Hampton News

Walter Clark is now driving Dr. Thompson’s car.

Mrs. C. O. Stevens met with a painful accident last week Wednesday. While standing in a chair to adjust a bulb in an electric fixture she made a misstep and fell, injuring her back.

John Willicutt, a former resident of this town, has been spending a month here after an absence of many years. He is now located in St. Johnsbury, Vt., a clerk in a hotel.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational Church will have a sale of fancy work, aprons and candy on Friday, December 14th. Sale opens at four o’clock. At five-thirty a meat pie supper will be served. This is the chance to get some of that chicken pie you have been watching for so long. See later issue of the Hamptons Union for further particulars.

John Page returned home from the Portsmouth hospital on Tuesday, and is now very ill but he was anxious to be at home.

Mr. and Mrs. William Redman started for Florida on Wednesday. They plan to stop by the way and reach Florida on Saturday.

The Harvest Supper given by the different churches and organizations this fall have been unusually good and well attended, the one given on last Monday evening by the Rebekahs being no exception, as it was one of the best and largest attended suppers ever given by the lodge. Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge is to have an entertainment and sale of aprons and home made candy at Odd Fellows Hall about the middle of December. The entertainment is in charge of Mrs. Martha Lewis, and will be given by the Seabrook members of the order. The apron table is in charge of Miss Jessie A. Moulton and Mrs. Laura B. Cannon has charge of the candy table. Further announcement later.

The Philthea Class of Exeter was very pleasantly entertained by Mrs. Albert L. Coffin, in her new home, last Monday evening. Several members of the Monday Club attended the meeting of the Exeter Club Tuesday afternoon, greatly enjoying the entertainment by Mr. Weber.

Quite a number from here attended the Sunday School Convention in North Hampton on Tuesday. The officers elected for the coming year are Rev. Bernard Christopher, president; Rev. John Cummings, vice-president; Mrs. Alice Barker, secretary; and Miss Grace Ring, treasurer. A most inviting dinner was served by the entertaining church.

The Monday club was royally entertained by Mrs. Wingate and Mrs. Lane this week. Music was furnished on the victrola by Mrs. Wingate. An excellent paper on why everyone should vote was given by Mrs. Emma Young followed by discussion. Mrs. Elliot and Mrs. Robert Brown gave two very entertaining readings. Generous refreshments were served.

On Friday, Nov. 9, a pathetic equine tragedy occurred at the Landing when two horses struggling heroically to haul a clam digger’s Ford lost their precarious footing and one, a valuable young horse, newly purchased, was thrown head first into the river and injured so badly that he died in agony the next day, although attended by a skilled veterinary. The mare slipped and plunged into the river, dragging the horse with her, and they were struggling vainly to swim to land, but the entangled harness, the cart and the Ford, held them down. Only the timely arrival of Mr. Batchelder saved them and their driver from drowning, which would have been a more humane death than the one horse was destined next day to pass through.

Frank Stevens and James Eastman are among those who have been on a hunting trip to the northern part of the state.

The meeting of the Men’s club in the Cong. Chapel Monday evening was well attended by a representative audience. The program was arranged by a committee of seven of which Warren H. Hobbs, president of the club was chairman and his assistants Richard B. Shelton, John H. Elliot, William Cash, Harold Noyes and William F. Stevens. Prof. Dauber of Boston University was the speaker of the evening. He is a recognized authority on Economics and the foremost advocate of community work in New England. The speaker gave a brief outline of the terrible economic conditions in Europe and illustrated the influence of the European conditions upon American progress. Prof. Dauber traced the success of the dairy interests in Denmark through its system of cooperative marketing, back to the demoralized conditions of the same industry in this country and showed the trouble to be in the lack of organization, production and distribution in New England. The single tax was touched upon and other matters relating to better economic conditions through cooperation. A vote of thanks was given to the professor and also to Messrs. Grady and Creighton who furnished music for the meeting. The usual 25 cent supper was served in the dining room and a brief business session followed.

The next meeting of the club will be one of the most important of the year and has been named “Brotherhood Night” with the central idea of creating a fraternal spirit in the development of community work. All the men’s organizations in the town are to be invited and a prominent speaker will talk to them. Special music and other features will be included in the program. The chairman of the committee of arrangements is Sam Brown and his assistants are M. W. Dunbar, W. Scott Noyes, G. Sumner Fall, Oliver W. Hobbs, Leroy Hamilton, Frank Stevens, Everett P. Coombs and Charles D. Palmer. The chairman desires every one of these men to be present at a meeting at his house Monday evening, Dec. 3.

Moving pictures will be given in town hall again Saturday evening of this week. The feature play will be Snowy Baker in “The Fighting Breed”, a good, clean story of athletics. As usual there will be the Fox news, “Out of the Inkwell” comedy, and an educational film. Some big plays are coming later.

Mrs. William T. Ross spent four days in Boston last week, visiting in Waltham and Wollaston. Mrs. Ross went up on Sunday.

Mrs. Ellen Blake will soon close her home and spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott.

Artist Ewer Moves to North Hampton:

Prof. Louis Ewer, the well known artist in oil canvasses, formerly of New York, who has made use of the Lane building near the bridge for a studio during the past two years, moved Wednesday to North Hampton where he will make his home in the future and become of the colony of noted people in the Little Boars’ Head Section which now includes Lieut.-Gov. Fuller of Mass., the Thaws of New York, Geraldine Farrar and others. Before leaving Hampton he gave opportunity to his friends here to view some of his recent work. Those who have had the pleasure of seeing Prof. Ewer’s work know that all of it is beautiful and some of it wonderful. Some marsh scenes, which were taken from near the residence of S. Albert Shaw, are unusually fine productions.