Vol. XXVI, No. 24

Thursday, June 12, 1924

Hampton News

The Winnicummet Rebekah Lodge will hold a Food Sale at three o’clock, Friday, June 20, on the lawn at Mrs. Toppan’s home, if pleasant; at Cole’s per- [sentence is not completed].

Christian — Memories, a Blessing or a Curse.

Mrs. Shea, Mrs. Albert Coffin and Mrs. James Hutchins attended the meeting of the Portsmouth Woman’s Club, last Thursday.

The Misses Ethel and Hazel Steadman of Somerville, Mass., visited their sister, Mrs. Albert L. Coffin, several days last week.

Work has begun for the erection of two new houses. Mr. John Tarleton is to build on the Lafayette Road, and Mr. Fall on High Street.

Mrs. Harry Moore and Mrs. Munsey will entertain the Mother’s Circle at Mrs. Moore’s home, Monday evening, June 23.

Mr. Russell Hobbs of Hampton, N. H., assisted in a prize speaking contest in the chapel of Colby Academy, Saturday morning. Mr. Hobbs played two selections on the piano, which were well received by the large audience of students and friends of the institution. The contest was a feature of the Commencement exercises of Colby Academy in which Mr. Hobbs is a sophomore.

A surprise party is being given by Dr. and Mrs. Ward, for Mrs. Addie B. Brown’s birthday. Mrs. Brown is spending the day with Mrs. Helen Yeaton but will be brought home early to find her brothers, sisters, and other friends awaiting her, when a delicious dinner will be served. A birthday cake from her sister Mrs. Marston, and many other gifts were received.

The Hampton Academy Assn. will meet at the Ashworth, on Sat. the 21st of June. Dinner is at one o’clock and the President suggested that members come early enough to register and get their tickets on arrival to avoid confusion and delay in going to the dinner. Mr. Ashworth’s delicious dinner will be served, and the slight advance in price which the committee offered him was due to the fact that the price was very inadequate for what we received. Mr. David Collins, President, has taken pains to make this meeting interesting. He has procured a sketch of Hampton Academy from Richard Barker Shelton who graduated here. There will be short talks, singing from community leaflets procured by Mr. Collins, and a good time generally. Do not miss it. All members attending before 1887, all since then and those who attended two years but could not graduate are invited. The latter are admitted as associate members. All who can please reply to the invitation.

A reception will be tendered to Rev. and Mrs. John Cummings, on Wednesday Eve. the 18th, in the Cong. Chapel. All members of the parish are invited to be present and all who are present making it their church home. There will be short exercises, an address of Welcome by Rev. Edgar Warren and it is hoped to have a word of welcome from the other pastors of churches in town. Music will be provided.

Fifteen graduates of Hampton Academy will receive diplomas in the town hall on Friday evening. Their names are: Dorothy Batchelder, Beatrice Batchelder, Irene Blake, Josephine Blake, Mabel Brooks, Jessie Drysdale, Carleton Edgerly, Esther Fellows, Elmer Godfrey, Dorothy Hobbs, Hollis Moaratty, Marion Noyes, Madeline Nudd, Evelyn Philbrick, Isabelle Thompson.

Following is the program of exercises: March, Orchestra; Prayer, Rev. Edgar Warren; Music, The Lord is Great, School; Salutory, Class History, Irene Blake; Class Prophecy, Isabelle Thompson; Selection, Orchestra; Class Gifts, Dorothy Hobbs; Valedictory Essay, Madeline Nudd; Music, Selected; Address, Dr. Anna Parker; Conferring Diplomas; School Song.

A reception and dance will follow the exercises.

Hampton Beach Opens:

Saturday, June 14, has been selected to start the season into full swing, and a brilliant display of fireworks has been arranged for Saturday night with more next week. Many new and startling effects in pyrotechnics have been perfected since last summer, and the Hampton Beach displays will include the best and most dazzling of them.

There are to be band concerts afternoon and evening Saturday and Sunday and all next week in the Casino Pagoda, with well known soloists and programs selected with care, including classical, romantic and popular music to suit all tastes.

Free open air attractions, the pick of the season’s vaudeville sensations, have been secured and will be presented not only this Saturday, but every afternoon and evening next week.

The big feature for the week of June 16th being “The Diving Queen,” Lucille Anderson, and her five dashing and daring High Diving Girls, showing different styles of diving and plunging at every performance into the water from a dizzy height.

Dancing promises to be as generally indulged in at Hampton as in recent summers, and unsurpassed orchestras have been engaged. Nowhere on the Atlantic coast, from Eastport to Miami may the various seashore delights and advantages be found in greater variety and profusion than at Hampton Beach. There’s nothing but truth in the oft repeated slogan “Health and happiness await all at Hampton Beach.”