Vol. XXVI, No. 43

Hampton News

Mrs. Marcia E. York of Kensington is in town visiting relatives.

F. P. Ayers, who recently bought the Lewis Perkins estate on Beach Road has closed the house and returned to Wenham, Mass., with his family.

The meeting of the Men’s Club last Monday evening starts the series of winter meetings most conspicuously. There was a larger attendance than for several meetings. Supper was served at 6:30 and the business meeting and address by Rev. Lucius Thayer followed. The change in the supper hour seemed so popular that it was voted to continue this plan and the limit of 25 cents per plate was removed. The supper was a splendid one including chicken, vegetables, coffee, ice cream etc., and was given to the club by Mr. Frank Leavitt one of the committee. Ten of the members of the Ladies’ Aid gave their service and served the supper. Mr. Walter Clark’s Sunday school class of twelve young men also came to help and the ladies and young men were also invited to hear the address of Mr. Thayer. He took for his subject his recent trip to Europe and spoke most entertainingly of impressions gained by his stay in the different countries. At the close of his talk he was given a vote of thanks for the delightful hour he had given the club. A vote of thanks was also given to Mr. Leavitt for his generous tender of the supper to the club.

In regard to an expression of public sentiment in as to the advisability of purchasing a tractor for town use, the selectmen have worked out a plan which ought to be pretty representative of the desires of the voters. It is proposed to distribute yes and no ballots to the voters on the State Election, November 4 and each voter can drop in the one who expresses his opinion before he goes to the polls for the regular election. In this way a large vote can be obtained.

The old J. A. Lane store is being fixed over for occupancy by the Leavitt Shoe company, who will soon start the manufacturing of high grade shoes. Mr. Leavitt is from Haverhill, where he has been in a business for some years, and under his management a large business should develop here.

George T. Lindsey is now in the west on a visit to relations, repeating to some extent the same trip that he took last autumn. During his absence his place is being taken in Chester Marston’s barber shop by Mr. Colt, father to David Colt, the photographer. Mr. Colt will also remain after Mr. Lindsey’s return and assist him while Mr. Marston goes on his vacation in the northern part of the state, about November 6.

Christian Endeavor Sunday evening at 6 o’clock. Leader, Warren Clark, topic, “Why is Law Enforcement Vital to our Nation.”

The Sunbeam class of the Congregational Sunday school will hold a food sale at Cole’s store on Friday afternoon, October 31st at 3:30 o’clock. Pies, cakes, cookies, rolls, bread and doughnuts will be on sale.

On Tuesday night a meeting of Winnicummett Rebeckah Lodge and a number of candidates will be received, and also the anniversary of Rebeckahs. A Harvest supper will be served at the close of the meeting. It is hoped that older members will try and be present.

Misses Charlotte Taylor and Hubbard spent the week end with Miss Grover in Manchester.

Miss Ruth Riley was the week end guest of Mrs. C. S. Toppan.

Miss Olive P. Bratbury spent a few days with Miss Dexter last week.

Misses Dexter and Jordan were week end guests of Miss Bratbury at Pembroke.

Rev. John Cummings preached on “The Prodigal Son,” on last Sunday to an appreciative audience. The sermon was very original in its conception.

Miss Bratbury has accepted a place to teach in Concord.

Miss Blanche Williams entertained the West End Club on October 16th. After the regular program was attended to a very sociable hour was enjoyed. Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess.

Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Munsey and Mrs. F. J. Due, of Hampton Beach, are visitors in Ashville, North Carolina, and are guests at the George Vanderbilt Hotel.

There will be a Halloween Party in the Vestry of the Congregational church on Wednesday, October 29, under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor Society. All the young people are invited to come and have a good time. All come in ghost like costume. Admission ten cents.

Miss Helen Watson returned to Boston with her nephews on Sunday after spending several weeks in town.

On Thursday evening at 7:30 there will be a public meeting under the auspices of the Democratic party, in the Town Hall. There will be addresses by Congressmen William H. Rogers and Raymond B. Stevens, Robert C. Murchie of Concord, Ex Mayor Ladd and Samuel Emery of Portsmouth and others. Music will be furnished by Elkin’s orchestra of Exeter.

Fred A. Drew:

The funeral of Fred A. Drew was held on Sunday afternoon from the Little River Christian church at North Hampton, Rev. Edwin K. Amazeen conducting the service. The members of the Union lodge, No. 51, K of P., and Harmony council, Junior Order of American Mechanics, attended in a body. The Knights of Pythias held their services at the church and the Mechanics conducted their rites for the dead at the grave. The bearers were Irving W. Brown, Fred Colton, Cecil Seavey and Frank Brown. Burial was in the East cemetery, under the direction of J. Verne Wood.

Academy News:

Philip Nudd has been elected baseball manager for the coming year. On Saturday the football team played its first home game. One wonders if it were stage fright which caused the boys to play the poorest they have this year. Coach Johnson, although disappointed, is pushing the boys harder than ever in preparation for the game with Manning high. This game is the second and last of the home games of the season, and is to be played at three o’clock next Saturday at the Centre School. Keep behind the team. Cheer the team to victory. The team is handicapped by the loss of Captain Paul Hobbs, who, because of a slight injury to his back, will be out of the game the rest of the season.

Near East Relief:

I am pleased to announce that the Hon. Andrew L. Felker has accepted the chairmanship of the New Hampshire Golden Rule Committee, which, cooperating with the National Committee, will put into effect plans for International Golden Rule Sunday, December 7th.

Golden Rule Sunday has received the commendation of the President and Governors of many of the States, and it is desired that the people of New Hampshire join with those of the other states in observance of the day.

Mrs. George A. Ledward of Concord has accepted the chairmanship of the Women’s State Golden Rule Committee, which has already met for preliminary organization.

State Chair, Near East Relief


Dr. and Mrs. Ward returned from their vacation. They enjoyed their trip immensely.

Mrs. Herbert Marston sailed from Boston on Saturday on the steamship Savannah for Alabama. Her friends all regretted her departure, but hope to see her again next year.

There will be a Union service in the Methodist Church next Sunday evening which will be addressed by Rev. H. H. Appleman of the Lord’s Day and all are urged to be present.

Charles Green has sold the Hampton Drug-Store to a Mr. Tobey of Dover, who has already taken possession. Mr. Green will move back to Pittsfield where he will conduct a much larger business there than the Hampton one. While he has been here he has built up a great many friends in town.

Mrs. Keene had as recent guests, her sister, Mrs Alfred Scott and husband, of Haverhill.

State Commissioner E. W. Butterfield has been in town and visited the Academy.

Noon lunch service begins at the Centre school Monday, the 27th, following the same plan as last year. Something warm will be served each noon at the nominal charge of 3 cents.

The moving picture program begins Friday, October 31. For the present pictures will be shown on Friday evenings, at 7:45. The price will be 25 cents except in case of expensive features. A full announcement will be made next week.

Dr. Donald Macmillan, who has just returned from his arctic expedition, is scheduled to speak in the Ioka theatre, Exeter, Monday, November 3. His lecture is accompanied by slides and moving pictures. An extra lecture is to be given at 3:45 in the afternoon, for the benefit of school children in Exeter and near by towns. The charge will be 25 cents for children and 50 cents for adults.

Superior Court:

The Grand Jury in Superior Court which opened in Portsmouth on Tuesday, returned 46 indictments, only 30 of which were made public by Attorney J. M. Waldron.

Two counts for murder were returned against John Parker McDuffy of Exeter, who on the 3rd of July is alleged to have shot and killed police officer Alfred B. Colson and Arthur C. Dennett of Exeter.

True bills were returned against Elizabeth Rollins and Lewis Rollins of Newton charging incestuous marriage. The indictment claims they are brother and sister and they were married last April at Hampton by Rev. Robert W. Barker.

True bills were found against George Makepeace of Haverhill, Mass. for breaking and entering, and William Loutsers, alias Charles E. Bird, of Medford, Mass. for breaking and entering.