Vol. XXVI, No. 45

Hampton News

Dorothy Hobbs spent last weekend at the home of her roommate, Ruth Warren, in Derry.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavitt with Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Shelton motored to Hanover on Friday to attend the Dartmouth-Brown game.

Mrs. Ernest Cole returned home on Tuesday from a three weeks’ visit with her daughter, Mrs. Calvin Wygant of Marlboro, N. Y.

The Monday club held its regular meeting Monday afternoon at the Elmwood with Miss Trefethan and Mrs. Olney as hostesses. After the business meeting Mrs. Alfred Coffin gave an interesting book review of Mary Waller’s “Deep in the Hearts of Men.” The next meeting of the club, Nov. 17th, is Reciprocity Day and a cordial invitation is extended to the Mothers’ Circle, the H. T. G. club and the West End club. The meeting will be held in the Center School at three o’clock.

The regular November meeting of the Parent-Teacher Association will be held in the Centre School auditorium next Monday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leavitt had their mother, Mrs. Albert H. Wait of Wollaston for a weekend guest.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Young, with their two children, spent the weekend with relatives in Peabody, motoring up early Friday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Sears, with Miss Caroline Cutts, Miss Adeline C. Marston and Mr. Joplin drove to Boston on Friday afternoon. Miss Marston spent the weekend with her cousin, Miss Martha T. Chipman in Somerville; the others visited friends and relatives.

Mrs. Cash was hostess on Friday to the H. T. G. club and a pleasant afternoon was enjoyed. It being the Halloween season the house was prettily decorated with the season’s emblems and the napkins partook of the same nature. Most delectable refreshments of crab patties, salad, fruit frappe, several kinds of cake and coffee were served. Welcome guests were Mrs. David Brooks and little daughter, Natalie, Mrs. Robert Brown and Mrs. Winchester. Favors were awarded to Mrs. Leavitt, Mrs. Nudd and Miss Toppan. The club will be entertained this week by Mrs. Janvrin.

What might have been a very serious accident occurred Wednesday at the corner of Lafayette road and Ann’s lane. A Ford car shot out from behind a large car coming from Portsmouth to go into Ann’s lane and was struck by a large car going to Portsmouth. Both cars were badly demolished but no one was hurt except bruises and a few cuts. Mrs. Will Blake kindly took her car and carried the Ford occupants to their destination at Austin Weare’s.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown were given a pleasant surprise party Monday evening by Miss Hazel Brown, it being the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Fourteen young couples were present and games of whist and Mah Jong were enjoyed. Dainty refreshments were served and the happy couple were presented with an electric candle, and a cut glass dish. All joined in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Brown many returns of their anniversary.

The Congregational Missionary auxiliary was entertained in the chapel and all enjoyed a short address by Rev. John Cummings and the singing by the ladies’ quartet. It being the Thank offering meeting a collection of $16.56 was gathered as an expression of thanks for benefits received during the year. Supper was served to 81 by Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Hobbs, Mrs. Ross and Miss Blake.

Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ross are entertaining Mrs. Harriet Washburn of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Hon. and Mrs. C. F. French of Waltham, Mass. this week.

Judge H. M. Lamprey had as weekend guests Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Penniman and little daughter Ann.

Friday evening the barn at Mr. and Mrs. Frank James’ was festive with the friends and the neighbors who gathered to husk the piles of corn and enjoy the delicious harvest supper. Much corn was husked and the many red ears caused much merriment especially among the young people.

Miss Mary Gookin spent the weekend with her mother. She finds her teaching in the Malden schools most enjoyable.