Hampton News

Mrs. Walter Palmer and Mrs. Chas. Palmer spent Tuesday in Boston.

Mrs. Belle S. Dearborn entertained five tables of whist at her home on Tuesday evening for the benefit of the Rebekahs. These little parties are much enjoyed by all attending.

On Friday evening at the Centre School, Mrs. Chadwick, with the help of the Nursing Committee has arranged for a special program including the regular weekly film. The proceeds from the sale of cake, candy and tickets will be used to meet the outside expense of the health work at school. The dental work and the school lunches are, of course, not entirely self supporting.

Mrs. Frank Stevens and Mrs. William B. Cannon have been spending a few days with friends in Portland, Me.

Owing to sickness there will be no moving pictures in the Town Hall next Saturday.

Mrs. Josephine Coffey returned home on Tuesday after several weeks spent in Boston with her daughters.

Mrs. Stanley Ward, Mrs. Frank Mason and Miss Blanche Williams accompanied Mr. Myron Williams on an auto trip to Boston on Monday. Miss Williams will remain a while. The other two ladies returned on Tuesday.

In Trinity Church on Saturday, Mr. Arthur Penniman, of Boston, and Miss Marion Lamprey of Hampton, N. H. will be united in marriage.

The Cong. Ladies Aid met in the parish chapel on Tuesday and accomplished much sewing, completing eighteen aprons.

Don’t forget the Harvest Supper given under the auspices of Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge at Odd Fellow’s Hall Monday Nov. 19 at 5:30 P. M.

The H. T. G. Club was handsomely entertained by Mrs. Frank Coffin on Thursday. A delicious luncheon of fruit salad, ice cream, wafers and coffee was served. Favors were awarded to Mrs. Cash, Mrs. Dennett and Mrs. Leavitt. Guests were Mrs. E. G. Cole, Mrs. Harold Mae Keon and Miss Sadie Lane. Mrs. Ruth Palmer will entertain the next meeting.

The annual roll call for the National Red Cross will begin in Hampton on November 19th, and end on November 24th. To quote from Mr. Dudley in the Exeter News Letter, “The National Red Cross remains the best organized and most efficient society for the relief of human suffering that has yet appeared. During the past year it has furnished relief in 72 disasters in the United States alone. Its equipment and organization enables it to carry out effectively and without delay the benevolent impulse of the nation.” The Red Cross is maintained by membership fees and gifts. Fifty cents of every membership collected passes to the national society. The balance of fees and gifts remain with the local organization. In Hampton, as in Exeter, the money thus obtained is used toward meeting the expense of the district nurse. There are no expenses of management. During the war the town’s response to this roll call was generous. The war is over now, and many of the boys who have come back from France need far more help than they did during those years of fighting. Let us remember that we are a part of a world wide organization established to help suffering humanity, and in our own community established not only to help suffering but to prevent it, and let us all be generous. Headquarters during the week will be at the Center School, where supplies and information will be given to all who are willing to help in this work.

Monday evening is the Men’s Club meeting at the Congregational chapel. The speaker of the evening will be Prof. M. A. Dunbar of Boston University, who is an expert on community work from the practical standpoint. For the past summer he has been studying systems of community work abroad. There will be an opportunity for definite questions. All the men of the town are invited to be present.

At the Parent-Teachers meeting Monday evening several features of interest are worthy of mention. A short program was enjoyed by all, every one joining in the songs. The contest developed some surprises and it seems there will be more. Who is keeping score? Who knows who is ahead? The lunch at the new tables was a revelation. What an addition they are, and how much more home like. They will have an influence for good upon the children as they eat their lunches each day. Our superintendent is to be commended.

The Monday Club will be entertained next week by Mrs. Wingate, with Mrs. Lane assistant hostess. The program for December 3 will be given, as Mrs. Mead of Boston will be here to lecture on Dec. 3. The executive committee of the club has been invited to attend the Exeter club on Tuesday. The club held a rummage sale in Newburyport on Thursday, Nov. 15

Mr. G. W. Clark is spending the week with Mrs. Ellen J. Blake. Mr. Clark was in town on Tuesday and called on friends.

The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clark in the loss of their little baby. The interment was in Hampton, Rev. G. W. Clark, the grandfather, making a prayer at the grave. All hope for the restoration of the young mother to health.

Mrs. Elmer King and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hobbs enjoyed the movies in Newburyport Monday evening.

Thomas Cogger spent two days in Boston this week. He has just purchased a beautiful new Buick sedan car in which, with Mrs. Cogger, he plans to go south the first of December.

Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lane took a party of friends to Concord on Monday in their sumptuous new Studebaker sedan car, among them being Rev. Mr. Prescott of Newburyport.

William Gilpatrick left Hampton Tuesday morning with Amos Guyon’s party for St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. Gilpatrick will do the cement work on Mr. Guyon’s contracts, and has nearly six months work ahead.

Fred Blake, our popular blacksmith, has returned from a hunting trip in the North Country. He brought home two deer, one of which he shot, and the other brought down by Charles Kierstead. Mr. Blake’s deer was of a peculiar color being marked very much like a “Calico” mustang of the West.

The Rev. Frank L. Long of Wolfeboro, was in town last week Monday visiting old friends and parishioners. He was accompanied by his mother, a woman of distinguished appearance, and who is also a preacher. Mr. Long weighs 200, and looks fine. No wonder. He has things easy in his present charge. Last week all he had to do was to attend three or four services Sunday, a service every evening, officiate at three funerals and marry two couples besides making calls and getting ready for his pulpit work. With so little to do we should think that the time would hang heavy on his hands.

Rockingham County is well organized for the Tuberculosis Christmas Seal Sale. The chairman for Hampton is Miss Etta Blake; for Hampton Falls, Mrs. Charles Parker and for North Hampton, Mrs. Edward Smith. It is hoped that the receipts from the sales will be sufficient to enlarge the work to include the children. One thousand tubercular children are now under observation in New Hampshire, with no hospital beds available for children.

Mrs. Addie Brown went with Mrs. Benjamin Colvin from Shelton, Conn., to her new home in Harrison, N. Y. Mrs. Colvin’s friends will be interested in the following clipping cut from “The Evening Sentinel”.

Mrs. B. J. Colvin of Howe Avenue, Shelton, for the past five and a half years employed on the Derby-Shelton staff of The Evening Sentinel, has resigned. Mr. and Mrs. Colvin have bought a house in Harrison, N. Y. and will move there about November 5. Her resignation became effective today.

Mrs. Colvin has been a valued member of the staff of the Sentinel, and up to the time of the resignation of Probate Judge Leo T. Molloy to assume the position he now occupies, she devoted most of her time to the Derby field. Upon his resignation last December, Mrs. Colvin was promoted to cover the Shelton field, and has been successful in carrying on the duties in that community.

Not only has she been active in newspaper work, but in the church, community, social and political activities in Shelton. She has been a resident of Shelton for the past ten years, and has been closely identified with the church and social life of the Shelton Congregational church. She has been on many committees having to do with community movements, and she is also a member of the Shelton republican town committee.

Mr. Colvin has been employed in New York City for the past year or so, and decided to buy a house at Harrison. The purchase has been made, and they will occupy it early in November. The Sentinel feels sure that many people in Shelton will regret her removal from the city in which she has made her home for ten years, and the Derby-Shelton office and the entire Sentinel force regret that it is to lose her services, and also that the pleasant personal relations that have existed for the past five years are to be broken. The Sentinel wishes her the best of good fortune in the years to come.