Vol. XXVI, No. 9

Hampton News

Fresh Roasted Coffee Sale Mocha & Java 43c lb. 5 o’clock 31c lb. Co-op

An account of the Washington-Lincoln banquet at the Echo on Feb. 22, will be published next week.

Among those who are home for a vacation from their schools or colleges are Oscar Garland, John Perkins, Donald Warren, Katherine Janvrin, Evelyn Shaw and Vivian Wood.

Another Drop in Eggs Guaranteed Fancy New Laid Eggs 45c a Doz. Selected 37c Doz. Co-op

The Monday club will meet with Mrs. John Elliot on Monday next, with Mrs. Myers as assistant hostess.

Miss Helen Stranton, an estimable young lady of about 24 years, died in New York last week. She was the daughter of Mrs. Mary Brown, who owns the David Amos Towle place. She was a trained vocalist and had a beautiful contralto voice.

On Tuesday Feb. 19, a surprise party was given to Mrs. Langley. Five tables of Kitty Whist were played. The prizes were awarded to Miss Mildred Dudley (a silver bracelet) and Mr. James Garland (a box of cigars). Midnight refreshments were served and followed by a dance. Music by Arthur Rock and two friends of Exeter. Many out of town friends were present.

Special Daily — Friend S. Milk Bread, Fresh and Hot, right from the oven. Co-op

The Missionary Auxiliary of the Baptist church will hold its annual meeting in the vestry on Thursday, March 5. There will be an all day meeting. A good program is being planned. A bbl. is to be packed with second hand clothing, to be sent to Mather school, Beaufort, S. C. This is a school for the negroes and is largely supported by the sale of the clothing sent in these bbls. All our women are cordially invited to come to the meeting.

The benefit entertainment at the school last Saturday evening was quite a success, both socially and financially. The first number of the program was a piano selection by Mr. John Chipman. Then came the pantomime “The Bachelor’s Dream.” Mr. Grady as the bachelor sang “Bartletts Dream,” then dropped into a doze as past fancies came to him. Little Miss Elizabeth Mary Toppan with her doll came first as “The tiniest tot” then the Misses Wilma Toppan, the school girl, Marion Noyes, the country girl, Ruth Fall, the coquette, Ruth Brooks, the beauty, Eleanor Marston, the winter girl, Esther True, the suffragette, Esther Scott, the sailor girl, Louise Mullin, the gypsy, Gertrude Paulson, the Indian maid, Isabelle Thompson, the motor girl, Dorothy Hobbs, the nurse, Mable Page, the cook, Helen Gilpatrick, the widow, and Mrs. Ernest Cole, the mother. Miss Ruth Brooks sang two selections very delightfully with Mr. Chipman accompanying her. The very versatile Mr. John Cummings gave in costume a very funny and laughable monologue. “The Simpleton” and Mr. Carl Newton gave a most interesting exhibition of the magic art. Mr. Newton was an honor man from Dartmouth and a recipient of the Rhodes scholarship. While at Oxford he spent his vacations visiting the different countries of Europe and being interested in the occult learned many new tricks. Miss Brooks finished the program inviting the audience to join the chorus of her last song “Carry Me Back to Old Virginie.”

Delicious Creamery Butter Best Tub 57c lb. Pint 59c lb. Co-op

The Republican Caucus to choose candidates for town officers will be held in the town hall Monday evening Mar. 10.

Yesterday is an outlawed account! Tomorrow is a risky promissory note. But today — what? It is the real cash I invest it in something worth while. Don’t waste it. Work in the Christian Endeavor at the Congregational Church. Leader — Rev. John Cummings. Topic, “What Jesus Said About Happiness.” Do not forget to have a verse to answer to your name on the roll call.

Superior Sliced Bacon 23c lb. Fancy Smoked Shoulders 12 1/2c lb. Co-op

The next regular meeting of the Mother’s Circle will be at Mrs. H. I. Noyes Wednesday, March 5.

Miss Mary Toppan will entertain the H. T. G. club Feb. 29. It will be a leap year party.

Best Maine Potatoes 15 lb. for 37c Onions 5 lbs. for 25c; Co-op.

Mrs. Marion Jenness scalded her foot so badly last Friday that she has to have medical attention.

Mr. John Cummings entertained a number of friends from Boston over the holiday week end, including his fiancée Miss Ethel Skoog, Miss Eva Johnson and Miss Blanche Wicker, Mr. Stanley Green, Mr. Leslie Cummings and Mr. Allan Skoog.

On Friday, Feb. 29, at 2:30 p. m. there will be held at the Centre School auditorium a debate between Hampton Academy and Epping High on the question; Resolved: “That the Philippine Islands should have their complete independence within five years.” The home team (affirmative) is composed of Madeline Nudd, Thayer Edgerly, Isabelle Thompson and Paul Hobbs. All those interested are asked to attend. On the evening of the same day the negative team composed of Hazel Shaw, Mildred Thompson, Alzena Leavitt and Irene Blake will debate against Sanborn Seminary at Kingston.

Miss Martha T. Chipman of Somerville was a holiday guest of her sister Mrs. Arthur Ward. Her brother, Mr. John Chipman, the Misses Ruth and Mildred Brooks and Mr. Carl Newton were week end guests. Sunday afternoon they all took a pung ride to the beach. It was a very novel experience as they are familiar only with the beach in summer. Three schools of seals were on the rocks off the beach which is a sight rarely seen.