Hampton News

Buy today with Best Pastry Flour at $5.37 a bbl. Co-op Groc. Co.

If anyone has not been visited in the Salvation Army drive, their contributions can be put in the boxes for the purpose in Lane’s and Cole’s stores.

The shooting of firearms on Sunday in Hampton is beginning to be a nuisance, and notice is hereby given that there will be a strict enforcement of the law.

Why pay more than 89cts. a Lg. Bag for Best Bread Flour? Co-op Gro. Co.

The telephone exchange is to be moved to the Watt house on the Beach road next Monday, Oct. 29. Most of the preliminary work has been done without interruption of service, but the moving of the switchboard will necessitate a brief suspension. It will take place at noon on Monday and last about two hours.

The Revival at the Hampton Advent Christian Church that began the evening of Sept. 25th, continuing up to and including Sunday, Oct. 14th, with Evangelist I. S. Crecelius, closed Sunday night, with spiritual interest at full tide.

Several took a stand for the first time, and others re-consecrated themselves to the master’s service. Christians of other denominations attended nearly every service. The church is greatly revived, and is stronger than ever to combat sin. We thank God for it, and for His Holy Spirit which was with us during the Campaign. We look for larger results because of these meetings. Any church who desires reviving, will do well to secure this able and consecrated man of God.

A.B. Thompson, Pastor:

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Smith and daughter spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Leavitt

Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Sanborn, and little Anne are visiting her mother and father Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Gookin.

The temporary committee is to announce that community pictures will be shown at the Centre School on Friday of this week, as announced last week. Everything will be ready, and Mr. Douglas will be here from Boston and will put on a varied program for the school in the afternoon. In the evening the program will consist of Pathe news, athletic film and a five reel film entitled “Anna Belle Lee”. The pictures are free, and the public is invited. This is a community affair, and will be handled by an organization representing community interests under the direction of the School Board, announcement of which will be made as soon as the organization is complete. The support of the community is solicited in the interest of community welfare. The price of the pictures after this week will depend on the expense of running first class films, the object being not for a profit in dollars and cents.

Dr. LaMert Oulton and family, of Providence, R. I., were recent visitors in town at his home on the Beach road.

Sunday, Mr. Sumner Fall with friends motored to Colby Academy in New London to visit his son, Bruce. The day was ideal for the trip, and when they returned the speedometer registered 226 miles.

Mr. John Chipman drove down from Boston Sunday and took back his mother and sister Mrs. Mary Chipman and Miss Martha Chipman, who have been visiting relatives in town for the past three weeks.

Mrs. Christopher Toppan and little daughter Elizabeth spent several days in Haverhill and Newbury, Mass. this week.

Miss Etta Blake is visiting her sister, Mrs. Pressey in Salem.

Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Moulton of West Somerville, Mass., and Miss Isabelle Read of Linhurst, Nova Scotia, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Merton James.

A. H. Nutting has received a letter from Mr. Taylor of Taybury Arms stating that the sea voyage to St. Petersburg proved very beneficial, and he hopes soon to take up his work.

Miss Mary C. Toppan went to Salem, Mass. on Wednesday to attend the funeral of Miss Louise Carter, only daughter of Mr. Fred Carter, a well known resident of Hampton Beach.

Mrs. Harriet Washburn of New York City, and Mrs. Alice Cooper of Boston, spent last week with their cousin Mr. William T. Ross.

Mr. and Mrs. Huckins (nee Helene Roberts), returned on Monday from a pleasant two weeks vacation spent with Mr. Huckins friends near Bangor. They went by auto.

Mrs. George Rodgers, Mr. James Kershaw and daughter, Mrs. Gladys Getchell, and her son, Junior, of Fall River, Mass., spent the week end with their sister, Mrs. William Gilpatrick.

Quality Counts — Fancy Smoked Shoulders @ 11-3/4 cts. a Lb. Co-op Gro. Co.

A Money Saver with our Best Pastry Flour @ 69 cts. a Lg. Bag. Co-op Gro. Co.

Miss Adeline C. Marston drove to Laconia to the Teacher’s Convention last week, taking with her Mrs. Coombs, Miss Gifford, Miss Cutts and Miss Gookin. Miss Gifford, who is an expert auto driver, took her share in driving.

John Brooks, Carl Perkins and Everett Janvrin have returned from an auto trip to Niagara Falls, Cleveland, Cincinnati and Belleview, Kentucky. They made the return trip by way of Baltimore, Washington and New York City.

The Ladies Aid made a good opening on Tuesday in the old vestry. Though stormy, there was a large number present. As there was no president, it was decided to choose committees for the different parts of the work. This was done, and much work planned. It was very pleasing to see so many new members present.

Mrs. H. G. Lane was called to her sister, Mrs. Belle Colvin, on Tuesday by the latter’s severe illness. Mrs. Lane had planned to carry members of the W. C. T. U. to the meeting at Mrs. Lucy Marston’s on Friday, but there will be no room for all to go if they will be at the same place, or let Mrs. Marston know and she will provide conveyance. Let all plan to come as the reports from the State Convention will be given.

Mrs. Mabel Wood, Asst. Postmaster, is having a ten weeks vacation.

Mrs. Josephine Coffey is enjoying a few weeks visit with her daughters in Boston.

Mrs. Marcia York was gladly welcomed by her many friends at church on Sunday. She was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Lucy Marston.

Mr. John Wilcutt, a former resident of Hampton, is spending a few weeks in town at the home of Miss Mary Toppan.

Mrs. Shea had as dinner guests Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. William T. Ross.

Mrs. Martha Locke and Miss Maria Perkins went to Union on Wednesday to visit Mrs. Lyle Drew for a week. Miss Perkins has been visiting her brother, Mr. Henry Perkins during the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Tarlton (nee Miss Martha Moulton) have sold their home in Rye and moved to Atlantic Heights in Portsmouth.

Several new houses are being built in town. One is being erected on the lot formerly owned by Mrs. Joseph Holmes, and Mr. Henry Hanson is building one for Wm. Webster on the lot opposite Miss Clara Powers.

Mrs. Jessie Towle entertained the West End Club for Miss Frances Towle on Oct. 18. A good program was prepared. After the meeting a social hour was enjoyed by all. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Frank E. James, Nov. 2nd.

There are few people at the age of 88 years who are so free from the infirmities of age that they can travel even short distances alone. Not so with Mr. Warren Perkins, who celebrated his 88th birthday this month. He went to Kansas City last week to visit a few months with friends. A letter was received from him when he reached Chicago, which stated thus far he had one of the most pleasant journeys that he had ever undertaken.

On last week Wednesday the Farrell-Durleshkaivich Concert Company gave a concert in Rochester under the auspices of the Rochester High School Lecture Course. As Mr. Durleshkaivich, the violinist, spends his summers in town, much interest was shown. Mr. Green took a party of six in his machine, which included Miss Jordan, Miss Brown, Miss Morey of No. Hampton, Mr. Clyde Brown Mr. Lamie and Mr. Norman Coffin. Mr. Sumner Fall took his daughter, Miss Ruth Fall, Dr. and Mrs. Ward and their sister Miss Martha Chipman of Somerville. Mr. Carberry took Mr. William McIlbeen. (sic) The concert was well worth the 35 mile trip.

Mrs. Anna Shelton, assisted by her son, Mr. Richard Shelton and daughters Miss Emma Shelton and Mrs. Richard Shelton, gave a very delightful family dinner Saturday. The guests were Mrs. Mary Chipman and daughter Miss Martha Chipman of Somerville, Mrs. Marcia York of Kensington, Mrs. Rebecca Leavitt, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Godfrey, Mrs. Lucy Marston, Mrs. Addie Brown, Mrs. Andrew Paulson, Dr. and Mrs. Ward and Miss Barbara Ward of Hampton. Mr. Jacob Godfrey was unable to be present. Mr. R. B. Shelton is an inimitable host, and all fell in line with dear little Ann, the adopted baby of the house, who was pronounced by all a wonderful baby. Mrs. Anna Shelton is as bright as ever. All were pleased by a call from Miss Maria Perkins in the afternoon.

Mrs. Thomas Hobbs attended the funeral of Mrs. Wheat in Manchester last week Friday.

Stock up today with Best Bread Flour at $6.97 a bbl. Co-op Gro. Co.

Miss Katherine Gookin went to Boston on Saturday to hear the symphony concert with her friend Miss Johnson.

Miss Mary M. Gookin attended the teacher’s convention at Laconia, N. H., Friday.

The Ladies Aid of the Congregational Church are to have a Harvest Supper on Tuesday evening, Oct. 30th, at 5:30 o’clock in the supper room; followed by a Hallowe’en entertainment and social in the vestry. Admission of 35 cents covers all expense. Where could one invest this amount more profitably? Be sure and save this date so you may enjoy the social time with us. Everyone in town is cordially invited.

The P. N. G. Club of the Rebekah Lodge held its monthly meeting with Mrs. Caroline E. Cole on Monday evening Oct. 22nd. Plans were made to hold a Whist at Odd Fellows Hall Nov. 14th, and to unite with the Lodge for a Harvest Supper on the same date. Further announcement later.