes on Tuesday afternoon, brought in a verdict sustaining the will, deciding that there was no undue influence on the part of John B. Rich, one of the benefactors, and that the testatrix was of sound mind.