Hampton News

Big price reductions at the Co-op this week.

Miss Grace Williams has returned from a week’s vacation from her duties at the Post Office which was spent with her brother in Waltham, Mass.

The Missionary Society of the Baptist Church will meet with Mrs. Agnes Leavitt on Wednesday, at 2 o’clock, p.m.

Rally Day will be observed in the Baptist Sunday School on Sunday, October 7th. A special program is being planned. All who are interested in our Sunday School are urged to come.

The Methodist Sunday School rally day services have been postponed on account of the absence of the pastor and will be held on Sunday, October 14.

Rally Sunday!! Congregational Sunday School, October 7, 1923. We want to go over the top with our quota. Don’t fail to come and bring your friends.

Best Bread Flour: .89c a Bag. $6.97 bbl. Co-op

Watch the Co-op windows for their weekly sales.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold A. McKeen returned home Sunday after a week’s visit to Mt. Vernon, N. Y. and Lowell, Mass.

Miss Elizabeth Philbrick and Miss Adeline Marston were guests of Mrs. Flora Feeney at the Beach last week.

John W. Perkins returned to Harvard College last week.

Mrs. Mary G. Chipman and daughter Martha, are visiting at Dr. Ward’s and other friends.

Miss Ianthe Hawbolt left Friday for Baltimore to enter a business school. Ianthe will be missed by both old and young with her cheery smile and bright good morning. We hope to see her with us when the season of 1924 opens.

Scott Noyes and family were week-end visitors at Atkinson recently.

Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown are being congratulated upon the birth of a fine eight pound boy, Haddon Badger Brown, born on September 21.

There will be a lawn party on the Baptist Church lawn on Saturday at 2 o’clock p.m. All connected with the Baptist Sunday School are invited to come, both adults and children. This takes the place of the picnic.

Best Pastry Flour: .69c Bag. $5.40 Bbl. Co-op.

Harold Beede entered the New England School of Theology, Boston, last week, where he will fit himself to become a missionary.

The regular October meeting of the Mothers’ Circle will be held with Mrs. William Keene on Wednesday, Oct. 10.

Mrs. Annie D. C. Hawkins was the guest of Mrs. Lucy A. Marston on Tuesday of last week.

Mrs. James Hutchings and sister, Mrs. Campbell, spent last week in Lynn.

Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Lyford, Mr. L. Melton Goodrich and Miss Frances Entwhistle of Portsmouth and Mrs. Charles Tarlton of Hampton, motored to Rochester Thursday and spent the day at the Fair.

Edgar C. Savage and family are spending the week with Mrs. Savage’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Shaw.

On Tuesday, Oct. 9th, from 6 to 7 o’clock, the Dorcas Society of the Baptist Church will serve a Harvest Supper in the vestry. An Old Fashioned New England boiled dinner, Indian pudding with whipped cream, coffee and fruit. Price 40 cents.

Special Prices at the Co-op every Friday and Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kimball and family returned home after a pleasant sojourn with Mrs. Kimball’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sherburn Hawbolt.

The remains of Mary, the three-year old daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Park Davis, nee Miss Bessie Jenness, were brought here for burial Friday before last. The little girl was ill only a few days with spinal meningitis. Funeral service was conducted by Rev. John Cummings at the home of Mrs. Zipporah Jenness. Much sympathy is extended to Dr. and Mrs. Davis in their great bereavement.

Mrs. Frank Palmer fell down a flight of stairs in the shoe factory, Newburyport, a week ago, breaking her arm and getting considerably bruised. She is now able to be about her home.

Parent-Teachers’ Association:

The Parent-Teachers’ meeting will be held October 8th at 7:30 p.m. in the Audience room of the Center School Building. We call you at this hour on account of special business. An unusually interesting program will be carried on. Come with lots of good will and your biggest smile.

The following are the new officers of the association: President, Bernard Christopher; Vice President, Mrs. Margaret Noyes; Treasurer, Mrs. Christopher Toppan; Secretary, Irene J. Trefethen.

Chairmen of committees:

Program, Irene J. Trefethen; Educational, Mrs. Edith Warren; Press, Rev. R. S. Barker; School Improvement, Mr. Scott Noyes; Legislative, Mr. Warren Hobbs; Social, Mrs. Edgar Howe.


A subscriber writes the Union as follows:

“I was pleased, in passing the Moses Brown place to see Ella Brown cleaning up each side of the street. She told me she had picked up more than 20 market baskets from the road between the school house and Gookin’s place, mostly paste-board boxes, paper bags and empty bottles.

“I had a caller yesterday from Seabrook and told him of this. He said that was nothing to what he had picked up on the Lafayette Road.”

A Citizen:


“The subscriber gives notice that he has been duly appointed Administrator of the Estate of Meribah A. Mace late of Hampton in the county of Rockingham, deceased.

“All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and all having claims to present them for adjustment.

“–Ernest G. Cole, dated Sept. 27, 1923”