Hampton News

Mr. Oscar Garland spent the week end in Jefferson, N. H.

Pure Lard — 12-1/2 cents a pound. Co-op Gro. Store Co.

Ernest G. Cole is having exterior repairs made on the building in which his periodical store is situated. Harry Hanson is doing the work.

The grocery store which the Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. has fitted up in the post office building was opened to the public on Tuesday with the usual line of goods in chain stores.

Sliced Bacon — 28 cents a pound, Smoked Shoulders — 12-1/2 cents a pound. Co-op Grocery Store Co.

A new railing is being built on both sides of the approach to the railroad bridge in the square.

Best Bread Flour — 89 cents a bag; $6.97 a barrel. Co-op Grocery Store Co.

Miss Elsie Jennings returned to her home in New York City after a pleasant sojourn at the Elmwood where she has spent a number of summers.

Mr. Remington Merrill and son and Mr. Edward Giddings of Providence, R. I. , spent Sunday at the home of Mr. William Gilpatrick.

The Friendly Class will have an outing on the North Shore beach, near Toppan’s bath house, on Monday, Aug. 30. If stormy the outing will be held the following day.

A large number of Hampton people visited the splendid parade in Portsmouth on Monday.

High Grade Creamery Butter — Best Tub 49 cents; Best Print — 50 cents. Co-op Gro. Store Co.

Henry C. Hanson announces that he has started out as a carpenter and jobber on his own hook. He is a good carpenter and has been many years employed with J. W. Berry. His terms will be reasonable.

Fine Granulated Sugar 8-1/2 cents a pound. Co-op Gro. Store.

The August Meeting of the Womans’ Missionary Society of the Congregational Church will be held with Mrs. J. Q. Bennett, as it has been for many years. The date of the meeting is Wednesday, Aug. 29, at three o’clock. A good attendance is desired.

There will be a lawn party and sale on the grounds of the Congregational Church on Friday, Aug. 31, opening at 3:30 p.m. There will be the usual tables for the sale of aprons, candy, ice cream, mystery packages and food, including bread, cake and doughnuts. At 5:30 there will be a supper in the church dining room served at 35c per plate.

Mr. Lewis Perkins will vacate his residence to the new owner Sept. 1. He still has a few pieces of good furniture which cannot be taken to California, which will be sold at a low price.

At a meeting of the members of the Congregational Church, held after the morning service last Sunday it was unanimously voted to extend a call to the Rev. John Cummings of Webster, Mass. The Society had already taken action concurring with the Church, so that Mr. Cummings is now the pastor of this Church.

Mrs. Lucy A. Marston has prepared a neat little leaflet giving the origin and meaning of Winnicunnet and a brief history of the first settlement in Hampton. The leaflet also contains the poem she wrote for the Old Home Day exercises nineteen years ago. The leaflets will be sold for 10c each, the proceeds to go for the benefit of the Red Cross.

Old Home Week Observance:

Tomorrow, Friday, the town of Hampton and the Beach will welcome the members of the New Hampshire Old Home Week Association, of which Mr. H. H. Metcalf of Concord is president, and Hon. Andrew L. Felker, the New Hampshire Commissioner of Agriculture, is secretary.

An interesting program has been prepared for the occasion, with music by the Temple Quartette of Concord and Down’s band.

At one o’clock there will be a reception to the guests at Hotel Ashworth. Dinner will be served to the speakers of the day, the Quartette, the members of the reception committee and a few invited guests.

At 2:15 a parade will form in front of the Ashworth and march to the stage opposite the Casino, where the exercises are to be held. The parade will be led by Down’s Band and the school children, followed by autos conveying the elderly native citizens of Hampton; The town officials, The Reception Committee, speakers and Quartette.

It is hoped that as many as possible of the elderly natives of the town will be present. Any of those in town who desire it will be taken to the Beach in autos. Mrs. Lucy A. Marston and Mr. Lewis Perkins are in charge of this part of the program and a telephone call will secure an auto.

The committee in charge of arrangements is made up as follows. A General Committee from the Beach Board of Trade: Messrs. Ashworth, Taylor and Nutting; the directors of the Hampton Chamber of Commerce and the following: Rev. and Mrs. R. S. Barker, Rev. and Mrs. Bernard Christopher, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Toppan, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Lane, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest G. Cole, Mrs. Lucy A. Marston, Mrs. Edwin L. Batchelder, Mrs. Henry A. Munsey. The committee in charge of the Children is composed of: Mrs. Toppan, Mrs. I. S. Jones, Mrs. Coombs, Miss Addie C. Marston, Miss Ruth Barker, Miss Ernestine Cole.

Misses Grace and Mary Marston of Beverly, Mass., and Mrs. Leonora B. Wing of Boston, have been guests of Miss Adeline C. Marston

Dr. David Zelig, city physician of Haverhill, was also a guest over Sunday.

Drowned at Hampton Beach:

The body of Ambrose Crowley of Brookline, Mass., who was drowned here Monday morning has not been recovered.

Members of the coast guard station, No. 16, and the Hampton police have kept up a steady patrol of the beach, hoping the high tide would wash the body ashore.

Crowley sank to his death a few minutes before 11 o’clock at a distance of about 200 yards from shore and is believed to have been dragged under by the outgoing tide. His cries for assistance brought Carl Smith of Greenland, Mass., to his aid. Despite the strong undertow Smith managed to reach Crowley, but was unable to drag him in, himself being rescued when he became exhausted.

The victim was 24 years of age and resided at 185 Davis avenue, Brookline, Mass. He is a graduate of Boston College and had planned to study law in the fall. He is survived by his father, Dr. Ambrose Crowley retired; four sisters, Clara, Kathleen, Dorothy and Pauline of Boston; and one brother, Charles Crowley of Littleton. The brother is expected to arrive at the beach early in the morning

Crowley’s fiancée, Miss Anna Meagher of 54 Union street, Brighton, Mass., who was in a hysterical condition, has recovered.

Seabrook Fire:

Fire of unknown origin which broke out early this afternoon in the general store belonging to William Walton, located within a few yards of the local depot, destroyed both the store and the adjoining house which was Walton’s private residence causing an estimated damage of $5,000.

The fire for a time threatened to assume serious proportions as sparks from the burning buildings ignited three other buildings, but quick work by the members of the volunteer department, assisted by fire fighters from the Salisbury Beach department and a bucket brigade, finally succeeded in restricting the fire to the buildings belonging to Mr. Walton. Both these buildings were reduced to a mass of charred ruins. The damage is a total loss as the insurance ran out last Sunday and Walton had neglected to renew it.