Vol. XXVI, No. 23

Thursday, June 5, 1924

Hampton News

Mrs. Chas. P. Buck, and sister visited the grave of their father on Memorial Day at Portland, Me., going from there to Peak’s Island, and spent two days at the beautiful summer home of their brother, Dr. Wm. H. Spear.

The graduation exercises occur at the Town Hall Friday evening, June 13, at 8 o’clock.

Best bread flour 45 cents small bag — 89 cents large bag $6.89 barrel. Co-op Gro. Co.

The closing week of the Academy begins Sunday, June 8, with the sermon before the graduating class at the Congregational Church at 2:30 in the afternoon. The sermon is to be given by the Rev. Moses R. Lovell, pastor of the Federated Church at Durham, NH.

The Baccalaureate exercises will be held at the Congregational Church Sunday afternoon, June 8th, at three o’clock. The sermon to the graduating class will be delivered by the Rev. Mr. Lowell of Durham, New Hampshire. It is hoped that many will take advantage of the opportunity to hear this fine speaker.

Children between the ages of 14 and 16 who intend to work during the summer vacation should secure their employment certificates at the office of the Superintendent of Schools on Saturday, June 21.

Best pastry flour 40 cents small bag — 79 cents large bag $5.99 barrel. Co-op Gro. Co.

Miss S. Belle Lane was unfortunate in falling down stairs one night this week.

Mr. and Mrs. Romeo A. Bienvenue, the new proprietors of the North Shore Hotel, who have been spending their honeymoon in New York, have arrived in Hampton and opened the hotel to the public.

Sheffield sealed evaporated milk — large cans 3 for 25 cents Co-op Gro. Co.

There will be no meeting of the Christian Endeavor Society, Sunday evening, June 8. The leader for that meeting will lead the following week.

The wedding of Rev. John Cummings and Miss Ethel Skoog, was celebrated on Wednesday, in her own home church in South Boston. With a reception later in her home in Dorchester. Those attending from Hampton were, Dr. Arthur Ward and Mr. Chester Grady acting as two of the ushers and Mr. Fall and daughter. Mr. E. G. Cole and Mrs. Cole went up together.

Mr. and Mrs. William Gilpatrick and family spent Memorial day with their friends in Cliftondale, Mass.

Mrs. Joshua A. Lane is ill with a severe attack of the shingles.

Mrs. Belle Dearborn, widow of the late Samuel W. Dearborn, passed away at her home this morning.

The children’s Day observance at the Baptist Church has been postponed until further notice.

The Board of Education has made arrangements with the Street Railway Management whereby the transportation of school children will be paid in a lump sum instead of through the purchase of tickets.

Best Maine potatoes 15 lbs. 39 cents, new potatoes 5 lbs. 25 cents, onions 3 lbs. 20 cents, rhubarb 7 lbs. 25 cents. Co-op Gro. Co.

Mrs. Frances Perkins of Ogunquit, Me. has entered a Portland hospital where she is to undergo an operation for appendicitis.

No service will be held in the Cong. Church on Sunday morning.

The H. A. Alumni dinner will be held at the Ashworth on the 21st of June, further notice will be given.

The exercises on Memorial Day were very interesting. The few old veterans left were all present, but as last year, Mr. Jacob Godfrey did not go up in the hall, but all were glad to have him present. The speaker was by some said, to be the best they ever heard. Chester Godfrey took charge of the exercises for his father, who is Commander. Major Charles Godfrey read the Orders. Joseph Raymond gave Lincoln’s Gettysburg address. Rev. Edgar Warren finished the exercises in the cemetery. The boys ‘tho handicapped by the loss of the cornetist, gave excellent music under the direction of their teacher, Mrs. Coombs, who also sang in her pleasing manner, two selections, accompanied by Miss Marston.

Best tub butter 43 cents lb. print butter 45 cents lb. sugar 7-1/2 cents lb. smoked shoulder 12-1/2 cents lb. sliced bacon 29 cents lb. Co-op Gro. Co.

Geraniums, other window box plants. Salvias, marigold, larkspurs, zinnias, cosmos, straw flowers, cauliflowers, cabbage and other boxed seedlings. BEACHROAD GREENHOUSE

W. P. Lovell of Rye Beach, who ran his auto into a telephone pole at the causeway Friday night, was taken to the North Shore Hotel and treated for minor injuries by the hostess, Mrs. Bienvenue, who is a trained nurse.

The Co-op Gro. Co. wishes to announce that their store at Hampton Beach is now open for business.

Don’t forget the whist and dancing party at the New Fire House, Hampton Beach, this evening. The Board of Trade hopes that many will be present and all are invited to attend.