Vol. XXVI, No. 52

Hampton News

The Rev. and Mrs. John Cummings spent Christmas with their parents in Webster, Mass.

The Friendly Class will meet with Miss Adeline Marston on Monday evening, December 29. If stormy, on Tuesday.

Mr. Carl Smith of Norwood. Mass., was a guest of his fiance, Miss Eloise Lane, Christmas.

Miss Martha Chipman of Somerville spent the holiday with her brother and sister, Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Ward. Returning home in the evening, she took Miss Barbara Ward back with her grandma.

Mrs. J. R. Towle entertained the West End Club very pleasantly, December 5. After the program a social hour was enjoyed. Refreshments were served by the hostess.

Mrs. John Marston of New York was a week-end guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Lucy Marston.

Colleges closing for the holidays have brought many of our young people to their various homes. Miss Isabelle Thompson, La Salle; Miss Dorothy Hobbs, New Hampshire; Miss Leonore Lane, Smith; Mr. Wheaton Lane, Princeton, and Mr. Russell Hobbs, Colby, are among those in town.

Mrs. Lucy Marston and her daughter, Miss Adeline, entertained Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Godfrey, Mrs. William Hill of Waltham, and her granddaughters, Mrs. Leonora Wing of Boston and Miss Marston, who is at home from Shippensburg, Pa., at their Christmas dinner.

The Community Tree on Toppan’s corner is a beautiful sight to see and the travelers on the road will remember Hampton for its progressiveness.

The W. C. T. U. will hold a Silver Tea at the home of Mrs. Howard Lane on Friday, January 2, at 2:30 P. M. There will be a report of the National Convention given by Mrs. Carrie Frisselle of Manchester.

Mrs. Frank E. James entertained the West End Club December 18, with a Christmas tree. The program was given by the different children and music by a trio of girls. Santa Claus was very funny with his witty sayings. Refreshments were served by the hostess.

Monday evening December 22, Hunto Encampment took 5 candidates to Strawberry Bank Encampment of Portsmouth to have the Golden Rule degree conferred upon them. Strawberry Bank Encampment had four candidates. That made a class of nine. The work was done by the degree team from Quochecho Encampment of Dover in a very pleasing manner. Monday evening, December 29, Hunto Encampment will hold a special meeting to work the Royal Purple Degree on these same candidates, with one from Adlin Encampment making a class of ten. Let there be a full attendance.

Friday afternoon the children of the lower grades gave a Christmas pageant and cantata, “The Manger Bed”. The spirit of Christmas was carried out by the children in a beautiful manner, the little voices singing the lovely old carols in a way well worth hearing. Miss Margaret Tobey made a very sweet Mary and, with her brother Paul as Joseph, made very pretty tableaux. Thelma Page in her white gown, angel wing and golden halo, appeared to them as the Angel of of the Lord. Later the wondering shepherds, to whom she appeared, searched and found the manger bed, and the host of angels appeared. The three wise men (George Jones, Kirby Higgins and Ellsworth Brown) sang their adoration and gave their gifts to the “New Born King,” departing thence not the way they had come. Mrs. Coombs should feel very proud of the children’s singing and the Misses Marston, Cutts and Taylor, who had put so much time into the preparation of the costumes and the tableau settings, are to he congratulated for its success.

Rev. Charles A. Parker of Exeter will preach at the Baptist church next Sunday.

Mr. Barker will preach on, “The Appeal of Religion,” at the M. E. church Sunday. In the evening at six will be the cantata.

The Mothers’ Circle will meet at the Centre School next Wednesday evening, December 31.

Mr. and Mrs Russell Leavitt had as Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavitt, Mr. Lawrence Leavitt of Hampton, and Mrs. Leavitt’s mother and brother, Mrs Waite and Mr. Hale Waite of Wollaston.

The story, cantata, “The Guest of Bethlehem,” will be given by the choir of the Methodist Church assisted by some of the men and women of the parish. It will be a costumed presentation of many of the prominent facts of the first Christmas, given in song and story. It is to be given at an hour when it is hoped everyone can come.

The Christmas tree at the Methodist Church on Christmas eve was enjoyed by a goodly company of both young and old. A fine program given by the primary department of the Sunday School. The pastor and his wife were very graciously remembered by gifts of both money and provisions, Both Mr. and Mrs. Barker are very grateful and appreciated the continued kindness of all their parishioners.

An addition to the Street Railway service is being tried out beginning on Saturday, Dec. 27. There will be an extra car leaving Tilton’s Siding at 5:20 p.m. for Exeter Depot, arriving there in time to connect with the express for Boston. This car will then leave the Depot at 5:52 p. m. carrying passengers as far as the Square. It will then leave the Square at 6:10 p. m. for the Depot and leave there at 6:00 p. m. running through to Hampton, if there are passengers for that point. The regular 5:20 p. m. car from Hampton arriving in Exeter at 6:00 is not affected by this additional service. The addition is made to accommodate people leaving and arriving at Exeter on trains between 5:30 and 6:30 pm. The Street railway is the most economical method of transportation and if the patronage of the extra car warrants; the management will be glad to continue the service. The co-operation of the public means better service.


Senior Editor-in-Chief…Nellie Moulton,
Junior Editor…Marion Poole,
Sophomore Editor…Marjorie Wood, Jr.
Editor-in-Chief…Gertrude Paulson,
Eighth Grade Editor…Philip Janvrin,
Seventh Grade Editor…Wendell Ring.

On Friday afternoon, December 11, Christmas exercises were held at the Academy. The program was a violin solo by Joseph Raymond, The Night Before Christmas;” spoken song, Hazel Shaw, a carol by a quartet and a reading by Mildred Collins “The gift of the Magi”. Mr. Leavitt was presented with a gold pen and Mrs. Leavitt made candied apples for all. These kept everyone engaged for some time.

On the same evening a football banquet was served in honor of the squad by the girls. After the supper had been served to 60 guests, Mr. Moore gave one of his interesting and helpful talks. The A. A. presented Coach Johnson with a gold Waltham watch in appreciation of his services. The members of the squad gave him a gold chain. Trustee Lane gave a short talk. Mr. Richard Shelton was the principal speaker. He closed his remarks by presenting the letters to 11 boys who did especially good work this fall. Eight others were given smaller letters for having given much time on the squad. Arnold George who did such good work on the team this fall was elected captain for next year. Miss Katherine Gookin proved to be an exceptionally good toastmistress. Songs and cheers were led by the cheerleader Miss Leila Redman and the music was furnished by the school orchestra under the leadership of Joseph Raymond.