Hampton News

Mrs. Christopher Toppan, and son Grafton, returned to Hampton on Tuesday, after a delightful weekend in Albany, New York.

Little Virginia Dennett is convalescing from a throat operation performed in Portsmouth on Saturday.

The Mother’s Circle will have a food sale, Wednesday afternoon, June 25, on Mrs. Langley’s lawn.

The Friendly Class will hold an outing at Warren Hobbs’ cottage, Plaice Cove, Friday, June 26.

The annual meeting of Hampton Academy Alumni Association will be held on June 27th at Hotel Ashworth, Hampton Beach. The speaker is to be Gov. John G. Winant.

Mrs. Lucy A. Marston had as guests on Wednesday, Miss Edna Wiggins and Mrs. Leonora B. Wing, of Boston, Mass., and L. Edward Marston and family, from Beverly, Mass. Mrs. H. B. Marston has also arrived from Alabama for the summer; Miss Eleanor will remain here a short time, when she will go to Boothbay, Me., where she will study art at a summer school for artists.

At a meeting of the Granite State Club next evening there will be a program of special interest. Cream will be served.

At the Community church service at Hampton Beach, 3:30 o’clock, Rev. E. H. Prescott of Newburyport, Mass., will preach.

The Congregational Sunday school will hold their Children’s Concert on Sunday, June 21st at 11 o’clock. Those who would like to have children baptized will please notify Rev. Mr. Cummings.

Mr. and Mrs. William Hill and Miss Maude Patch of Waltham, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Godfrey.

Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leavitt, with their two little sons, motored to Wollaston Saturday for a weekend visit with their mother Mrs. A. W. Waite. Saturday afternoon they witnessed the wonderful parade and pageant of Quincy commemorating the anniversary of its founding.

Mrs. Arthur Ward with her daughter Barbara, went to Boston, Mass., on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. William Hill, to see her sister Mrs. Drew Bernard start for her home in California.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley green of Roslindale, and Mrs. Alma Skoog, mother of Mrs. John Cummings were weekend guests at the Congregational parsonage.

Children’s Day at the Congregational church will be observed Sunday morning at 11 A. M. Note change of time.

John S. Gilman will reach his 85th birthday on August 12, and at this age he feels unable to continue his watch and clock repairing. He therefore desires all who have life-repairing work with him to call soon and take it away.

Russell Hobbs of Hampton, a junior in Colby academy, and Colby distance ace on track, has been elected president of the students’ assembly presidency which is the highest gift within the power of the students to bestow.

Misses Marion Dexter and Hazel Brown accompanied by Norman Coffin and John Brooks were guests of Henry Ford’s Wayside Inn at South Sudbury, Mass., on Sunday. During the day the party was motored to the Mastercraft Film Corporation’s plant where they were received and conducted through the studios being privileged to view a showing of some of the Company’s latest unreleased films.

Mrs. Arthur Dewey with her little daughter Jane, left on Friday for her home in New Bedford, Mass., after spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Martha Locke.

Mrs. Addie Brown was given a birthday party by her niece, Mrs. Arthur Ward, Friday noon. Mrs. Rebecca Leavitt, Mrs. Lucy Marston, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Godfrey, Mr. Jacob Godfrey were guests. She received many good wishes and lovely gifts, among them an old fashioned knocker for the door of her charming old house.

Mrs. Howard G. Lane and daughter Eloise, went to Princeton on Saturday to attend the Commencement exercises, as Mr. Wheaton Lane was a member of the graduating Class.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Moulton of Somerville, Mass., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Gookin. They drove down to attend the graduation exercises of their niece Miss Katherine Gookin, who was valedictorian of her class.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hyde of Watertown attended the graduation exercises of their cousin Miss Esther Scott, on Friday night and remained for the weekend as guests of their aunt, Mrs. Carrie Scott.

Superior Court:

The suit brought by Stella R. M. Ladd against Vedell J. Glines, both parties being of Hampton in which Mrs. Ladd claimed that Mrs. Glines had falsely and maliciously told to her neighbor that Mrs. Ladd had stolen a coat belonging to the defendant, was tried before Judge Oliver W. Branch in the Superior Court Monday. Mrs. Ladd put in evidence a threatening note which had been left in her letter box and which Mrs. Glines admitted writing, testified that the defendant had on several occasions called to her as she passed on her way to church saying, “Are you going to have your sins forgiven?”, “How much longer are going to keep your dirty carcass in my coat?’ and other remarks of insult.

The plaintiff also produced her coat in court and gave evidence to show the time and place when it was purchased in Manchester.

The husband of the plaintiff testified to the worry and annoyance that the slander had caused his wife, and an interesting feature of the case was the trying on of the plaintiff’s coat by Mrs. Glines who admitted that it was too small for her across the shoulders, that she never would have bought such a fit and finally admitted that Mrs. Ladd’s coat was never owned by her, the defendant. At the conclusion of the evidence Judge Branch made the following statement in open court: “I find that the statements made by Mrs. Glines as claimed in the plaintiff’s writ were made falsely and maliciously, and there will be a verdict for the plaintiff. The amount of this verdict I shall determine later. Mrs. Glines, this talk that you have been making must stop and if it does not there will be something further done about it.”

Mr. and Mrs. Everett Nudd entertained a party of six guests over the weekend and on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Cash, Miss Gladys Jordan, Miss Dorothy Eldridge and Mr. Cliff Lindsey of Hampton, the Misses Rose and Lillian McKeena and Mr. George Rutherford of Framingham, and Mr. Philip Reeves of New York, filled three machines and drove to York, Maine. At Bald Head Cliff the picnic lunch they had carried was most heartily enjoyed. The trip was continued to Old Orchard, before the tired but happy party returned to Hampton.

The annual meeting of the Mother’s Circle was held Wednesday evening at Mrs. Warren Hobbs’s with Mrs. Henry Hobbs and Mrs. George Philbrook as assistant hostesses. Nineteen members and six guests were present. Mrs. Esther Coombs accompanied by Miss Adeline Marston opened the meeting, singing two numbers. During the business it was voted to buy an easy chair to start the refurnishing of the Hampton room in the Exeter Hospital. Mrs. David Hamilton sang “The Lass of Kilaine” and the report of the nominating committee was accepted and voted on. The officers for the ensuing year are: Pres. Mrs. Maude Nudd; vice pres. Mrs. Evelyn Dennett; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Ruth Merrill. A very social time was enjoyed after the business was dispensed with, while the hostesses served ice cream and cake.

The funeral of Mrs. Emma Stella Stanley, whose sad death was announced last week, was held in the Baptist church, Rev. Mr. Eno officiating. Many relatives and friends were present and the floral tributes were profuse. Among those who sent flowers were: Mr.and Mrs. E. L. Towle, Walter Brown and family, Mrs. C. O. Stevens, Uncle Sam and family, Miss Adeline Copeland Marston and children of grades one and two, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hobbs, Evelyn Hobbs, Olive, Barbara and Winslow Fogg, Mrs. Fred Marston and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Seward, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Commatt, Annie and Albert Seward, Mrs. Purrington, Hampton Falls. The deceased was in her 33rd year. Burial was in the Hampton cemetery.

Mrs. Herbert Marston of Huntsville, Alabama, and her daughter Miss Eleanor Marston, who has been the art instructor at the Pennsylvania State Normal School for the past year, arrived on Monday to make extended visits with their mother and grandmother, Mrs. Lucy A. Marston.