Vol. XXVI, No. 5

Hampton News

A Communication from the Health Officer.

The Vaccination law in new Hampshire is clear and is as follows: No Child shall attend any Public, parochial, or private school unless he has been vaccinated, or has had the smallpox, and this section shall be enforced by the board of health except in the case of a child who has submitted to the process of vaccination not less than three times, or who holds the certificate of the local board of health, that he is an unfit subject for vaccination. Said board of health shall issue such certificate upon the advice of a registered physician approved by said board of health. Owing to the fact that seven cases of smallpox were reported to the State Board of Health from three towns during the month of December, 1923. They insist that the law be carried out. After an investigation of these cases by this Board, it was found that in each instance, the disease was brought into the state from outside and communicated to unvaccinated persons. The history of smallpox shows conclusively that there is an ever present danger to the unvaccinated persons.

The Superintendent of our schools has suggested as a convenient time for this work, two or three days before the next School closes Feb. 15. Adjoining towns are adopting this plan. Our physicians are all firmly in favor of the enforcement of this law for the protection of our children and will have on hand at that time fresh vaccine. Co-operation of the parents in this matter may mean saving of expense to the town.

The Senior Class of Hampton Academy presents the drama “Making Daddy Behave” Friday evening in the town hall at 8 o’clock. Dancing after the drama. Music by Ahern’s Orchestra. Car for Exeter after the dance.

Mrs. Ellen E. Mace

On Jan. 12 occurred the death of Mrs. Ellen E. Mace, widow of the late J. Warren Mace, at her home in, Hampton, after a ten week’s illness. The funeral was held from the home on Monday afternoon the fourteenth, being largely attended by relatives and friends. Rev. A. B. Thompson officiating at the services.

Mrs. Mace was born in Hampton, Aug. 5, 1847, the daughter of David and. Nancy (Philbrick) Locke. She leaves to mourn her loss, a daughter Mrs. John W. Gale of Amesbury, and a son, Lewis Lester Mace of Hampton, six grandchildren, and a brother Charles Locke of North Hampton. Mrs. Mace was a devoted member of the Advent church, from which she will be greatly missed, a woman of great faith, showing in her daily life her wonderful Christian character.

Mr. John Ryder has recently purchased a new sedan.

Mr. and Mrs. William Little are being congratulated on the arrival of William H. Little Jr.

Miss Gladys Mace is spending the winter in Arlington Mass. and has a position with the Old Colony Trust Co.

Mrs. E. G. Cole spent several days in Boston last week.

Mrs. Toppan is still confined to her room with a very bad cold.

Miss Eleanor Marston of Great Falls, Montana has arrived in town to make an extended visit with her grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Marston.

Get our Lowest Market Prices Daily, on Butter, Eggs, Tea and Coffee. Co-op

Mrs. Arthur Ward entertained the cast of the play “The Colonel’s Maid” before the performance last week.

The chairman of the Christmas Seal sale in Hampton wishes to report that the total receipts from that sale in this town was $153.70, and that amount has been sent in to the N. H Tuberculosis Ass’n, from whom has been received a very nice letter of appreciation.

Quality That Satisfies. Best Bread Flour 89c lg. Bag. Best all around 89c. 1g. Bag. Best Pastry 69c lg. Bag. Gold Medal and Pillsbury’s 99c lg. Bag. Co-op.

School will be closed Friday Feb. 1 in order that teachers’ may attend the annual meeting of the Rockingham County Teachers’ Association at the High School building, Portsmouth. An interesting program has been arranged.

The Kemah Camp Fire is giving a food sale on Saturday, Feb. 2nd at their hall in the Lane Block. Cakes, Pies, Doughnuts, and rolls will be on sale at 3 o’clock. The meeting night for Camp Fire has been changed from Tuesday to Thursday night. Kemah Camp Fire has joined the county camp fire contest which started on Jan. 1st and ends June 30.


The H.T.G. club is being entertained this week by Mrs. Ella Moore.

Large Sweet Juicy Oranges 19c a doz. Grapefruit 4 for 25c Co-Op.

A Birthday party was given Mrs. Emma Stanley on Wed. evening at her home, games were played and refreshments were served and she received many presents.

Mr. Lewis Robinson has been ill during the past week with a bad cold and tonsillitis, but is recuperating finely. Mr. Cummings is substituting for him.

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church held a most successful meeting on Tuesday in the home of Miss Cole, Pres. Emma J. Young presiding. Much business was done and all were kept busy sewing. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Anna Ayers on Tuesday Feb 12.

A rolling stone gathers no moss. Neither does a live-wire Christian Endeavor member gather clouds of gloom and unhappiness. Wear a big Christian Endeavor smile. They are in style! Christian Endeavor meeting, Congregational church Sunday evening, 6 o’clock, Leader, Marjorie Wood. Topic, “One Hundred Per Cent for Christ and the Church.” Do not forget to have a verse ready to respond to the roll call.

The Friendly Class gave a very fine supper in the Congregational Chapel last night, the proceeds of which netted $24.

Mr. James Garland is recuperating at the Echo after an operation for appendicitis.

Word has been received from Mrs. Benjamin Blake, who was operated upon 1n the Anna Jaque’s hospital in Newburyport last Friday, that she is convalesing as well as can be expected which is encouraging to her friends.

A splendid Artesian Well has just been completed for Mr. W. B. Barclay on his summer estate, the old Mace Homestead. The well is 100 ft. deep, full 8 inches in diameter and the water stands within 9 ft. from top of ground. 89 feet of the drilling was in solid ledge. The well was pumped all day by steam pump, and shows a continuous flow of twenty-five thousand nine hundred twenty gallons of pure soft water for every-day. Mr. and Mrs. Barclay are very much pleased with their investment. The drilling outfit will remain at Mr. Barcley’s for a few days in hopes of getting other jobs from any who need water in this vacinity.

The Co. will give 25 dollars to anyone who will be the means of their getting another well contract before leaving Hampton.


Mr. and Mrs. Howard G. Lane have closed the home and will be in Boston for a number of weeks, and later perhaps go further South.

Mrs W. A. Gookin had the misfortune to fall on the ice Monday evening, and broke a bone in her ankle. Mrs. Gookin was returning home from the Echo where she had spent a most enjoyable evening. Much sympathy is expressed for Mrs Gookin. She was carried home by Mr. Scott, Mr. Ward, Mr. Ross and Mr. Tobey.

The Missionary auxiliary of the Congregational church will meet with Mrs. Annie M. True Feb. 6 at 2:30 p. m. Notice the change in time which has been made because of the time the trolley runs to Exeter at 2:20 p.m.

One of the most successful Gentleman’s Night of the Monday Club occurred Monday evening at the Echo under the direction of a most efficient committee, consisting of Mrs.. Emma Young, Mrs. Elliot, Mrs Emily Hutchings and Mrs. Ethel Munsey. Dinner was served at 7 o’clock p. m. and when the doors to the dining room were thrown open to the guests it looked as it a veritable Fairy Land had been reached. The tables and walls were elaborately decorated with the club color of dark yellow, and over each goblet was a yellow cap which every one immediately donned and the scene was very effective. A fine dinner, splendidly served, was much enjoyed.

The committee had invited Anna Ross to act as toast Mistress so at the close of the dinner, she gave a little history of the club and then she called for a string of toasts which were given in a form of jingling epithets, which were amusing. After this followed a most amusing farce all of the participants being in costume and taking their parts in a most humorous vein keeping the audience in a scream of laughter. They were Mrs. Ward, Mrs. Elliot, Mrs. Hutchings, Mrs. Olney, Mrs, Munsey, Mrs. Gookin and the Misses Johnson and Trefethen. This was followed by two enjoyable Monologues given by Miss Gertrude Johnson. The evening was closed by dancing the Virginia Reel and waltzing. A rousing Cheer was given the host and hostess and all are indebted to the committee for an enjoyable evening long to be remembered. The next meeting of the Club will be entertained in the school building and Mr. Moore will give an address before the meeting. A cordial invitation is extended to the Mother’s Circle and each member of the Monday club may bring a guest. The hostesses will be Mrs. Toppan and Mrs. Winchester.

PURE LARD 13 1/2c LB.; 2 LBS. 27c. CO-OP