Hampton News

Miss Hannah MacKenzie of Boston, has been a guest of Mrs. Sarah E. Rose at her home “Rose Cottage” for two weeks.

Owing to the illness of Rev. Edward E. Eno, Rev. A. B. Thompson will preach in the Baptist church Sunday morning and evening.

Alice Maxfield of Pittsfield, is visiting Miss Maybell Perkins.

The open season on marsh birds commenced Monday and the usual quota of gunners went to the seashore. There was but a small flight and not many bagged. Many flocks of yellow legs have been seen along the shores of the Swampscott river during the summer.

Mr. Frank Sheffroth, who formerly was employed by Armos Guyon of the Dance Carnival, now an employee of the Thomas Cogger Coal and Wood Co.

Mr. and Mrs. Hutchings had as guests last week, Mr. and Mrs. John Cotton, Miss Flora Cotton, and Master Harold, of Athol, Mass.; also Mr. Hutching’s niece, Mrs. James Cotton and husband of Greenfield, Mass. Returning from their honeymoon to the mountains, Mr. Hutchings’ niece, Mrs. Laurence W. Mann made a short stop over at the Hutchings’ home before continuing their auto trip to Boston, Mrs. Hutchings’ sister, Miss Campbell of Lynn, Mass., and husband of Greenfield, Mass., is spending the summer in Hampton.

The Thirtieth Annual Field Meeting of the New Hampshire Federation of Women’s Club will be held at the Plymouth Normal School, Plymouth, N. S., in September 3-4, 1925. The program in full will be published next week. As there will be no meeting of the Monday Club before the Field meeting, will any member who is able to attend as a delegate, (the club is entitled to two) please notify either the president, Mrs. James Hutchings or the secretary, Mrs. Arthur Ward and receive their credentials.

The Misses Esther Scott, Helen and Gladys Gilpatrick, Gertrude Carlson, Marjorie Wood, Louise Mullen and Etta Blake attended the session of the Northern New England School of Religious Education at Durham last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Sterns of Granite Falls, Min., motored on in their car to spend a few weeks in town with Mrs. Sterns’ father, A. L. Joplin and with her sister, Mrs. Feeney, of Haverhill, Mass.

Mrs. Amelia Noyes, with her granddaughter, Mrs. Irving Slade, returned to their home in Chelsea, Mass., Thursday after spending two months at Mrs. Martha Locke’s home. Her daughter, Mrs. Marion Gates, left on Wednesday for a motor trip through the Mountains and a conference at the Psychology Camp at Farmington Mills, before returning to her home.

Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Wilfred R. Feeney of Haverhill, Mass., entertained the Misses Adeline Marston, Elizabeth Philbrook, Martha Chipman and Mrs. William Hill of Waltham, Mass., at her home for her sister, Mrs. Wallace Sterns.

Mrs. Benjamin Colvin returned to her home in Harrison, N. Y., on Monday.

Miss Isabelle Thompson spent a very delightful vacation with her friend, Miss Elizabeth Irish of Buckfield, Me., coming back to Hampton late Thursday.

Mr. Harry L. Moore, Supt. of schools, was in town for a few days before going to Keene, to attend the Annual Educational Institute for superintendents and head masters of New Hampshire.

Mr. Russell Leavitt, headmaster of the High school and Mr. Arthur Sears of the Junior High school left on Monday to attend the Institute at Keene.

Mrs. Wilson Olney has had as house guests her aunt, Miss Isabelle Butler of New York, and Mrs. Gill of Boston.

Mrs. Alfred Patch of Stoneham, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leavitt. [Missing words] the garden and on the posts are carved baskets of fruit and flowers. On the boat house, down at the waters edge are carved figure heads and name plates of ships that have been wrecked and washed ashore.

The occupants of a Ford touring car that passed Whittier’s corner about 4:30 Saturday afternoon have a very strange almost unbelievable tale to tell their friends. A young deer came through the fields and ran into the street from the back of Mr. Stevens’ house. It leaped over the car its hind feet going through the top. As it fell, it was hit by a car coming in the other direction and was thrown against one of the big trees in front of Mr. Toppan’s house, which instantly killed it. Officer Marvin Young took charge of the carcass and notified the State Game Commissioner, Mont Bartlett.

Frank Dennett has just completed crossroad signs for the benefit of autoists passing through the Village Square and at Whittier’s. These signs are black letters on white ground on 4 sides of a box frame. The one at Whittier’s is mounted on posts set in the open space near the car tracks and give the towns reached by the various roads. The one in the Village Square is not so well located, but it will serve its purpose well. Mr. Dennett erected these signs for the town and did the entire work himself including the carpenter work, painting and setting up.

Plans for Dedication of Park

A meeting of the town committee on dedication of the Memorial Park was held in the Selectmen’s room, Tuesday evening, with about fifty members present.

The invitation committee and the program committee are working and excellent progress has been made.

The programme as now outlined will be opened with the reception on the evening of the 13th of October, in the Town Hall, with music, and buffet lunch. The next morning, probably, there will be a parade in which the surrounding towns, it is hoped, will participate, by entering floats and decorated automobiles. A man of prominence will be asked to deliver the dedication address at the monument, after which a banquet will be given in a tent where caterers will be hired to serve the large attendance. The Governor of the state and staff and many prominent people will take part in the post-prandial exercises. Altogether it is expected to make this celebration as memorable as any ever held in this town. Further particulars will be given from time to time, as plans develop, but it is desirous that all interested keep these dates, October 13 and 14, in mind.

The committee on inscription for the boulder has completed its work and the contract for the bronze tablet has been given. This committee is now added to the program committee.

Wednesday and Thursday, Mrs. John Templeton Coolidge of Boston and Portsmouth, opened her Portsmouth home, which is the old Wentworth mansion for the benefit of the Women’s Industrial Union of Boston. Mrs. Arthur Ward receiving an invitation for herself and friends attended on Wednesday with Mrs. Manson Brooks, Mrs. John Chipman and Miss Ruth Brooks. Mrs. Coolidge proved a most gracious hostess telling about the historical points of the house and exhibiting her wonderful collection of samples and china. The council chamber with its wonderfully carved mantle, done by some old Governor Wentworth’s ship carvers was most interesting. The parlor where the marriage of the Governor and Martha Hilton took place still has the beautiful white and gold paneled paper on it that was put on by the governor for the event. The gardens are kept up in the fashion of the old days and the lilac hedge is credited by Mr. Charles Sargent of the Arnold Arboretion to be of the original English stock. Parts of the old fence are still around.

Myron Williams of Waltham, Mass., is spending a vacation with his father, J. Freeman Williams.

Smith – Lane

On Friday evening, August 14, at the home of the bride Miss Eloise Frances Lane, was united in marriage to Mr. Ellswood Smith of Framingham and Norwood, Mass.

Miss Lane was attended by her sister, Leonore Hobbs Lane, and Mr. Smith had for best man, Stanton Howe Woodman of Portland, a college classmate.

The arrangements for the wedding had been made to be held on the lawn, but owing to the rain in the morning the place was necessarily changed to indoors.

The grounds each side of the house were lighted by colored electric lights, which made the residence attractive from the outside. The ceremony took place in the living room, in the presence of some what 200 guests standing in the arch of the room over which were evergreen decorations and yellow dahlias with a background decoration of hot house potted ferns.

The bride was given away by her father, Howard G. Lane, the double ring service being used.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. Olm Tracy, of Norway, Maine, a classmate of the bride at New Hampton Literary Institution also a college classmate at Bates. The groom was also a college classmate, all graduates in the class of 1920. The bride received her master degree at Oberlin, Ohio, and later took a course in Journalism at the Columbia University. For the past two years she has been at the head of the history department in the Nashua High School.

Mr. Smith is instructor of the sciences in the Norwood High School.

Whitman’s Orchestra of Portsmouth furnished excellent music throughout the evening, giving a half hour concert before the wedding ceremony.

The bride wore a gown of white satin with embroidery of white crystal beads and chip diamonds entrain, and carried brides roses. The bridesmaid wore an orchid georgette, embroidered with white beads and carried sweet peas to match.

The four ushers were Messrs. Wheaton J. Lane, Prinston, ’25, Philip Sanderson, Dartmouth, ’20, Benj. Murray, Boston College, ’19, Gustave Larson, Framingham Normal School, ’18.

A reception followed in which the parents assisted in receiving.

A wedding dinner was held at Hotel Echo, preceding the ceremony, attended by thirteen composed of the wedding party.

The gift of the groom to the bride was a three string necklace of cut crystal beads.

The bridesmaid received an onyx dinner ring set with a small diamond from the bride, and groom’s gift to best man was bronze book ends and to the ushers, white gold cuff links.

The presents which were on display in the upper hall were numerous and some very beautiful and expensive.

The bride’s traveling suit was milkberry shade of charmnese with black velvet hat. An unusual evening gown in the bride’s trousseau was of black satin with lace panels front and back embroidered in white, a gift from a friend in India, the lace being hand made by the native women of that country.

The caterers were Burton Brothers of Portsmouth.

The bridal couple are motoring through the White Mountains to Montreal, to the Dixville Notch, and then into Maine.

After October first, they will be at home at 7 Hoyle street, Norwood, Mass.

Hampton Beach

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McKellips of Athol, Mass., are visiting their daughter, Mrs. C. H. Moody. Mrs. Moody also has her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Merchant of Boldwinsville, Mass.

Princess Neoga of Oldtown, Me., is a very popular fortune teller, and has a fine line of Indian baskets, and novelties at her store on C street, next to Francis & Lessard’s market.

Visitors at E. A. Page’s are Mrs. Alice E. Langley, and son Richard, of Derry.

Upwards of 125,000 people, the biggest Sunday crowd of the season, was here Sunday. No arrests were made. Chief of Police Harry D. Munsey estimated that upwards of 30,000 autos were here during the day. In one collision a machine driven by Leon J. Avery of Lowell, Mass., collided with a car driven by John E. Boyle of Manchester. No one was injured.

Sunday during the night people were forced to sleep on the beach.

A scare occurred Sunday afternoon, caused by a needless fire alarm.

First to Marry in New Community Church

Adena M. Crooks, 24, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Crooks of Allentown, Penn., had the distinction of being the first girl to be married in the New Community church here when she became the wife of Roy J. Handwerk of Slatington, Penn., at 4 o’clock Wednesday afternoon. The ceremony was performed by Dr. John M. G. Barnes of Plymouth, Wis., president of the Mission House College, a close friend of the bride through special dispensation from the secretary of state. The maid of honor was Miss Melba M. Crooks a sister of the bride and the best man was Lawrence Roberts of Wilmington, Del. Anna Halpin of Albany, N. Y., was the flower girl and John Corbett of Concord, was the ring bearer. The ushers were William Watson of Hampton and Granville Dodge of Concord, cousins of the bride. The wedding marches from “Lohengrin” and “Mendelssohn” were played by Miss Ethelyn Ramsdell of Hampton, a cousin of the bride and Mrs. Frederick Cook of Phildelphia sang “O Promise Me.” The bride was given in marriage by her father. Following the ceremony a reception was held on the lawn of the summer home of the bride’s parents on the Winnicummett [?] Road. The couple will make their home at 790 Kingsway, Alliance, Ohio, where the bridegroom is employed by the Ohio Public Commission as a power sales engineer.

Church Anniversary

St. Patrick’s Catholic church of Hampton Beach completes 20 full years of service here next Thursday. The first services were celebrated on Sunday, August 20, 1905, by Rev. Fr. John E. Finen, now of Franklin, with a high mass at 9:30 a.m., in the Convention hall of the Casino.

The subject taken by Father Finen for his sermon was “The Gospel of Today.” He took the needed requisites for the service from St. Michael’s church of Exeter. The size of the congregation at that first mass numbered 230.

Since that time the congregation have steadily grown and in 1914 the present structure on Glade Path was completed. The edifice is located on what was formerly known as Ox Common, a section closely linked with the historical annals of the Town of Hampton. The present rector is Rev. J. S. Buckley, D. C. L., vicar general of the diocese.