Vol. XXVI, No. 38

Hampton News

The Past Noble Grands Club of Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge will hold the first meeting of the season with Mrs. Margaret S. Noyes on Monday, September 22 at 8 P. M.

Miss Adeline M. Stevens is spending a two weeks vacation at her home in town.

Superintendent Stevens of the Street Railway and James Eastman, starter at the Beach are spending a week’s vacation with friends at Brownfield, Maine, and the White Mountains.

On Thursday evening of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Fall were pleasantly surprised by a party of friends in honor of their 25th wedding anniversary. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed. Pretty gifts were received and refreshments of ice cream, cake and tea were served.

It is hoped that many will attend the W. C. T. U. convention held here next week, Thursday. A fine program is prepared and should interest all. Dr. Bixler will tell why prohibition is not a failure. Men are welcome as well as women to this meeting.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church will furnish the dinner for the W. C. T. U. convention on September 25th. Dinner will also be served to any who wish to come in and get a good dinner of 35 cents. It will be ready at 12 o’clock.

Mr. Joseph Hammond and mother of Lynn, and Mrs. Leonora Wing of Boston, were guests at Mrs. Lucy Marston’s Monday. Mrs. Katherine Marston motored to Boston with them.

Dr. Arthur Ward is having a garage built at his new home on the Beach road.

Mr. Russell True is in the freshman class at the University of New Hampshire.

Frank S. Mason is digging some especially fine potatoes which he raised from seed sent him by Mrs. Mason’s brother, Fred Kennett of Jefferson, N. H.

Miss Dorothy Hobbs has entered New Hampshire University and will take the Practical Arts course. Thus year’s class was the largest ever to enter that school, there being five hundred.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dow and daughter of Chattanooga, Tenn., were visitors in town on Sunday calling on their cousin, Mrs. Warren H. Hobbs.

Dr. LaMert Oulton spent the weekend with his family on the Beach road. The family motored back to Providence, R. I. with him on Monday. They expect to come up again in October.

The West End club has a cottage at the beach for a week.

Mrs. Merton James spent the weekend at Portland Maine, and motored to Poland Springs for the day with friends.

Miss Blanche Williams and Miss Ida Lane spent the day in Haverhill, Mass.

Mrs. Albert Church returned to her winter home in Cambridge on Tuesday. Mr. Harry L. Moore, superintendent of schools, and his family will again reside at her town house.

Miss Isabelle Thompson left for Auburndale on Tuesday where she will take a year’s work at Lasalle preparatory to her entrance to Wheaton College next year.

Mr. and Mrs. Francis Dennett and family spent the weekend at Hedding.

Mrs. Alma Scoog has been a guest of her daughter, Mrs. John Cummings for the past two weeks. Mrs. Marion Wells of Boston, has also been a guest at the parsonage.

Mr. and Mrs. Manson Brooks of West Medford and Hampton announce the engagement of their younger daughter, Mildred Frances to Mr. John Hale Chipman of West Somerville, son of Mrs. Mary Chipman. Miss Brooks is a graduate of the Medford schools and the Museum of Fine Arts school. For the past seventeen years she has been a summer resident of Hampton. Mr. Chipman is a graduate of the Somerville schools and Dartmouth college. He is a veteran of the World War. No date has been set for the wedding.

Rev. Charles A. Parker of Exeter will preach in the Baptist church Sunday morning.

Mrs. Remington Merrill and son and daughter of Providence, R. I., have returned home after two week’s vacation with her aunt, Mrs. Gilpatrick.

The Christian Endeavor will meet on Sunday evening, September 21, at 6 o’clock. All the members are urged to be present. All young people 13 years or over are cordially invited. Leader, Helen E. Gilpatrick. Topic, “The Beatitudes of the Psalms.”

G. Sumner Fall expects to move into his new house on High street about the middle of October.

Excavation was started this week for the cellar of a new house which David Colt will erect this fall on Highland avenue, just north of the residence of Sam Brown.

The first meeting of the Mother’s Circle was held at Mrs. Francis Dennett’s with Mrs. Roscoe Palmer as assistant hostess. Twenty five members and five guests were present. Mrs. Everett Nudd, the new President, called the meeting to order and after the business a short program was enjoyed. Mrs. Coombs, accompanied by Miss Marston, gave two delightful songs. A short poem was read then by Mrs. Tobey explained the object and workings of the Girl Scouts movement. It is hoped that the Circle can back this movement for the benefit of the young daughters of the town. Light refreshments were served and a most enjoyable and helpful evening passed.

The Big Four camp at West Nottingham opens today with a big clam bake to which are invited the city officials and shoe manufacturers of Haverhill and Lawrence. The camp which was established two years ago, is the property of Joseph S. Dudley and Robert Ring of Hampton Beach, J. D. L. Javrin of Hampton Falls and Dr. Hewitt of Newburyport.