Vol. XXVI, No. 51

Hampton News

Miss Elizabeth Mary Toppan popularly known as little Dolly Toppan is seriously ill at her home with pneumonia.

Mrs. Edward Davidson, and little son “Teddy” who have been visiting Mrs. Davidson’s parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavitt, have returned to their home in Cleveland.

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moore are receiving congratulations on the birth of a young son Wednesday.

There will be a Whist Party in mechanics hall, Hampton, Wednesday night Dec 17th. Prizes awarded. Refreshments free, admission 20c. A good time for every one.

Grangers — Don’t forget the Christmas tree at the next general meeting Dec. 19th. Each one please bring a 10c gift.

Rev. Charles A. Parker, of Exeter will preach in the Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening.

The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Harold McKeen at this time of her bereavement.

The Ladies’ Aid, will meet with Mrs. John Cummings, Tuesday at 2 o’clock.

While his wife was out shopping at 10 o’clock, Harold McKeen, 30, shot himself through the head in the kitchen of his home here. He died at the Portsmouth Hospital an hour later. Mrs. McKeen, returning to her home, found her husband lying in a pool of blood on the kitchen floor. A revolver was beside him. He was hurried to the hospital in an ambulance, but the wound proved fatal. McKeen had been a Hampton resident for two years. He came to this town from Exeter and was employed in a local grocery store.

Mrs. Fred Perkins, spent the week end with friends in Melrose, Mass.

Mrs Marion Jenness, who came from Washington, Sunday night is quite ill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shelton.

Wednesday night the Mothers Circle held a Christmas suggestion meeting at the Centre School. Mrs. Everett Nudd, the president, conducted the business meeting, then turned committee. Mrs. Willard Emery sang two very beautiful solos, Mrs. Robert Brown read a very amusing story of “The Christmas Spirt” and then the fancy work was shown, admired, and ideas exchanged.

The hostesses, Mrs. Godfrey, Mrs. Howe and Mrs Elliot served ice cream and cake.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane with Mrs. Caroline Shea, are hostesses for the next meeting of the Monday Club, Monday afternoon December 15th, at Mrs. Lane’s home. The programme is to be a Musical. Each member may bring one guest.

Dr. David C. Dow of Cambridge, one of the Medical Examiners of Middlesex County, is to be the speaker at the Men’s Club next Monday evening at the Congregational church.

Miss Ruth Fall, was pleasantly surprised on Saturday evening when a number of friends gathered at her home to celebrate her birthday. During the evening Miss Fall was presented with a gift from those present. Games were played and delicious refreshments of Ice cream and cake were served.

Miss Caroline Cutler has been visiting Mrs. Mildred Brown Stowe and her husband in Stockbridge, Michigan, the last fort night. This week, they all three start for Florida to spend the winter.

Those who braved the storm last Monday night to attend the meeting of the Parent Teachers Association were well repaid their efforts. Mr. Leavitt gave a most interesting talk on the life and customs of Syria. He showed many pictures and souvenirs and was very kind in answering the many questions. Mrs. Leavitt had prepared some very common Syrian dishes such as “Lebon” and “Lebonny” but which were very uncommon to us. The flat Syrian bread was quite different from our puffy loaves. The ripe olives and dried peas were liked by nearly all who tried them. An occasion like that of Monday night makes us all want to visit these strange lands but most of all it makes us proud of our United States and glad that we are American citizens.

Hampton can feel very proud that they have such a fine Hospital as the Exeter hospital near at hand. The trustees and staff opened the new addition on Wednesday for inspection to all who cared to see it. The very latest electrical devices are installed for the comfort of the patients and the efficiency of the nurses. The color scheme throughout is two tone gray. The children’s room is very attractive as it has the mother goose rhymes illustrated on the walls, and the figures carried out in the cretonnes used in the invalid wagons and on the screen. The sun parlors on both floors are tastefully furnished with reed furniture upholstered with beautiful tar and orange coverings. The elevator is large enough for a bed and has all the electrical devices to make it impossible for any accident to happen while in use.


Senior Editor-in-Chief … Nellie Moulton
Junior Editor … Marion Poole
Sophomore Editor … Marjorie Wood
Jr. Editor-in-Chief … Gertrude Paulson
Eighth Grade Editor … Philip Janvrin
Seventh Grade Editor … Wendell Ring

The Senior class was delightfully entertained last Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leavitt. Light refeshments were served after which the host explained some of the customs of the Syrians and snowed them some very interesting mementos.

On Friday afternoon the Senior class had charge of the Assembly period. A very pleasing program was put on concerning music. A short sketch of the writing of Carrie Jacobs Bond‘s popular song “The End Of A Perfect Day” and an outline of the opera, Il Trovature were given. Katherine Gookin gave a sketch of MacDowell‘s life and played one of his best known pieces, “The Scotch Poem”. In addition to this, selections of note were played on the victrola.


WHEREAS, It has pleased the Great Creator of the Universe to remove from our midst our late brother Walter A. Scott and
WHEREAS, It is but just that a fitting recognition of his many virtues should be had, therefore be it.
RESOLVED, By Ocean Side Grange NO, 260, that while we bow with humble submission to the will of the Most High, we do not the less mourn for our brother who has been taken from us.
RESOLVED, That, in the death of Walter A. Scott, this Lodge laments the loss of a brother who was ever ready to proffer the hand of aid and the voice of sympathy to the needy and distressed of the fraternity; a member of this society, whose utmost endeavors were exerted for its welfare. and prosperity; a friend and companion who was dear to us all; a citizen whose up right and noble life was a standard of emulation to his fellows.
RESOLVED, That the heart felt sympathy of this Lodge be extended to his family in their affliction.
RESOLVED That these resolutions be spread upon the records of the Lodge, and a copy there of be transmitted to the family of our deceased brother, and to the newspaper of Hampton.
