Vol. XXVI, No. 21

Thursday, May 22, 1924

Hampton News

Mrs. D. D. Richens and John Van Horn were married last week.

Quite a number from town attended the S. S. Convention in the Line church, Hampton Falls. Among them were Miss Annie Akerman, Mr. and Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Christopher, Mrs. Charles Barker, Mrs. Marion Leavitt, Mrs. Anna Ross, Miss Marion Garland, Mrs. Alice Noyes, Mrs. Eugene Leavitt, Mrs. Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Warren, and Mrs. David Hamilton.

The Christian Endeavor will hold a social in the chapel Tuesday evening, May 27 at 7 o’clock. All the members are cordially invited and asked to bring a visitor.

The Whatsoever Mission Circle will meet Saturday afternoon, May 24, at 2:30 o’clock with Anna Ayers.

Christian Endeavor, Sunday evening at 6 o’clock. Leader, Esther Scott. Topic, “Have Business and Commerce Helped or Hindered Missionary Work?”

The Parent-Teachers Association will hold their last regular meeting at the school Monday evening, May 26. Officers will be elected at this meeting and other important business transacted. A good attendance is desired.

Why trouble to cook for Saturday when the Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church will furnish you with home-made Bread, Rolls, Doughnuts, Cake and Fancy Pies. Remember the place and date. Mr. Coles’ Periodical Store. Friday, May 23, at 3 o’clock.

Mrs. Dr. Ward returned from Exeter on Monday with little Constance Adeline.

Mrs. Akerman is slowly improving from her recent illness.

Phillip Toppan entertained a party of friends in honor of his seventh birthday. It was a very pleasant occasion for all.

Mr. Milton Adams of Rensselaer, N. Y. and Mr. William Merrill of North Wood Stock were guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Toppan last week.

On Memorial Day there will be the usual exercises in the town hall at 1:30. A fine speaker has been secured, the Rev. Charles C. Garland of Everett, Mass., whose subject will be “The Greater Loyalty.” There will be pleasing music by the Boy’s Orchestra and other music.

The members of the Post hope that there will be a good attendance at their services.

Mrs. Annie M. True, with her mother, Russell, Esther and Miss Adeline Marston went to Newburyport last Saturday to see the play of “Little Women,” given there by a Dramatic club from Portland, Me.

A splendid entertainment was given by the Grange to the G. A. R. and W. R. Corps and children, Friday evening, under the direction of Mrs. Jasper Myers. More of the W. R. C. would have been present had the invitation been generally known. The gathering was large however as 95 were present. The music consisted of patriotic songs, a violin solo with piano accompaniment by Joseph Raymond and sister Miss Raymond. The Bubble song was delightfully rendered by a number of small children in red, white and blue costumes, each holding up a handsome balloon. Another exercise by the older children in costume was very effective. This was followed by a march, after which two little children marched up to the only veteran present, Mr. John Gilman, and presented him with a bouquet of white flowers. This was preceded by a selection read very clearly by Mrs. Eliot, telling how much better it is to show attention to the living rather than pile the graves of dead ones with flowers. Two recitations were given by Elizabeth Brown, little Bobbie Nudd and Margaret Noyes. Sketches of the old houses in town among them. The old Garrison house afterwards known as the Toppan house, Miss Cole house, Mr. Ira Lane’s, Mr. George Dearborns’s and Mrs. Hugh Brown, which was interesting.

Ice cream and cake were served and a red poppy given to each one. America was sung and a very delightful evening closed.

Bobby Nudd and Elizabeth Toppan presented the flowers. Recitations by Elizabeth Brown, Bobbie Nudd, Margaret Noyes.

The Men’s Club meeting, held last Monday evening, was a most interesting one. Rev. John Cummings gave a talk on the development of the town along the line of approved modern ideas. He was followed by Rev. R. S. Barker who gave an account of his visit to the Methodist conference held at Springfield and a brief review of the speeches which he heard. It was an unusual interesting account of a big event. Refreshments were served. Ice cream, cake and coffee. It was the last meeting until next fall.

The Memorial Sunday Services will be held in the Congregational church on Sunday morning at 10:30. It has been the custom, when these services were held in the P. M. to have them a Union of the churches. It is not that best to ask other churches to give up their morning service but a cordial invitation is extended to all who are interested, to be present. Not many more times will these services be held here for the G. A. R. veterans. The Mechanics are expected to be present on Sunday morning.

The meeting of the Seaside district S. S. Association which was held at the Line church Hampton Falls on Wednesday was a very fine meeting. On account of the illness of Rev. B. Christopher, the Pres., the former President Lineberry presided. Rev. Edgar Warren, pastor of the church, gave a very helpful talk on how best to teach the Bible in Sunday school. Then came dinner which was pronounced by all a great success. A question box led by Rev. R. S. Barker was interesting. The address by Rev. Percy Caswell was very good. Music from the Ladies’ Quartette from Hampton and Miss Bryant with her Harp was enjoyed. Also Miss Bryant with her children’s exercise. All felt well repaid for attending. There was a good audience present.