Vol. XXVI, No. 41

Hampton News

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church will hold a Harvest Supper in the dining room on Tuesday evening, Oct. 14. Supper will be served from 5:30 to 7:00 o’clock at 35 cents a plate. Come and enjoy the fruit of the harvest.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green and Mr. and Mrs. Harold McKeen are spending a week on an auto trip to the mountains, Montreal, Quebec and New York City.

Mrs. Charles Tarlton, who enjoys the reputation of being able to make anything grow and bloom, has an Easter lily in full bloom which is much admired. This lily was forced into bloom a second time from a last year’s bulb, and the blossom from the end of the flower stalk to the tips of the petals measure seven inches in length.

Mrs. Albert Coffin will entertain the Philathea class of the Baptist church in Exeter, Monday evening and will serve on the committee for the harvest supper in the same church on Tuesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sanborn have been spending a week with friends in So.Weymouth, Mass.

The many friends of Mrs. Etta Glidden are glad to see her in town again.

The West End club recently met with Mrs. Edward Bowley, it being the first meeting no literary program was prepared, but a good time was enjoyed by all present. Refreshments were served by the hostess.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cole started for a vacation trip to be spent with their daughter, Mrs. Calvin Wygant of Marlboro, N. Y.

Mrs. Albert Coffin entertained her two sisters, the Misses Ethel and Hazel Stedman of Somerville, Mass., over the week end.

Mrs. Howard Lamprey had as guests last week, her daughter, Miss Charlotte Lamprey and fiancé, Mr. Fisher of Somerville, Mass.

The Department president of the W. R. Corps will visit Perkins Relief corps on Friday, October 10. Will all members try to be present?

The Ladies’ Aid of the Congregational church ask you to get the saving habit, and save for them the following date — and a share of your Christmas money. On Tuesday afternoon and evening, Dec. 2, they are to hold a fair in the town hall. Supper will be served in the dining room. Futher particulars later.

Mrs. Charles M. Batchelder pleasantly entertained the H. T. G. Club on Thursday with Miss Sadie B. Lane as a guest. Refreshments of shrimp wiggle, ice cream, chocolate sauce, various kinds of cake and coffee were much enjoyed. Favors were awarded to Miss Toppan, Mrs. Ruth Palmer and Mrs. Ella Moore. The next party will be entertained by Mrs. Eugene Leavitt.

Little Hollis Durant was a very happy little three year old host, when a number of his little friends attended his birthday party on Saturday. The little ones heartily played their games then thoroughly enjoyed the cream birthday cakes and nuts. Their little pink, blue and green caps made them seem very pretty.

A number of people in town availed themselves of the opportunity to [unreadable] play “Abraham Lincoln” which has been shown in Newburyport the first three days of this week. Lincoln, in history, stands out a man among men, and the portrayal in the picture is very real.

Thursday evening, eighteen young people helped Miss Jeannie Cash celebrate her sixteenth birthday. Games, songs and forfeits made the evening pass merrily. The decorations and bon bon favors were carried out in the rainbow colors. The cream was most novel as it was in the shapes and colors of the different fruits. Miss Cash was wished many happy returns of the day by all.

Mr. and Mrs. David F. Colt are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, David F. Jr. in the Exeter hospital on Thursday.

Mr. Oscar Garland will spend this week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Garland.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Leavitt are enjoying an extended trip thru Eastern Canada.

Mr. and Mrs. Verne Wright and young son with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brown are spending their vacation at Danville, Vermont.

The Literary Committee of the Mother’s Circle entertained the mothers, daughters and friends most pleasantly Wednesday evening when they had “The Colonial Maids” of Haverhill for entertainers. With their rhymed songs and solo selections on the piano, cello and violin and trio numbers with cello, mandolin and ukulele, the evening was enjoyed by all.

Rev. Charles A. Parker of Exeter will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday, morning and evening.

Miss Etta C. Blake will accompany Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pressey on a trip thru the White mountains this week.


On Tuesday, Oct. 7th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Hooker, 2629 Sedgwick avenue, New York City, Mrs. Arianna Yeaton Adams and Mr. Melzar W. Dunbar were united in marriage, the Rev. Christian S. Reisner, pastor of the Washington Ave. M. E. church, “Broadway Temple,” officiating. The bride was attended by her niece, Miss Alice Gertrude Hooker of Melrose, Mass., and the best man was Mr. Lemuel C. Dunbar of Baltimore, Md., the groom’s son. The decorations were profuse and in good taste, some of the choicest flowers being sent by the bride’s niece, Mrs. Bertha Y. Davis of Worcester, Mass. Messages of congratulations were read from relatives in Milwaukee, Wis. After an informal reception the happy pair quietly left in their car, destination unannounced. They will be at home to their friends at their residence in Hampton after October 15.


Even the sun quite outdid itself on Thursday, October 2, when Jessie C. Walton and Harry E. Twing were united in marriage at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wyman of Hampton. Under an arch of pine boughs, interwoven with cut flowers and finished with a large white bell and white satin streamers the ceremony was performed by Elder D. U. Hale of Rochester, N. H. The bride was becomingly dressed in white voile with a long veil and carried a bouquet of white roses. She was attended by Miss Ruby Wyman, her classmate and pal of three years who was also attractively dressed in light green voile. E. Gordan Barrett of Worcester, Mass. served as best man. Mrs. Twing is from Binghampton, N. Y. and a graduate of the N. E. Sanitarium and Hospital, Melrose, Mass., in the class of 1924. Mr. Twing is from Washington, D.C. and a former resident of Hampton. After the ceremony an informal reception was held when the bride was the recipient of attractive and useful gifts. Refreshments of ice cream and cake were served.

The following morning, amid a chorus of good wishes and confetti and all the proper placards the couple left by auto for their wedding trip of three weeks to be spent at Sheffield, Mass., Niagara Falls and Finger Lakes, N. Y. after which they will make their home in Washington, D. C.

Monday evening, Mrs. Howard G. Lane and Mrs. Arthur Ward attended a very interesting meeting of the D. A. R. in Exeter. The chapter wishes to increase its membership, and as there are so many people in town who are eligible for membership, why not begin to look up your Revolutionary ancestors. There are chapters throughout this country, in Hawaii, the Philippines, Japan and France.

Monday was an ideal fall day and greatly enjoyed by the Monday club which was entertained by Mrs. Tobey and Mrs. W. T. Ross in Mrs. Tobey’s cottage at Plaice Cove. After a sumptuous dinner, an interesting meeting was held in charge of the president, Mrs. Caroline Shea. After the resignation of Mrs. Helen Brown as treasurer was regretfully accepted Mrs. Elizabeth Ward was unanimously elected to fill that office. The next meeting will be entertained by Mrs. Wells.

The annual meeting of the W. C. T. U. met with the president on Friday. Mrs. Lane positively declined to serve another year, but finally was prevailed upon to do so. With the exception of Mrs. Cleveland who kindly consented to serve as vice-president in place of Mrs. Christopher, the other officers were re-elected. Dainty refreshments of cake, Washington pie, cookies, fruit, tea and coffee were served by the hostess.

The secretary of the Congregational church has sent out some very fine attractive post cards reminding members of the Sunday school that next Sunday is Rally day. All interested in the Sunday school are urged to be present.

The boulder which is to be erected by the Memorial park association to mark the site of the homes of the first settlers will be placed in position on Tuesday afternoon, October 14, at four o’clock, with appropriate exercises to which all are invited. The selectmen, acting as executive committee of this association, have issued invitations to selectmen of the adjoining towns to be present at these exercises and to a dinner in the Congregational church dining room in the evening, followed by a social hour afterwards. Those interested in the Memorial Park project have worked hard to make an attractive spot for the boulder tablet. More than fifty memorial trees have been set out, contributed by citizens of the town. The land has been graded and the foundation for the boulder put in, all labor being freely contributed by the workmen. Next week a list of those who have given time, labor and money to this will be printed in connection of the report of the exercises on Tuesday. One feature of the day will be the cementing into the foundations of the boulder a steel pocket containing treasures of today for the benefit of later generations. Anyone having anything suitable to place in this box please leave at the selectmen’s office.

Mrs. Warren C. Lamprey will gladly show her new fall goods at her home Saturday afternoon Oct. 11, Tuesday, October 14, from 2 to 4:30 p. m. and 7 to 8 p. m. ; and on October 15 at DeLancey’s Hotel at Hampton Beach from 2 to 4:30 to anyone who pleases to call during those hours. There will be a few Christmas suggestions and gifts. The goods will be only from the firm of Mitchell and Church whom I represent.

Academy Loses Opening Game

Last Saturday at Ipswich the Academy football team, composed of eleven men playing their first football game were defeated by the Manning High school by the score of 19 to 0. The real cause of the defeat was the lack of experience, and at the start nervousness overcame them and Manning scored after five minutes of play. They scored twice more in the second period, making all their points at the first half. In the second half Hampton held and Ipswich failed to score.

School Nursing Notes

The data below shows the improvement made in the school children since last year. Twenty seven children who were under weight have shown remarkable improvement. These children took milk regularly last year and already we have an average of from 60 to 65 children taking it again this year. The milk is served each morning at 10:30. Cookies and crackers are served. The children all look forward eagerly to this lunch time.

Two children with defective eyesight.

Seventy three children with defective teeth.

Twenty cases of defective tonsils have been treated.

Fifty nine children have been vaccinated.

There are still seventy five cases of children still unvaccinated.

Christian Endeavor Sunday evening at 6 o’clock. Leader, Rev. John Cummings. Topic, “My Denomination: Its History and Teachings.”