Vol. XXVI, No. 27

Thursday, July 3, 1924

Hampton News

Mrs. Belle Colvin is visiting friends in town.

Mr. Orlando Blake has been very ill with pneumonia and other trouble and is not yet out of danger. He is cared for by Miss Susan Brown.

Mrs. Elizabeth Folsom Akerman passed away last Friday morning after a painful illness of about 13 weeks. She was born in Hampton, December 19, 1842. She was the daughter of Joseph and Susan Batchelder Blake who belonged to some of the oldest families in town. Mrs. Akerman removed to Hampton Falls not many years after her marriage to Charles P. Akerman and resided there for 32 years. Mr. Akerman passed away 16 years ago and Mrs. Akerman and her daughter, Annie, returned to Hampton.

Mrs. Akerman was a quiet homeloving person, she was very bright and active and had a large circle of warm friends. She was always cheerful and enjoyed good health until recently. She and her daughter lived for each other and her sunny presence will be sadly missed in the home.

Her funeral was held in the home on Sunday p.m. and attended by a large number of friends and relatives. Rev. John Cummings officiated. The bearers were, Charles Towle, Herbert Blake, Amos Atkinson and Charles Batchelder.

The flowers were very profuse and beautiful and she was laid to rest covered by the blossoms she had so loved in life. William Brown was the undertaker in charge.

The Mother’s Circle will hold a picnic at the Coast Guard station Wednesday, July 9. Basket lunch. Come and bring the children.

Mrs. Elizabeth Pray celebrated her 93rd birthday on June 22. She had many gifts of all kinds besides cards and flowers. A number of friends also called to see her. Mrs. Pray retains all of her faculties to a remarkable degree and no one thinks of her as old.

Mrs. Almira Knowles has returned to the home of her niece on Exeter road after being in Exeter Hospital for a number of weeks.

The Missionary Society of the Congregational church met in the chapel with a large attendance. Mrs. Cole and Mrs. Blanchard were the hostesses. Mrs. Alfie Godfrey had charge of the program.

Arthur L. Carpenter will open a store Monday, July 7 with a full line of choice meat and provisions, at Hampton Falls.

The singing at the Congregational church is very fine, each Sunday there is a special soloist. Two weeks ago, Mr. Grady, last Sunday, Mr. Scott, who were enjoyed very much. Next Sunday Mr. Tucker’s young son from the beach will sing. It is certainly a treat to be there and hear the soloists. Mr. Cummings gives, in addition, some very fine sermons which are appreciated by a good audience each Sunday. All are welcome here.

Hilda Paulson who has taught the past year in Auburn, is to teach at Massabesic Lake this coming year.

The West End club are enjoying a picnic with invited guests at Mrs. M. N. Batchelder’s nice grove.

Salvation Army Has Tag Day Friday:

Salvation Army envoy, Albert Taylor and his wife, who has charge of the drive at Hampton beach, which will be brought to a close with a tag day Friday, makes the following statement to the general public:

“Every individual is asked to cooperate with us on Friday, the tag day. There will be a number of collectors on the streets to supply you with tags, so please don’t go home without one for the kiddies, for in doing so you help the Salvation Army to help others. We are believing and depending on the good people of Hampton Beach, so come on, let’s roll the old chariot along by wearing a tag for the Salvation Army.”

Community Spirit:

In another column of today’s Union will be found an article about the Community Church at Hampton Beach and its campaign to raise $25,000 for the erection of the church edifice for Sunday worship by the Protestant people visiting the beach. It is also proposed to use this new church as a community centre and as a place of meeting for the various organizations which hold conventions and outings at the popular resort during the summer season. It is a fine spirit which prompted this movement and we trust that the people of Hampton will be well represented on the list of donors to be displayed publicly in the entrance of the new church.

New Church Campaign Opens:

The first gun in the campaign to secure $25,000 for the Community Church at Hampton beach will be fired on Sunday when a special service will be held at the Casino theatre at 9 o’clock in the morning with Rev. O. B. Warmington, Prof. of English at Boston University as the preacher. His subject will be “The Divine Venture in Friendship.” Mr. Warmington is a speaker of national reputation and his coming to the beach will no doubt attract people from miles around.

Rev. Robert S. Barker, chairman of the Community church will preside at the service and special music will be furnished by the Rosemary Trio of Bradford, Mass. This trio consists of Miss Elinor Nason, cellist, Miss Evelyn Nason, violinist and Miss Hilda Starratt, pianist.

Miss Evelyn Nason, of Bradford, Mass. will sing soprano solo during the service.

The interest in the campaign grows more and more each day and the people at the popular resort are anxiously awaiting the formal opening.

General Rufus E. Graves, honorary chairman, is daily receiving many letters from outside the beach endorsing the movement and it is expected that many substantial contributions to the Community church will be received from neighboring cities and outside points.

The date of the intensive campaign are from July 6 to 14 when it is expected that Hampton beach will go “over the top” in its biggest venture in recent years.

Mr. and Mrs. James Cotter and son are spending some time at Mr. and Mrs. F. E. James’. Edmund Cotter left this morning for New York on his way to Europe.

Miss Blanche Williams entertained the West End Club last week, it being the last meeting. The next meeting is to be in October. The second last met with Mrs. M. M. James. A very sociable time was had at both places and refreshments were served.

Methodist Church History:

The following is the paper read by Mrs. Barker at the Methodist church anniversary:

One Saturday evening in December, 1835, in the “North school house” Rev. James M. Fuller held the first M. E. service and again on the following Sunday in the “old meeting house.”

Two weeks from that time Rev. James H. Patterson of Newmarket, preached and there were no more services held until July 1836, when Rev. Fuller again visited Hampton.

Interest was aroused and there were regular preaching services from July to November held every two weeks the pulpit being supplied by local preachers.

In November, 1836, a “protracted meeting” was held which resulted in a number of conversions and the formation of a “class” of nearly 20 members, which may be called the beginning of the M. E. church in Hampton. Services were now held in the old Christian Society meeting house, which was owned by Eben Fogg and Jonathan Lamprey.

In 1837 this house was given to the Methodists while they should occupy it as a place of worship and after due repairs it was dedicated to the worship of God May 22. During this year the first Sunday School was organized with 20 members.

In July of the same year Hampton was joined to Seabrook and Rev. E. D. Trickey and Rev. John Brodhead were stationed on the circuit but as Rev. Padman labored most entirely in Hampton he may be said to be the first M. E. preacher to be stationed at Hampton.

In 1838 Hampton and Greenland were joined in a circuit and the Rev. Trickey and Rev. William Padman there unto. Rev. Padman labored most of the time in Hampton and during the year held successful meetings which resulted in several additions to the church.

In 1839 Hampton and Rye joined and Rev. E. A. Cushing and Rev. A. M. Osgood were appointed to the circuit.

In January, 1840, Rev. Cushing was released and Rev. Osgood finished out the year with success. From 1840 to 1906, Hampton was an independent station.

In 1846 the society secured its first parsonage which was located on the Lafayette road.

In 1848 a church was erected at the corner of Anne’s Lane and the Lafayette road at a cost of $1200.

It was dedicated to the worship of God in November of the same year, Rev. Benjamin Hoyt preaching the sermon.

In 1881 at an expense of $3100 the building was removed to its present situation thoroughly remodeled.

It was rededicated in January 1882, Rev. B. K. Pierce preaching the sermon from Luke 2—7, “Because there was no room in the inn for them.”

In 1905, the parsonage was destroyed by lightning and the present parsonage was secured through the strenuous efforts of Rev. C. M. Tibbets.

31 pastors have served in this church through its history of almost 100 years.

Of the older men, Rev. Bartlett is still able to cross the continent to attend the annual conferences and his testimonies are always given with such vigorous faithfulness and loyalty, they are very much enjoyed by all. This little society started with 20 members. We now report over 100. The Sunday School [missing] We now report 84.

A rough estimate of the money raised in the 75 years would be about $75,000. We feel like using the slang phrase “Can you beat it?” Who dares for one moment to even think God has no place for Methodism in Hampton?

God has blest the efforts of this little band of faithful men and women and we beseech His continued blessing on their labors.

Of the faithful pastors and their wives who have served this church, “They have succeeded because they have rescued souls.”

They have earned the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children.

They have always looked for the best in others and given the best they had.

Their lives were an inspiration, their memory a benediction.