Hampton News

Several ladies of the Monday club attended the Grafforth club in Portsmouth, Wednesday.

Fred Blake, the blacksmith, has been unable to open his shop for a week on account of illness.

The new quarters for the Selectmen and William Brown, their clerk, are meeting with much popular approval. It is a great convenience to be able to transact town business at any time, and the convenience will be especially noted during the summer months.

An interesting meeting of the directors of the Chamber of Commerce was held last Thursday evening. Officers were chosen as follows: President, M. W. Dunbar; vice president, George Ashworth; clerk, Chas. F. Adams; treasurer, Dean B. Merrill. A number of committees were appointed.

Hampton’s baseball season opens today with a game with Newmarket on the Beach oval.

The Mothers’ Circle will hold their regular meeting, Monday evening, April 30, at the home of Mrs. Henry Hobbs.

Mrs. Lillian M. Twombly, President of the Rebekah Assembly I. O. O. F. of New Hampshire will officially visit Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge, No. 26, I. O. O. F. Tuesday evening, May 1st. The degree will be conferred on a large class of candidates, and supper will be served at 6:30.

During the present and summer seasons the Co-op Grocery store will open at 7:30 a. m. and close at 6:30 p. m. (daily). Lunch hour from 1 to 1:50 p. m. Saturdays, open at 7:30 a. m., no lunch hour, close at 10 p. m.

The Missionary Auxiliary of the Congregational Church will be entertained in the chapel on Wednesday, May 2. A returned missionary from Africa will address the meeting and a special collection will be taken to defray expenses of speaker.

The Monday Club will be entertained by Mrs. Robert Brown on Monday, May 7th. This will be the annual meeting for election of officers.

The Baptist Ladies’ Aid was entertained by Mrs. Irvin Leavitt on Tuesday with a good number present, although the weather was prohibitive. Much sewing was accomplished and generous, novel refreshments were served by the hostess.

About twenty former school mates and friends of Miss Allison Philbrick met at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jerry Thompson, on Thursday evening to give her a miscellaneous shower, the event of her coming marriage. Many beautiful and useful gifts were received. Piano selections were played by Miss Esther True and selections on the Victrola were enjoyed. Refreshments of ice cream and fancy cookies were served. Assistant hostesses were Miss Charlotte Bristol, Miss Beatrice Bristol and Miss Helen Lamprey. A good time was enjoyed by all. All leaving at a late hour and wishing Miss Philbrick many happy days and years to come. Miss Philbrick left Saturday for Middletown, Conn.

Everyone who wears a hat should be at the Town Hall Friday night, at eight o’clock, to see “The Minister’s Wife’s New Bonnet.” This play will be a bargain because of the music which goes along with the acting. When the minister’s wife hears that she must represent the Sunday School the whole church gets busy with her hat. Come and hear what Mrs. Marvin Young, the gossip, tells; hear Mrs. Hutchins and Mrs. Harold Noyes fight until Harold Clark, the minister, calms them; see what the minister’s wife, Mrs. Scott Noyes does; hear Mrs. Stanley Scott, Mrs. Francis Dennett, Miss Olive Nudd and Mrs. Charles Palmer run things, then see if Douglass Hunter, Warren Clark and Walter Clark haved fixed them. Watch Mrs. Robert Brown. And be prepared for any one of them to suddenly burst into song. If you were taking a course in millinery you would pay a lot for the suggestions given away on Friday night. Be there! The Ladies’ Aid will sell candy, cake and aprons before and after the play.

Miss Marian Lamprey of Boston is a guest of her father, Mr. H. M. Lamprey, this week.

Roy Woods has opened his lunch room in the Carnival hall every Saturday evening the dance is on. The same repetition of good things to eat and best of coffee which the public appreciates.

Mrs. William Cash entertained the Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational Church in her home on Tuesday afternoon. A large number of aprons were finished at this meeting for the sale, to be held in the town hall on Friday. After the business meeting delicious refreshments were served by the hostess.

The Missionary Meeting of the Congregational Church will be held in the Chapel of the church on Wednesday, May 2, at three o’clock.

Miss Lizzie Campbell who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. James Hutchins, returned to East Lynn on Tuesday.

Mr. Joseph Brown who has entered Anna Jaques hospital is comfortable but not gaining as fast as his many friends desire although he has the best of doctors and every attention is given him. There is not a day but “Billy” is missed from his accustomed places he used to be in and on the street.

On Friday night, April 20th, the Senior class of Hampton academy repeated their play “Red Acre Farm,” in Hampton Falls, to a good sized audience who thoroughly enjoyed the drama and gave the performers much credit for the manner in which they rendered their parts. They did splendid and showed careful study and training.

Ellsworth Brown, long a resident of Seabrook and prominent in public life in Rockingham, recently purchased a residence on Hampton Beach boulevard and will make his home here in the future.

A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Davidson in the Portsmouth Hospital on April 20. This is the fifth grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Leavitt, of whom Mrs. Davidson is a daughter.

The Junior Class of H. A. presented on Wednesday evening in the town hall their drama, “All a Mistake,” to a full house. School plays always draw a crowd — this was no exception. Each one took their parts very well and held the close attention of the audience. Berkmiere’s orchestra of Salisbury, Mass., furnished the music between the acts and later for dancing which was much enjoyed, both by the dancers and those listening, who sat around the hall enjoying the dancing and music.

A bad fire that started from a chimney at the home of Mr. Woodman at the West end, not only burnt the home place and all its contents but burnt over a large area of woodland and underbrush. As the wind was blowing a gale at the time it was a hard task to attempt to control a fire of any kind but by effort and perseverance the men at last stopped the flames on one side and fortunately the fire reached the swamp, after burning fiercely for about four hours. It was a great loss to Mr. Woodman and family as they lost everything. People burning up rubbish and grass should be very careful when and how they do it, after the scare of last Saturday. One should use all precaution and children be strictly forbidden to start a fire. There is a law that one cannot start a fire without first asking permission from the head officers of the town. Fire creates wind and a grass or rubbish fire should never be started. Let everybody be careful.

The funeral of Mr. Parker Blake on Saturday afternoon in the church was largely attended by relatives and many friends of the family. The services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. George Clark assisted by Rev. Edgar Warren, and a large body of men, Mr. Blake’s associates, were in attendance, signifying the respect they had for their fellow man and brother. A wonderful display of beautiful flowers were artistically arranged over the altar and around the casket. E. G. Cole had charge of the funeral. The undertaker was William Brown. The bearers: Howell Lamprey, William Ross, Warren Hobbs and E. J. Brown. Mr. Blake and his family have been sadly missed since they sold their home and moved to Norwood to be near his business, and this death is a great loss. Mrs. Blake was unable to come to the funeral, owing to illness. Her many friends extend to her and the family much sympathy in their bereavement.

Mrs. Fred Harrison is expected home from the hospital the last of the week.

Edwin Batchelder was unfortunate in having his home broken into a week ago, the robber carrying away about $30 in money. It was an exceptionally daring venture as it occurred in the day time, the thief entering thru the summer piazza and leaving thru the front door. Mr. and Mrs. Batchelder were at W. M. Batchelder’s at the time.

New England clean up week starts April 30. This is the 10th year of this kind of work. We hope Hampton will keep her record of neatness and cleanliness, and that our town officials as in past years, will see that competent leaders are appointed and teams go round and gather up the rubbish by the road side. Let everyone clean their own yards and help their neighbor, if need be, to help beautify the town. Our corner parks have been a thing of beauty and we hope the committee in charge will get busy and continue the good work by planting flowers. Our depot yard has a splendid setting but must have attention and additions to keep it up. Let everybody get busy.

The West End Club was entertained very pleasantly April 19 by Mrs. Nathaniel Batchelder. The meeting opened by all singing one of the old songs and then repeating the quotation. The business matters were then attended to. We were pleased to have with us as guests Mrs. Myers and Mrs. Murray. Mrs. Jessie R. Towle had charge of the program. Miss Frances E. Towle favored us by reading “Salting the Castle” and “The Longest Street in Boston.” A piano solo by Mrs. Greeley, readings by other members and singing. “I Cannot Sing the Old Songs” by Mesdames James, followed. Mrs. Myers talked about the work in the different clubs. The meeting closed by all singing, “Old Folks at Home.”

John W. Hobbs:

John W. Hobbs, 77, of North Hampton, died Wednesday evening, April 18, at the home of his son in Beverly. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Ralph Walker of Portsmouth and a son, Hervey W. Hobbs of Beverly. The funeral services were held from the Congregational church, North Hampton, Saturday afternoon.

David J. Lamprey:

The death of ex-representative David Jenness Lamprey, a prominent resident of North Hampton, occurred suddenly at his home at Little Boar’s Head that town, Wednesday evening of last week. Mr. Lamprey was a native and lifelong resident of North Hampton. He was born on Sept. 17, 1844, the son of Hezekiah B. and Mary (Jenness) Lamprey. He always took an active interest in the affairs and served as representative to the Legislature in 1899. He was a member of Rockingham Lodge, I. O. O. F., of this town. Mr. Lamprey is survived by his widow; two sons, Austin and Warren Lamprey; one daughter, Mrs. Marion L. Dearborn, of Hampton; also a brother, Morris Lamprey of Medford, Mass. The funeral was held Saturday.


Porthes Allen, a Portsmouth lad acting as his own counsel, in a case against him in Superior Court on an indictment of breaking and entering a freight car in that city, and stealing a quantity of oats, was found not guilty by a jury April 19.

Allen was also indicted on a charge of breaking and entering a clothing store in that city for which he will be tried later. The case was prosecuted by County Solicitor Jeremy R. Waldron of Portsmouth.

Another case which was settled out of court by agreement was that of Christopher S. Toppan of Hampton vs. the New England Telephone and Telegraph Company.

It was an appeal from an award to locate poles near Whittier’s corner in Hampton and the jury was impaneled which went to Hampton to take a view of the scene.

With the disposal of this case there was nothing ready for trial until Monday when the criminal trial of Howard Brown of Sandown indicted on a charge of murder in the 2nd degree commenced.

The case was on trial about three days. On Wednesday afternoon the jury took the case and in about 30 minutes returned a verdict of guilty.