Hampton News

Miss Mary Gookin and Miss Katherine are visiting their sister, Mrs. Thomas Sanborn in Concord, N. H., over the holidays.

Mrs. Ellen Blake spent Sunday with friends in Boston.

The missionary meeting of the Congregational Church will be held in the chapel Thursday afternoon and 3 o’clock. This will be Gentlemen’s Night and supper will be served at five.

A sleighing party of young folks of the village, chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Noyes, was enjoyed on Monday evening, to Portsmouth.

The Monday Club will meet with Mrs. Emma Young Jan. 1, 1923, at her home at 3 P. M.

Ellsworth Hobbs is spending his vacation with his parents.

The Mother’s Circle will be entertained at the home of Mrs. Harry Noyes, Wednesday evening, January 10th.

Word was received Christmas morning from the West of the death of Fred Hemingway.

The joint public installation by Rockingham Lodge and Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge will be held Wednesday evening, January 3. All Odd Fellows and Rebekahs are privileged to invite a friend to be present at this time. Sojourning members are extended a cordial invitation to join with us.

Donald Warren is home from Bowdoin on his Christmas vacation. Although he entered college three weeks late on account of his hospital experience, he has made up his studies and will start the new year even with his classmates.

Hampton has already gone over the top in the New Hampshire Tuberculosis campaign in the sale of Christmas seals. There are still about fifty who have not replied to the letters and seals sent them, and the committee would like to have all in by December 31.

Among the many blessings that have been Hampton’s portion during the Christmas holidays was the sermon by Rev. Bernard Christopher at the Baptist Church, Sunday morning. Wish it might have been possible for a great many more than the unusually large number that were there to have heard it. It certainly was full of the Christmas spirit and the teachings of the great Master.

Otis H. Marston:

The community mourns the passing of another aged and respected resident, Otis H. Marston, which occurred on Christmas morning at 11:30 o’clock. He had just exchanged the greetings of the day with Henry B. Hobbs, when suddenly he fell forward and expired, near the back steps of his house. The cause of his death is pronounced to be cerebral hemorrhage.

Mr. Marston was a native and life-long resident of Hampton. He was born in this town January 19, 1845, the son of David C. and Mary Pickering Marston and would have celebrated his 78th birthday in a few weeks. He married Lucy A. Godfrey who survives him, as do a son Herbert Berry and a daughter Addie Copeland Marston, and also four grandchildren.

Mr. Marston was a veteran of the Civil War, serving in the 14th Regiment New Hampshire Volunteers, from September 23, 1862, to July 8, 1865, when he was mustered out on account of the close of the war. He saw considerable service and was in the memorable battle of Winchester when Sheridan saved the day by his dashing ride.

In the death of Mr. Marston, Perkins Post has lost a valued member, the town of Hampton a useful and respected citizen, the immediate family a most devoted husband and father. The funeral will take place at his late residence, Saturday afternoon at two o’clock.

Rev. and Mrs. George Clark received a substantial gift of $50 from the members and friends of the Congregational Church, showing their appreciation of them.

The Friendly Class will meet with Mrs. Maud Nudd on Friday evening at her home on Academy ave., at 7:30.

Estow Hobbs and a friend from New York are in town for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs serve a dinner party on Thursday.

Christmas Sunday was observed by special music in the Congregational Church.

Mr. and Mrs. James Hutchins spent the holidays with relatives in West Lynn.

Miss Rachel Blake entertained her brother Mr. Winfred Blake and wife on Christmas.

Miss Anna May Cole is spending the week with the family of E. G. Cole.

On Sunday, December 31st, there will be a canvass call at your home for their usual yearly subscriptions for the Congregational pledge, so please be ready and save time.

Mr. Lester Tobey and Dean Merrill are spending a few days in Providence, R. I., on business.

Last Thursday evening a company of thirty young people gathered and took possession of the house of Miss Thelma Shaw. Much to her surprise when she entered the house she was showered with a miscellaneous collection of useful articles. There seems to be an epidemic of these parties in Hampton. We wonder, is it catching?

The Monday Club Musicale was held in the Assembly Hall of the Centre School yesterday afternoon.

A party staged by little Vylena Olney from start to finish was carried out on Monday afternoon to perfection. A little Miss four years old, who sent out the invitations, doing the entertaining and serving refreshments to neighbors and friends with the assistance of a little girl friend. The youngest was the baby brother Charles Gill Olney, the oldest a lady of 60, and all enjoyed the affair. Great credit was given to the little hostess.

The Community tree on Friday evening was, as expected, a success. Two beautiful trees and the stage prettily arranged for Christmas setting. A splendid thought of doing some good in one’s home town, for the good of little children, was that of Mr. Charles Lane, a former resident, and it will remain thru generations. This man has made a monument for himself that will never crumble or decay. Long live his memory. The committee chosen to do the work were superintendents of the four churches: Mr. Beede of Methodist; Henry Hobbs, Baptist; Miss Craig, Congregational, also Miss Akerman, and Mrs. Redman, Advent, who worked for weeks making out lists of children and their needs. Each child received two packages. The names of 200 children with 400 packages to arrange meant a lot of work. But the happy faces and thanks fully repay the committee for their labor.

Many items sent in for this week we are obliged to omit owing to lack of space and lateness of the hour.

Christmas eve was heralded in by carol singers who were conveyed around the town by Christopher Toppan. They made numerous stops, especially where friends were sick or not able to get out. This was a lovely spirit of Christmas and was greatly enjoyed by all. Afterwards the party was invited to the home of Douglass Hunter, where refreshments of hot coffee, cocoa, sandwiches and cake were served by his mother and were much enjoyed.