Vol. XXVI, No. 13

Hampton News

Christian Endeavor, Sunday evening at 6 o’clock. Leader, Isabelle Thompson. Topic, “What Missions Have Done for Social Welfare.”

Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Toppan entertained at dinner on Sunday, Mrs. Toppan’s father, W. E. Merrill and Mrs. Merrill, Mr. and and Mrs. Thomas Cogger, who have just returned from St. Petersburg, Florida. and Miss Mary Criag. [Craig?]

Miss Fearless and Co. will appear at the town hall, Friday evening, April 11, under the auspices of the Mothers’ Circle. Tickets in charge of Mrs. Jessie Myers and any child selling 10 is intitled to a free ticket.

Get our Lowest Market Prices Daily on Butter, Eggs, Tea, Coffee, Flour, Sugar, Milk & Cream. Co-op.

The W. F. M. S. of the Methodist church will hold their annual Thank Offering meeting this Thursday evening. Refreshments will be served and a stereoptican lecture will be given entitled, “Of Such Is Kingdom.” This takes the place of the Thursday evening service and the Baptist people are cordially invited.

Gold Medal or O-K Special Superfine Flour 95c bg. Bag Pastry 85c. Co-op.

Roland Emery has installed electric lights in George C. Perkin’s house.

The Whatsoever Mission Circle will meet with Esther Scott on Saturday afternoon, March 29, at 2:30 o’clock.

Mrs. Charles Green gave a St. Patricks Day party recently at her home on High St. which was greatly enjoyed by the guests. Whist formed one of the features of entertainment. Favors were awarded to Mrs. Oscar Stillings, Mrs. Charles Raymond and Mr. Harold Winchester.

The Epworth League of the Methodist church will have a supper at the church vestry on Tuesday evening, April 1. The supper will be followed by a social hour.

Last Saturday evening Rev. Mr Cummings met sixteen of the boys in town and organized a Scout Troop. The first meeting will be held next Saturday evening, and Mr. Cummings wants all the members present.

Free a 25c galvanized pail with purchase of P & G Products. See our window display.

The New Hampshire conference of the M. E. church will be held in Laconia next week beginning on Thursday and lasting through the week. Rev. Mr. Barker will be in attendance and on account of his absence there will be no morning service in the Methodist church.

The town ordnances, which are being printed as adopted at the annual town meeting, will be ready for distribution tomorrow. Every voter in town can have one if desired. They will be distributed from the selectmen’s room.

Another meeting of the Ku Klux Klan will be held in the town hall soon, probably April 7.

Best Tub Butter 53c lb. Print 55c lb. Granulated Sugar 9 1/2c lb. Co-op.

Rev. Mr. Barker in his sermon at the Methodist church last Sunday made reference to the Ku Klux Klan showing the relation of the order to the church. His audience was much pleased with the discourse and many of them obtained a quite different idea of the Ku Klux than they formerly had.

This year the annual meeting of the cemetery association will be held in the selectmen’s room on Monday evening, April 14, at 7:30 o’clock. Every owner of a lot in the cemetery should be a member of the association.

The program of the moving pictures in the school building last week was a most entertaining one. The principal feature had to be changed and the feature intended for this week was substituted. It was a story of a dog in the far north and was intensivly interesting. The Printer’s Devil will be given this week.

The annual meeting of the Congregational Society was held in the chapel on Monday evening, March 24, with a great attendance. The treasurer’s report showed receipts for the year to be $2,752.37, and expenditures $2,760.37, a deficit of $8. No return from the Ambrose Swasey fund have been received as yet, but the first remittance is expected in April. The salary of the pastor was increased $100. Rev. Edgar Warren was elected Clerk, Ernest G. Cole treasurer, and Harry I. Noyes, Oliver W. Hobbs and Mary C. Toppan wardens. The wardens were appointed a committee to represent the society in the installation of. Rev. John Cummings at an early date.

Fresh Roasted Mocha & Java Coffee 45c lb. 5 O’clock 35C lb. Co-op.

Mrs. D. H. Adams has reopened her home after a pleasant winter spent in the hospitable home of Miss Mary Toppan.

Mr. and Mrs George Ashworth returned last week after a winter spent in various sections of the west.

Mr. and Mrs. Cogger have returned from the Southland where they have spent the winter. They have had a delightful trip, visiting in eight different states and covering 4800 miles. Mr. Cogger went down in his car, so was able to see more of the South than otherwise.

Mrs. Arthur Penniman, nee Miss Marion Lamprey, is spending a week in town.

Mrs. John Wingate and daughter have been visiting her mother in Boston this week.

Bakers Cocoa, Large can 16c. Wilbur Dutch 21c. Beacon 2 lb. Pkg. 23c. Co—op.

Kippered Herring Smacks 3 cans 19c. Crown Sardines 12c can Co-op.