Hampton News

Mrs. W. T. Keene attended the graduating exercises at Exeter of Robinson Seminary having two nieces graduating at that time.

Mr. Thomas Cogger is down in Maine.

Miss S. B. Lane spent Sunday at Ogunquit, Maine, and Monday at York Beach.

Samuel Brown is now fully settled in his new home on Highland avenue.

Harold Brown of Newton, Mass., and Martin Cunningham of Boston, Mass., are new employees of the Rockingham Printing Co.

At the meeting held at the Congregational Webster Chapel, on Sunday evening, it was practically decided not to have Rev. Mr. Snyder come again. Rev. Mr. Royo of Kingston, will be asked to supply for two Sundays.

Miss E. B. Norris has returned from Wellesley, where she has been visiting relatives, bringing her niece, Caroline, with her.

If there is anyone who wishes to contribute to the N. H. Children’s Aid and Protective Society and has not been called upon, please leave your contribution with Mrs. Craig or Mrs. Akerman. This is a most worthy object. The thousands of children in our State homeless, crippled and destitute, are looked after by this Society.

This is a special effort to raise $50,000 in our State as there is to be added a similar sum from a friend if this is done. All are being very kind and generous. Let all have a part in this work.

Miss Adeline C. Marston is visiting her niece, Mrs. Leonora B. Wing in Boston, and her relatives, the Chipmans of Somerville.

Mrs. Alvin True, her mother, and daughter, attended the graduating exercises at New Hampshire College last week when her son, Lawrence, received his diploma.

Mrs. Wilson Olney is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hubbard of New York.

Children’s Night will be observed by the Rebekahs at Odd Fellows hall this evening. Mrs. John Rowe of Exeter will give an entertainment for the young people.

The Co-op Grocery store will be closed all day July 4th, and open Tuesday, July 3, until 9-30 p. m.

One of the very best asbestos wick or wickless kerosene oil stoves, only $20.00, ovens only $4.00 at W. E. Paul’s 87 Market street, Portsmouth, N. H.

On Monday, Mrs. John W. Nutter entertained her brothers and sisters at her cottage at North Beach. There were present Mrs. R. R. Leavitt, Mr. Jacob Y. Godfrey, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver H. Godfrey, Mrs. Lucy A. Marston, Mrs. Marcia E. York, Mrs. Addie B. Brown a cousin, Mrs. Anna T. Shelton and some friends of Mrs. Nutter.

Mrs. Lamira Knowles, wife of Thomas J. Knowles, died Thursday at her home on the North road, North Hampton. She was born in Rye, April 8, 1842, the daughter of Daniel and Sarah A. Philbrick. Besides her husband she leaves one son, David W. of North Hampton and a brother, Daniel Webster Philbrick of Rye. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon from the Congregational church, in North Hampton.

Dr. Arthur H. Ward:

There is a new doctor coming to town soon, Dr. Arthur H. Ward of Cambridge, Mass. He has just graduated with high honors from Harvard Medical College. A graduate nurse from Waverly, from Tufts College, a year’s practice in the West and practice as intern in the hospital during recent years, makes him well fitted for his work. He is a man of fine character, not a young student, as he is over 35 years of age. He has the finest credentials from all who know him. He will live awhile at Mrs. Addie Brown’s. Dr. Ward’s wife was Beth Chipman, Mrs. Brown’s niece.

Miss Mary Craig has gone with her mother to visit friends in Vermont.

There will be a very interesting service at “Line Church,” Seabrook and Hampton Falls next Sunday afternoon at two o’clock, to which the public is invited. Rev. Edgar Warren will answer the question “If a man is a good Mason, Odd Fellow or Mechanic why is he not a good enough Christian?” Mr. Melzar W. Dunbar of Hampton will tell “Why I, a Secret Society Man, Joined the Church.” The Hampton Male Quartette will sing. As this service at the Line does not conflict with the service at any other church, it is hoped that there will be a large attendance.

Hampton Academy Alumni:

The 17th meeting of the Hampton Academy Alumni was a success in every way. It was held on June 23rd at the Ashworth, Hampton Beach. A most delightful reunion of friends was held preceding the dinner hour. The genial host, Mr. Ashworth, did everything possible for the pleasure and comfort of his guests. A most delicious and bountiful dinner was served at 1:30 and all enjoyed it immensely.

Miss Annie Johnson had tried very hard to get the class together. It was their 10th anniversary. There were 13 in the class; two or three could not attend but the number was made up by a few of the members’ husbands. They all sat together and had a very pleasant reunion.

Quite a number of the first graduating class were present and the last graduating class was well represented. All seemed to enjoy themselves greatly.

After dinner, the secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read, Mr. C. L. Toppan, president, presiding.

Election of officers resulted as follows, David B. Collins of Hampton Falls for president, Warren H. Hobbs for vice-president, Adeline C. Marston for secretary, Grace B. Ring of North Hampton for treasurer.

A pleasant surprise was the announcement by H.G. Lane of a bequest to the school from his uncle, Charles H. Lane, of Seattle, of $12,000 or $13,000.

Mrs. Lucy A. Marston then introduced the speaker of the day, our new superintendent of schools, Mr. H. L. Moore. Hampton considers herself very fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Moore in our schools, and all were very much pleased with Mr. Moore and his address. He told of the lack of and the advantage of education at the present time. It was a very interesting address.

On account of ill health, Mr. Warren Perkins, the oldest living member, was unable to be present. Mrs. Vianna Marston, the next oldest, was present. Mr. Warren Lane of Amesbury, the next oldest, always attends. Mrs. Rebecca R. Leavitt, one of the oldest, was unable to be present this year. Mr. Lewis Perkins made an interesting statement. He and Lawrence True sat together, representing the first and last graduating class of N. H. College, at Durham. Lawrence was the youngest of three generations representing Hampton Academy. Mr. John W. York of Kensington, was the only member lost by death during the last year.

There were 75 attending the meeting.

Bad Fire at Hampton Beach:

On the second anniversary of the big fire of 1921, Hampton Beach Sunday morning was again visited by fire and a loss of over $80,000, or over, inflicted before the near conflagration was stayed.

The Wilbert Hotel was practicably destroyed, the Bristol garage, and two cottages on Marsh avenue and C streets two other cottages were scorched, and 22 automobiles were destroyed. The fire occurred at 2:30 o’clock Sunday morning. Nobody was injured beyond two men who received minor cuts and bruises.

The first man to discover the fire was William Drummond son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Drummond who occupied the house opposite the burned Bristol garage at the corner of C street and Marsh avenue.

Mrs. Leora M. Bristol, who owned the garage building, perceived the glare of the fire at the same time Drummond was hustling to the fire house her mother and two children two blocks away and moved to a neighbor’s and soon their home was burned to the ground.

Another cottage adjoining the Bristol place was occupied by Walter W. Goss, manager of the garage and William Harvey, caught fire and was soon destroyed.

The Wilbert Hotel, a three story wooden structure on C street of 25 rooms, on which the carpenters had been putting the finishing touches on a new dining room, was also burned, In the hotel at the time were Wilbert Miller and family and eleven guests.

Chief of Police S. L. Blake arriving before the firemen, and fearing a general conflagration, telephoned to Salisbury, Amesbury, Newburyport, and Exeter, all of which sent apparatus.

The night watch at the coast guard station saw the fire and the entire membership reported and did good work stopping the fire.

All the automobiles in the garage lie on the ground like piles of junk and give a silent testimonial of the heat of the fire.

The burning of the Bristol garage last Sunday morning at Hampton Beach marks the burning of every garage there during the past two years.

In the destroyed garage there were 22 automobiles, some of them were new, and they belonged to parties from Massachusetts as well as from New Hampshire. A few of the machines lost are scheduled as follows:

J. E. Charnley, the Brodie Electric Co., W. S. Onge, N.E. Herbert all of Manchester; W .H. White of Raymond, George Ashworth of the Hotel Ashworth, Mr. Moran, proprietor of a candy shop, Mrs. Leora Bristol, Walter W. Goss, manager of the garage, all of Hampton Beach, E. L. Hildreth of Brattleboro, Vt., Robert Day of Gaithersburg, Md., Dexter Priestly of Dover, Fred McCabe well known boiler manufacturer of Lawrence, Mass., who lost three day old costly touring car.

Total loss estimated, $79,000, Bristol garage, $15,000; tires, etc. $3,000; 22 cars in garage $40,000; two Bristol cottages, $6,000; Wilbert Hotel, $15,000 (no insurance); cottages slight damage, $500.

The cause of the fire is said to have been from an overheated automobile which had been driven into the garage for the night.

The fire had so well started when discovered and burned so rapidly, from the usually combustible nature of the garage surroundings, that by the time anyone could get anywhere near the place it was impossible to enter the building to rescue any of the machines many of which were new and some of them high priced. The garage was a wooden affair and the fire made short work of it. The Wilbert Hotel was situated but a few feet from the garage.

But little of the contents of the hotel was saved, so swiftly did the fire jump from the garage to it.

Largest Crowd Sunday at Hampton Beach:

The news of the fire spread rapidly after daylight and the result was that Hampton Beach had one of the largest crowds in its history. Certainly, never so early in the season has there been such a throng here, and there seemed to have been thousands of cars from all parts of New England.

Besides learning the lesson of the great fire of two years ago, Hampton Beach summer residents and business people, in rebuilding, had avoided using materials which would help the spread of fire. The material used in construction had been largely of fireproof nature. This fact in a great measure prevented another lamentable disaster.

It is a source of pride for the Hampton Beach residents to know that the fire was stopped and under control before help from outside arrived.


The annual Sunday school picnic of the Congregational church of Exeter was held here last Friday in charge of Supt. N. S. McKendrick and Dr. James W. Bixler, pastor of the church. The children accompanied in many cases by their parents or friends, arrived early by special cars and automobiles. By the time all had gathered for the basket lunch at the Casino more than 100 were present. The committee in charge consisted of Miss Margaret Kent, Miss Dorothy Burpee, Leroy Burpee, Frank Connor and Alger Bourn. After luncheon the youngsters spent their time enjoying the surf and playing games on the beach.

Low prices on garbage cans, sprinkles and ash barrels at Paul’s 87 Market street, Portsmouth, N. H.

More than 500 persons attended the annual outing of the First Baptist church of Haverhill. Several special cars were chartered and a great many came over the road by automobiles. A full series of sports and games was arranged for by the committees in charge.

For water, steam or steam pipe fittings or valves try Paul’s 87 Market street, Portsmouth, N. H. Prices are right.

Low prices on conductor pipe and fittings at W. E. Paul’s 87 Market street, Portsmouth, N. H.