Volume XXVI, No. 4

Hampton News

Fancy Hand Picked Pea Beans 6c lb. Red Kidney or Yellow Eyed Beans 10c lb. Co-op.

The Whatsoever Mission Circle will meet with Miss Helen Gilpatrick on Saturday afternoon, Jan. 26, at 2.30 o’clock.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Spackman visited friends in town last week. Wednesday evening Mr. Spackman attended the Masonic banquet in Exeter.

Among those on the sick list this week are Mrs. Howard G. Lane, Mrs Toppan, Miss Ella Lamprey, Mrs. Belle Dearborn and Mrs. Albert Coffin.

Miss Jewel Trefethen and Mrs. Moore entertained the Friendly class Wednesday evening.

Money Saving Sale on Butter, Eggs, Tea, Coffee, and Flour at the Co-op.

A food sale will be held in Campfire Hall, Lane Block, Saturday afternoon from 2:30 to 4:30, under the auspices of the Epworth League of the Methodist church. Home-made candies for that sweet tooth will be on sale. Don’t fail to procure some of these delectables, from the ovens of our famous Methodist cooks.

The H. T. G. club was hospitably entertained on Thursday by Mrs. Belle Dearborn. It being Mrs. Dearborn’s birthday she surprised the club by presenting each lady with a rosebud, and was in turn surprised by being presented with a box of roses from the club. Favors were awarded to Mrs. Cash, Mrs. Nudd and Mrs Coffin. Very delectable refreshments were served by the hostess. The guests were Mrs. McKeen, Mrs. Green and Mrs. Stillings. The next meeting will he entertained by Mrs. Ella Moore.

Superior Sliced Bacon, 23c lb., Fancy Smoked Shoulders 13 1/2c lb. Co-op

Cards have been received by friends in town announcing the marriage of Mr. Fred Stanwood of Salem, Mass, and Miss Alice Merrill of Beverly Mass. Dec. 14.

Mrs. Benjamin Blake entered the hospital in Newburyport for treatment on Friday and friends anxiously await tidings from her. Mr. Blake goes over every day.

Miss Isabelle Thompson went to Manchester on Friday to attend the carnival.

Miss Jewel Trefethen substituted for Miss Cutts on Monday.

Last Sunday morning the music at the Congregational church was most enjoyable. The anthem was sung by the choir with Miss Dorothy Hobbs singing a soprano obligato. The offeratory was a duet sung by Mrs. Coombs and Mr. Grady with Miss Eleanor Parsons of Amesbury playing a violin obligato and Miss Marston at the organ. The voices blending beautifully were accentuated by the vibrant tones of the violin and the deeper tones of the organ.

When your clock strikes thirteen, it is time to carry it to a jeweller, but when it strikes six, on Sunday evening, it is time for you to be in Christian Endeavor at the Congregational church. Leader Gordon Moore, Subject: “How can Christian Endeavor Help Our church and Denomination.”

Last evening Jan. 18, Hon. Herbert N. Sawyer, Master of the New Hampshire state Grange very impressively installed the officers of Ocean Side Grange No. 260 of Hampton N. H. Assisted by Mrs. Viola N. Bragg and Miss Dorothy G. Hobbs both of Hampton. The officers installed are as follows: Master, J. Hale James. Overseer, Robert Van Horn. Lecturer, Mrs. Jessie H. Myers. Asst.Steward, Robert O. E. Elliott. Chaplain, Mrs. Addie Thompson. Ceres, Mrs. Alice B. James. Pomona, Marion S. Noyes, Flora, Ruth Blake. Lady Asst. Steward, Mrs. Rhoda Richens. A large number of visitors and members were present. The eventful evening will not soon be forgotten by those in attendance. Refreshments were served.

The Monday club was entertained by Mesdames Cash and Noyes this week. The program was on taxation and interesting readings were given by Miss Johnson, Mrs. Moore and several communications were read one from Mrs. Effie Tomtis of Manchester, well known here who would like to give her lecture upon “My Experience in the Legislature,” before the club. Gentleman’s night will be observed at The Echo House, Monday evening. Dinner will be served at 6.30 and all members who can not attend will please notify the Secretary, Mrs. Hutchings as early as possible by Wednesday if convenient. An entertainment will follow the dinner. Music was funished by Miss Johnson, Miss Alzena Leavitt and Miss Marjory Wood which was much enjoyed. Other guests were Mrs. Godfrey, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs. Leavitt, Mrs. Lunnin and Miss Hazel Brown. Generous refreshments were served. The next meeting will be entertained in the Centre school building when Supt. Moore will give an address. The club extends an invitation to the Mother’s Circle and each member of the Monday Club may invite a guest.

Miss Pulsifer, county demonstration agent, will speak in the Centre School auditorium Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’ clock. Her subject will be “Supper Dishes’, all the ladies invited.

Mrs. H. P. Wells, with a party of friends from Amesbury, motored over to attend the play “The Colonel’s Maid.” After the performance she gave a very delightful supper party at the Echo to some of her town friends. As she soon sails for England, it was rather a farewell party and all wished her a Bon Voyage.

Friday evening Jan. 18, a very delightful suprise was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Robinson at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Coombs by the teachers of Hampton. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Teague, Miss Chadwick, the school nurse, and the other teachers. Until 9:30 very enjoyable and original games were played, one being a takeoff on all the teachers names. This caused much merriment. Mr. Moore, there in behalf of the teachers, superintendent, nurse, and Mr. Batchelder, who was unable to be with them, presented the happy couple with a very beautiful blue lustre tea set. Mrs. Robinson, so sincerely surprised, could hardly utter a word and Mr. Robinson in his most delightful manner thanked the donors. Mrs. Coombs, with her mother assisting, invited the guests to the dining room. A delicious supper of crab-meat salad, creamed peas, hot rolls, olives, peach ice-cream, cake, coffee and fancy crackers was served. A cake containing a dime, found by Mrs. Jones in her piece, a diamond ring found by Miss Drew, a thimble found by Miss Dexter and a button by Mrs. Coombs kept the laughter going. Retiring to the living room a song game, wherein each had the name of a song pinned to one’s back, the players had to guess the name by having the others hum one bar. Eleven fifteen came all too soon and a very happy party was over.



For what is one proof of immortality? Not the analogies of nature from a narrow grave; or the emancipation of the butterfly; for who does not know how shadowy and unsubstantial these intellectual proofs become in unspiritual frames of mind? No; the life of the spirit is the evidence. Heaven begun is the living proof that makes heaven become credible. “Christ in you is the hope of glory.” It is the eagle eye of faith which penetrates the grave. and so far into the tranquil things of death. He alone can believe in mortality who feels the resurrection in him already. –[I. W. Robertson.]

Morning service at 10:30 a.m.

Subject: “The Higher Freedom.” Church school at 11:45 a. m. Christian Endeavor, 6:00 p m. Evening service at 7:00. Dont fail to hear the young people’s choir. Subject: “Where do you live?” Mid-Week service Place and time to be announced.


The subject for the Sunday morning sermon will be “A Part of the Lord’s Possession.”

Sunday school will be at noon.

Epworth League will meet at 6 p. m. Subject, “Youth, Physical Efficiency.” Leader Etta. Evening service at 7 p.m.