Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Moulton of West Somerville, Mass. spent the week end with her sisters, Mrs. Gookin, and Mrs. M. M. James.

On Monday Nov. 19th, Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge will hold a Harvest Supper at Odd Fellows’ Hall from 5:30 to 7 P. M. Price 35 cents. Children under 12 years 20 cents. The public is cordially invited.

A benefit Whist for the Rebekah was held on Hallowe’en night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stevens. The party broke up at a late hour and was much enjoyed by all present.

Joseph Hanson, Grand Patriarch, will make his official visitation to the Hunto Encampment, No. 29, Monday evening, Nov. 12. Refreshments after meeting.

The Encampment of the Dover District will hold their District meeting with Odin Encampment No. 19, Exeter, Nov. 14th.

Mrs. Abby Mace is very ill with dropsy.

Mrs. Frank E. James entertained the West End Club at her home on the Drake road on Nov. 1st. A Hallowe’en program was given by the members. A social hour was enjoyed. Refreshments were served by the hostess.

Word has been received from Mr. John Page that there is a slight improvement, he is now able to recognize friends.

Mr. and Mrs. James Cotton, who recently returned from Europe, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. James before they return to Minneapolis, Minn.

Winnicummet Council of Hampton and Harmony Council of North Hampton, Jr. O. U. A. M., will attend church in a body at the Congregational Church Sunday, Nov. 11, to pay tribute of respect and appreciation to the host of Patriotic Americans who made the Supreme Sacrifice during the World War. The address will be given by the Rev. John Cummings who is a veteran of the World War.

Mr. Whidden was taken suddenly ill in Hampton Falls on Tuesday. He drove under the church shed and in getting out of the wagon fell under the horse. Fortunately, a man from Mr. Farmer’s came along and assisted him into a neighbor’s and telephoned Dr. Fernald who went over and brought him home.

Round trip tickets between Hampton and Exeter including admission to the theatre fifty (50) cents may be purchased at Green’s drug store, Hampton, or on the cars. Car for Hampton every night at close of theatre.

Dr. Kerr will hold a Tuberculosis Clinic on Friday, Nov. 16th, at 2 o’clock in the American Legion Rooms, Town Hall, Exeter.

John H. Page suffered a stroke of apoplexy while selling clams in Portsmouth on Thursday of last week. He was taken to the hospital in a serious condition and his wife notified.

At the Center School on Wednesday evening Nov. 14th there will be a meeting of Farm Bureau members and friends for a planning meeting. Plans will be made for the men under the direction of Mr. Purington, the County agent. Dressmaking, millinery and basket work by Miss Pulsifer, Home Demonstration agent, at 7:30 o’clock.

Mrs. Ellen Mace was stricken with a shock on Monday, the trouble being on the right side.

Announcement cards have been received by friends, of the marriage of Miss Lorraine Lindsay and Mr. David Brooks of Portsmouth. They will make their home in Hampton.

The meeting of the W. R. Corps will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 14, at 2:30 P. M.

There was quite an exodus of people from Hampton to St. Petersburg on Tuesday. Among the number were Mr. Roscoe Palmer and family, Mr. Amos Guyon and family, Mr. Shaffroth, Mr. William Gilpatrick, Mr. Clifford Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kierstead and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lorenz and family. Others are going later.

The Monday Club was pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Olney and Mrs. Gookin this week, with a large number present. A report of the conference held in Rye was given by Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Young and Mrs. Ross. Mrs. Wells told a little of conditions in Russia which she saw while traveling through that country. A reading was finely given by Mrs. Olney. Refreshments were served, and the next meeting appointed with Mrs.Wingate, with Mrs. Lane assistant hostess.

Mrs. Etta Glidden is spending her two week’s vacation in her home in town.

The school pictures Friday night are worthy of praise, and drew a large audience. The features of Saturday night are worthy too, and those who saw last Saturday’s picture will surely say that it was one of the strongest temperance lectures that one could hope to see or hear.

Monday evening Mrs. Howard G. Lane, Mrs. Arthur Ward and Miss Ruth Fall attended a meeting of the Exeter Chapter of the D. A. R. held at Mrs. Day’s home. Mrs. Snow, the state regent, was the guest of honor, and she explained all the work the National Executive Board hopes to have carried out this year.

Last week Dr. Ward spent three days in Cambridge attending clinic at the hospital. Mrs. Ward and Miss Barbara accompanied him to Somerville, where they visited with Mrs Ward’s mother, Mrs. Mary Chipman, Miss Barbara remained to make a two week’s visit.

Saturday morning at 5:30 A. M., Mr. Sumner Fall, with Rev. John Cummings, Dr. Arthur Ward, Ellsworth and Russell Hobbs, started for Hanover to see the Dartmouth-Cornell game. The Hobbs boys were dropped at New London, where Mr. Fall’s son Bruce joined the party. They arrived in Hanover at 11 o’clock, having time for Mr. Cummings to show them the college, to go thru the wonderful gymnasium and see other points of interest dear to the hearts of Dartmouth men. The outcome of the game was disappointing, but they conceded that the best team won.

The Thanks offering meeting of the Cong. Missionary Auxiliary was held on Wed. with forty present. Reports of the jubilee meeting in Manchester were given by Mrs. Sarah M. Lane and Mrs. Anna S. Ross. The Rev. John Cummings gave a very inspiring missionary address, starting with the work of Paul, the first missionary. Three new members were added to the society, and a nominating committee appointed, viz; Mrs. Flora Lane, Mrs. Alfie Godfrey and Mrs. Marion Leavitt. The calling committee appointed was Mrs. Carrie Scott and Mrs. Alice Swain. A delicious supper was served by Mesdames Hobbs, Towle and Leavitt.

Mr. Henry Hobbs and family are with Mrs. Gilman Moulton in North Hampton this week.

Mrs. Annie Berry and her cousin Mrs. Dunbar, of Portsmouth, were week end visitors in Boston.

The ladies of the M. E. Church will hold a public supper in the vestry, Tuesday, Nov. 13, from 5 to 7 P. M. The menu will consist of baked beans, cold meat, vegetables, salads, pies and coffee. Price 35 cents.

Floral Tributes:

The following is the list of floral tributes at the funeral of Gilman H. Moulton:

Pillow “Husband.”

Pillow “Father” — Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Moulton, Mr. and Mrs. Russell D. Moulton, Gilman W. Moulton.

Basket of red roses “Grandpa.”

Broken circle, ivy and roses — Mrs. Ella Chesley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Leavitt.

Large spray of daybreak pinks — Mrs. William Lowery and family.

Spray yellow chrysanthemums — Mrs. William E. Moulton, Miss Ardelle Moulton, Mrs. Charles White, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Johnson.

Basket of pink roses “Uncle Gil” — Norman Leavitt

Spray of carnations — Mr. and Mrs. Fred Berry.

Spray of pink carnations — Mr. and Mrs. George Collis.

Spray of chrysanthemums — Mr. and Mrs. Leon Ashe.

Spray of chrysanthemums — Warren B. Moulton and family.

Spray of chrysanthemums — Mr. and Mrs. George Tarlton, Elwell Tarlton.

Galyx wreath with white carnations — Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Varrell, J. M. Varrell and family, Misses Annie and Ida Varrell.

Spray of chrysanthemums — Mrs. Mary J. Varrell and family.

Spray of carnations — Mrs. Elizabeth Moulton, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Drew.

Spray of pink chrysanthemums — Mr. and Mrs. Byron Jenness, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moulton, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Moulton.

Spray white asters — Mr. John Yeaton and family.

Spray of chrysanthemums — Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Moulton.

Spray of chrysanthemums — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Garland and Pauline.

Spray of red and white carnations —Mrs. Horace Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott.

Spray of carnations — Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hyde.

Spray of pink and white carnations — Mr. and Mrs. Percy Perkins.

Spray of yellow chrysanthemums — Miss Gertrude Garland, Mrs. Ralph E. Berry.

Spray of chrysanthemums — Miss Mary Stevens.

Spray of chrysanthemums — Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lane.

Spray of pink carnations — Centre School.

Wreath of rosebuds — Union Lodge, No. 51, K. of P.

Set piece — Winnicummet Council No. 3, Jr . O. U. A. M., Hampton, N. H.

Wreath — Harmony Coucil, No. 22, Jr. O. U. A. M., North Hampton.

Large spray chrysanthemums — Carpenters and Joiners Union, No. 1652.