Vol. XXVI, No. 37

Hampton News

The Annual Meeting of the Community Church Association will be held Friday evening September 12, at 8 o’clock at the Ashworth hotel. All contributors to the church are invited to attend.

Miss Katherine Gookin was taken to the Exeter hospital on Sunday evening and operated upon for appendicitis.

Rev. and Mrs. John Cummings with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Green of Roslindale, are spending a pleasant vacation motoring thru the New England states and upper New York including a visit to Niagara Falls.

Mrs. Martha P. Locke and her daughter Eugenia are spending a month in Hampton.

The Monday Club program for 1924-1925 is now being printed.

There will be the usual services at the Methodist church Sunday. There will be preaching by the pastor at 10:30 with special music. The evening service will be at 7 P. M.

The apple harvest at Apple-Crest farm has begun. Ten men are employed and it expected that the crop will net about 20,000 boxes.

Many people who saw the big U.S. aeroplanes pass over here Friday night thought they the were World fliers on their way to Boston, but such was not the case as the World fliers were detained at Portland and did not pass here until 1:30 Saturday, and were too far at sea to be observed from this village.

With the closing of the automobile and fashion show at the beach Sunday night, the season at that summer resort will be practically over. Although the season was somewhat short, it was very successful.

Mrs. Edward M. Davidson and son of Cleveland are guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavitt.

There will be no services in the Congregational church next Sunday.

Station agent Tufts had another operation on his carbuncle this week. He will not return to his duties at the depot until October.

Sam Brown is working in Deerfield, putting a stone wall around a cemetery in that town. He returns home for the week ends.

Mrs. Dorothy Godfrey Wayman, granddaughter of the late Washington Godfrey, and her three young sons have spent the month of August as guests of Mrs. Donnell. Mrs. Wayman has lived several years in Japan and since her return has written many articles on that country. She is one of the few foreign women who has ever learned to read and write Japanese with fluency. At present she is engaged in writing fiction, which is being published in various current magazines.

Miss Eleanor Marston visited with her sister, Mrs. Leonora Wing, of Boston, Saturday, and Sunday, then left for Shippensburg, Pennsylvania where she will be an instructor in the art department at the Pennsylvania Normal School.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Elwell of New York have been visiting their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Briggs for the past week.

Mr. and Mrs. Forest Pratt of Lynn, and their two children, Master Hugh and Miss Adeline, were week-end guests of Mrs. Pratt’s sister, Mrs. Chester Marston.

Thomas Albert Brown, a life long resident of Hampton, son of the late Jeremiah Brown, and a brother of Moses W. Brown of this town, died at the home of his niece, Mrs. Verne Wright, this Thursday morning in the 76th year of his age.

Miss Mary Gookin went to Malden on Saturday to take up her work as teacher in one of the schools in that city. She attended the summer school at Columbia, specializing in story telling.

Miss Martha Chipman of Somerville has been a guest of her sister Mrs. Arthur Ward for a few days. She brought home Miss Barbara Ward, who has been visiting her grandmother.

Mr. and Mrs. Wendall Dykeman (Ruth Nutter) of Chelsea, are spending their vacation at the Antoinette cottage in Plaice Cove.

Mrs. A. Picard of Quebec, and her sister of Manchester, were guests of A. E. Dumas over the week end.

Rev. Charles A. Barker of Exeter, will preach in the Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening.

Mrs. Fred E. Perkins and Mrs. Eugene Leavitt are attending the Grand Chapter O. E. S. in Dover this week.

Clinton Durant has started a fish business, dealing in all kinds of strictly fresh sea food.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hobbs entertained Mr. and Mrs. Walter Goodwin, of West Haven, Conn., and Miss Miranda Brooks of York, Maine, during Labor Day week.

Mr. Horace E. Hobbs has returned to Westwood N. J. to commence his second year of teaching.

Mr. Oliver Hobbs and son Estow, with friends, took a trip to the mountains by auto last week.

Every member of the Mothers’ Circle is urged to attend the opening meeting for the year at Mrs. Frank Dennett’s, September 17th, as each one’s opinion on the project of establishing a Girls’ Scout Association in Hampton is desired.

Among those staying at E. Lester Pierces’ this week were: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Terry and son and Mr. and Mrs. William McAuliff of Fitchburg, Mass. Mr. Pierces’ place is at the Five Corners, Hampton.

Mr. and Mrs. William Little had as their guests recently Mrs. Spinney’s brother and wife and Mr. and Mrs. James Hunter of New York. After a pleasant stay they returned to New York on Saturday morning.

Henry Hanson and men are remodeling for Frank S. Mason, the old North school building which Mr. Mason recently moved to a lot on Highland avenue. It is to be made into a two family tenement house of five rooms each. The roof has been raised five feet and a double deck piazza is to be put on the front. The tenement is already leased.

Mr. Andrew Jackson Nutting, father of A. H. Nutting, of this town, died at his home in Greenwich Village, Connecticut on Sunday in his ninetieth year. The deceased was a New York business man and is spoken of by the press of New York as one of the old time merchant princes. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Nutting’s family.

Mr. Perley George, who recently purchased the Joseph Batchelder place, has had another attack of illness and is confined to his bed.

John A. Janvrin is building a small garage at the rear of his lumber office on Highland avenue.

Over four inches of rain fell during the storm of Tuesday night and Wednesday.

Next Monday evening is the regular night for resuming the meetings of the Men’s Club.

The program for the ensuing year will be distributed at the next meeting of the Mothers’ Circle.

George T. Lindsey and family are now established in the Mason house recently vacated by Robert Brown. Mr. Lindsey has a fine Emerson piano for sale as there is no place for it in his new home.

Hampton Beach:

Failing to notice the approach of a north bound car at Boar’s Head at about 6:30 Friday night caused the instantaneous death of Mrs. Rose Fitzpatrick, 50, of Lawrence, Mass., who was struck by the car. A heavy wind and mist which covered the beach prevented the motorman, Douglas Waters, from noticing the woman, who is said to have been a bit deaf and who was carrying an umbrella in such a fashion as to prevent her seeing the approach of the car. Mrs. Fitzpatrick had evidently been viewing the surf on the beach and was on her way down the incline to her home at Great Boar’s Head. Motorman Waters collapsed from the shock of the accident and it was some time before he was revived. Dr. Eugene Eastman, medical referee, who was summoned pronounced death as instantaneous.

The annual carnival came to a successful close Sunday evening with the concluding band concert by a Boston band. There was another large crowd present. Owing to the fact that commencing Monday and extending through the entire week the Board of Trade will conduct an automobile and fashion show, the farewell address by the president, James W. Tucker, of Concord was omitted. In the automobile contest Howard Tessier of Haverhill, Mass., was the winner. Saturday afternoon the Hampton Beach Coast guard crew and Captain J. B. Myers gave a demonstration of life saving methods on the beach in front of the Casino. There was also a baseball game on the oval between the beach nine and Amesbury, Mass.

Vaudeville band concerts were also on the program. Saturday evening the annual Mardi Gras took place. Miss Mildred Dudley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dudley, was crowned queen of the carnival. Louis Boudreau of Camp Devens, was the king.

It is expected that several members of the Manchester fire department will be in attendance at the annual New Hampshire State Firemen’s association convention at Hampton Beach on September 24.

The convention will mark the 27th year of the annual gathering and the program, according to Oscar P. Stone of Manchester, secretary, is being arranged so that interesting and instructive material will be taught the visiting firemen.

The first Hampton Beach automobile and fashion show opened Monday afternoon in the space south of the police station on Ocean avenue. The show was officially opened by the president of the Board of Trade, James W. Tucker, of Concord, and dealers from Massachusetts and New Hampshire were present. The show will continue until Sunday when the season at this resort comes to an end. The program includes daily band concerts, vaudeville and a display of fireworks each evening.