Vol. XXVI, No. 26

Thursday, June 26, 1924

Hampton News

Mrs. Akerman is still quite ill.

The Friendly Class will hold a picnic at Mrs. Flora Feeney’s cottage on Friday.

Miss Eleanor Marston is at Mrs. L. A. Marston’s for the summer, having finished her school in New Jersey.

Miss Martha T. Chipman was a guest at Dr. Ward’s having brought Barbara home from her visit at her grandmother’s.

Mrs. Esther Coombs has the sympathy of her friends in the loss of her father who died suddenly after going through two operations this season.

At the meeting of the Department Council, Patriarch Militant, I. O. O. F., held at Portsmouth, June 17th, the Decoration of Chivalry was conferred on four Past Noble Grands of Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge, namely, Mrs. Effie L. Cook of Exeter, Mrs. Lucy E. Towle, Mrs. Lottie B. Bryant and Mrs. Sarah B. Coffin. Several from Hampton attended this very interesting ceremony.

The Past Noble Grand Club of the Rebekah Lodge will hold the last meeting of the season at the home of the president, Mrs. Jennie F. Stevens on Monday evening, June 30, at which time the officers of the Lodge will be entertained.

New Church Campaign:

The fine spirit of cooperation which has made possible such phenomenal growth at Hampton Beach during the past decade is just the spirit which will put over the campaign to raise $25,000 for the erection of a community church at the beach this summer. General Rufus E. Graves, chairman of the campaign committee is very enthusiastic over the progress and is most confident that the Hampton Beach spirit will make possible the raising of the money needed, the erection of the church and its dedication before Labor Day of this year. The construction of the proposed church has not been definitely decided but it is expected that it will be a form of stucco with a pebble dash finish which will make the building harmonize very well with the other new buildings at the beach. From all parts of the state letters of encouragement are being received congratulating the beach committee on its fine spirit of enterprise and no doubt many contributions will find their place in the campaign from the people far removed from the beach. This is the first time in the history of Hampton Beach that an appeal has been made by the Community Church and no doubt the response will be generous.

It is the plan of the Community Church trustees to register publicly in the entrance of the church the names of all the donors and a memorial tablet will record the names of persons who give in memory of others. The campaign headquarters have been located in the Board of Trade building at the beach and the telephone number is 25,000.

Mrs. Janet Brown, widow of the late Robert Brown, mother of William Brown of Hampton passed away in her 86th year last week. The funeral was held on Sunday and was attended by a large circle of relatives from Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

Hampton Academy Alumni:

The H. A. Alumni Ass. dinner held at the Ashworth on Saturday last, was a great success. There was a large number present. Mr. Ashworth did every thing possible for the comfort and pleasure of his guests besides serving a bountiful and delicious dinner.

David B. Collins, the new president, presided in a pleasing manner. A new feature was singing from a community song book. Many selections were sung while waiting for the different courses.

The music was in charge of Mr. Lunt of Newburyport as leader, with Miss Adeline Marston as pianist.

Officers elected were the same as last year. David B. Collins, President; Warren H. Hobbs, Vice-President; Adeline C. Marston, Secretary; Grace B. King, Treasurer.

A paper, the History of Hampton Academy, written by Richard B. Shelton and read by Frank E. Leavitt, was declared very valuable and it was voted to have it printed that all might have a copy. A short talk by Superintendant H. L. Moore was enjoyed.

The oldest members present were: Mr. Warren Perkins, almost 89, Mr. T. W. Lane of Amesbury and Mrs. Vianna Marston, both well past 80. All enjoyed being present.

The younger classes were well represented and the graduation class of ’24 enjoyed their first dinner with the Alumni. All felt well repaid for coming.

Honor Roll:

The following is the Scholarship honor roll for the second half year. Those pupils having attained ‘A’ in Application and ‘A’ in the majority of their studies:

Grade 9 — Alvin G. Emery, Mary E. McIntosh, Alice H. Tarr, Elizabeth Tilton, Harold L. Walsh, Marjorie Wood, Enid I. Wyman.

Grade 8 — Frances L. Drew.

Grade 7 — Philip E. Janvrin, Allen D. Moore.

Boy Scouts Up!:

Saturday night at 7:45. A meeting of Scouts. A discussion of plans for the summer.

Several places in town were struck by lightning during the shower Wednesday afternoon. The Methodist parsonage chimney was demolished and some damage was done to the roof, but no fire followed. For a while it was thought there was danger and the engine from the Beach came up, but was not needed. The garage at Taybury Arms was struck and slightly damaged and several trees in the fields near by were struck.

Moses C. Morse, for 27 years a superintendent in a Haverhill shoe factory, died at his home here last evening in his 61st year. He had lived in Hampton for the past four years. He was a 32nd degree Mason and a member of the Gideon lodge of Kingston. The funeral was held at his late home on Tuesday afternoon and was attended by relations and a large number of the Masonic fraternity. The services were conducted by Rev. Bernard Christopher of the Baptist church, assisted by Rev. R. S. Barker of the Methodist church and Rev. Mr. Morse of Haverhill. The floral tributes were very beautiful.