Hampton News

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pierce, on Sunday morning motored to Canada, where they will spend a few days.

Do you know that the Swarthmore Chautauqua is coming to Hampton during September? The program consists of high class musical entertainment. Special concerts and a children’s day festival. A full three day program is being arranged. Watch the newspapers for special notices. Plan to attend the first local event of the fall season.

Charles N. Perkins of Nahant, Mass., has been elected superintendent of the local school district, number 21, comprising Rye, Newington, Newcastle, Hampton, Hampton Falls, North Hampton and Seabrook. Mr. Perkins, for five years head of the Waltham schools, has been at Nahant for the past two years. He is 57, married and has five children, two of whom are teachers. He is to begin his duties at once.

The W. C. T. Corps will hold but one meeting this month and that will be on Wednesday, September 23. There will be inspection and the Department President will be present.

The County Missionary meeting will be held in Kingston on Thursday, September 10.

The people of the Baptist parish will be highly favored in having Rev. Eustace Strong supply their pulpit next Sunday morning. Mr. Strong is summering here which affords us the opportunity of hearing a minister of such ability and experience. For many years Mr. Strong lived in Japan, previous to the earthquake.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Moore were visiting in town for a few days this week.

Mr. James Sprague, transferred from the Biddeford Pool Life Guard station to Hampton has moved his family into the apartment recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gale, next to the Baptist church.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Clark are leaving Hampton to make their home down on Cape Cod.

Little Pearl and Maud Kierstead had their tonsils removed last week.

Mr. A. W. Waite of Wollaston, was a weekend guest with her daughter, Mrs. Russell Leavitt.

Mrs. Mary G. Chipman returned to her home in Somerville, Mass., on Thursday afternoon, spending eight weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Ward. Her daughter, Miss Martha Chipman and little granddaughter, Miss Barbara Ward accompanied her.

Mr. and Mrs. James Cronin recently of Charlestown, Mass., have moved into the half of the old Perry house, recently occupied by Henry Hobbs’ family.

Who can say Hampton isn’t progressing if the building of new houses is any criteion? The foundation has just been laid for the Kenneth Ross house on Academy avenue.

Friends of Mrs. Elizabeth Hobbs are glad to learn of her recovery from her [unreadable] heart attack. She is able to be up for short periods and is gaining strength.

Mrs. Rebecca Leavitt was tendered quite a surprise Tuesday afternoon, when her sisters and brothers, sons and daughters and a number of her nieces gathered at her home with gifts and cards to wish her happiness on her 86th birthday. Mrs. Lucy Marston and Mrs. Frank Leavitt made birthday cakes which were served with the cream. A beautiful bunch of roses formed the centerpiece on the table. The gift of her absent son, Mr. Will E. Leavitt of Colorado. Mrs. Leavitt’s pleasant smile and happy disposition has made many friends for her and the whole community wish her happiness on this occasion.

Mr. and Mrs. John W. Nutter with their daughter, Mrs. Alfred Nutter of Pittsburg, Pa., and grandson, Master John Nutter, are spending a few days at their cottage, “The Antoinette” at Plaice Cove.

State Officer Charles Carr injured on the Lafayette Road

Saturday afternoon, State Officer Charles Carr, of Exeter was badly injured while riding his motorcycle on this way to Hampton. Officer Carr ran over a hole in the pavement, causing his front tire to blow out and throwing him headlong on the street railway tracks.

A passing automobile picked the officer up and hurried him to Dr. Thompson’s office, where he was treated for his injuries. Officer Carr obtained a sprained ankle, a cut in the head of about 3 inches and his shoulders badly bruised. He will not be able to go on duty for a few weeks.

State Officer Conelary of Dover will ride this section until Mr. Carr is able to return to duty.

Officer Carr was injured at what is called the Turnpike on the Lafayette road, at about 2:30.

Auto Accident

On Friday noon a motor truck owned by the M. & M. Baking Co., of Dover, and operated by Leroy E. Tucker, came to a collision with an Essex coach, owned and operated by John Allton of Winthrop, Mass.

Being that the vehicles were not traveling at a fast rate of speed, no one was injured. The accident took place at Lane’s corner, at about 12:40 p.m.

Officer Marvin Young quickly arrived at the scene, but no arrests were made.

The left mudguard, wheel and the side of the body were damaged on the coach, while the truck escaped with a bent mudguard and slight engine trouble.

A few minutes after the accident took place more than 150 people arrived at the scene.

Has Erected Many Hampton Residents

Among the prominent citizens of Hampton, who have been largely instrumented in the town’s development is C. O. Stevens, builder and contractor, now retired from active work in that line.

Mr. Stevens was born on Lafayette road, about sixty-eight years ago and has resided in Hampton a goodly part of his life. His father was a carpenter and builder and was succeeded by his son when the latter was eighteen years of age.

The first house which Mr. Stevens built in Hampton was the beautiful home of The Rev. D. H. Adams. The residence of Mr. Howard G. Lane is another piece of his work. Other buildings he has built are as follows: Lewis Perkins’ house, Fred Sanborn’s house, The Hotel Echo, Cutler’s Annex, the Riverside House, the Lane Block, his present home and others too numerous to mention. In addition Mr. Stevens has greatly improved the corner where the Whittier hotel formerly stood.

Cars Crash at Lane’s Corner

While on her way to Exeter Miss Margaret Morran crashed in to a Studebaker owned by E. G. Rowe, and operated by his daughter Miss Dora S. Rowe of Newport, Me.

Miss Morran was driving a Ford coupe, and it seems that she did not judge her distance and tried to cross to the Exeter road from the Lafayette and in so doing ran down the car of which Miss Rowe was driving.

Officer Marvin Young quickly responded to a call and on arriving at the scene summoned Miss Morran to municipal court.

Miss Morran appeared before Judge Howell M. Lamprey, and pleaded guilty to the charge. She was fined $10 and costs amounting to $9.83.

The accident took place at Lane’s corner Saturday afternoon at about 2:30 o’clock. Both cars were damaged, but no one was injured.

Real Estate Transfers

Through the real estate office of W. L. Traversey, Hampton, the following transfer of real estate has recently taken place; the property of Stanley Smith on Exeter road to Frank Finley of Boston.

Mr. Finley purchases for a summer home and is already making improvements.

Through the same agency the property known as the Fred Everett farm in Newington on the White Mountain road was sold to Mrs. Abbie Fogg of Dover, who intends to convert it into a large poultry place.

Also Mr. Traversey has sold the estate owned by Mrs. Alice Gale of Amesbury, Mass., formerly the Locke homestead, on North Beach road to Charles F. Koehler of Roslindale, Mass. After some improvements, Mr. Koehler will make it a permanent home and a poultry farm.

The Traversey agency was also the agent in the transfer of the Uri Lamprey homestead on the Beach road to Mr. Alfred Ellis of Boston. Mr. Ellis will make many improvements and later make it his permanent home. Mr. Lamprey was well pleased with the transaction and is now building a bungalow home nearby.

Mr. Traversey has also sold the well-known estate of John F. Stevens in Hampton Falls to Mr. James Boothman, retired agent of the Ayers Mill in Lawrence, Mass. The purchaser is already occupying the property and has made extensive improvements.

Mr. Traversey has a large list of customers waiting for desirable property at reasonable prices and no charge is made unless a sale is made.

Meeting House Green Memorial Park Dedication on October 13

The people of Hampton and residents of the towns and hamlets in the vicinity, descendants of Rev. Stephen Bachiler and his fellow settlers who labored actively to build a thriving settlement here, will, on October 13 and 14 dedicate to the memory of those bold adventurers a beautiful spot replete with growing trees and tableted boulders to be known as Meeting House Green Memorial Park.

It was 287 years ago that these first settlers came here into these then wild lands, to fight loneliness, desire for ease and comforts, in order that they might worship as they pleased and have homes which they might call their own. Although these brave settlers have been honored by word of mouth and by record for the things which they accomplished, no fitting memorial has heretofore been visualized.

Having the blood of lineal descendants of these brave men in his veins, Rev. I. S. Jones of Hampton, with the affection and admiration of the historical town in his heart, has gathered together the remaining representatives of these families to plan and construct a fitting memorial which is about to be dedicated. Mr. Jones has read carefully the thousands of pages of historical lore about the first settlers of this region, he has seen with his own eyes many of the familiar landmarks removed by fire and decay and he has visited and tenderly taken care of the last resting places of them that were so linked in with Hampton’s history.

The Meeting House Green Memorial park stands on approximately an acre of land, triangular in shape and exactly where the old meeting house stood aver 200 years ago. Close beside the first meeting house stood later the first Hampton academy. And to the south was located until a few years ago the old parsonage.

On a boulder is to be found these inscriptions: “This boulder stands near the site of the log meetinghouse of the Town of Hampton, built soon after its settlement in 1638. Three subsequent church buildings were erected on this meeting house green.”

“The proprietory school now known as Hampton Academy was incorporated in 1810. Its first building which stood on this spot was burned. The building now used by the school was erected in 1852 and removed to its present site in 1883.”

Inscribed on the tablet on the boulder in the center of the park is the following: “A little band of Pioneers under the leadership of Rev. Stephen Bachiler of Southampton, England, seeking a larger liberty, in October, 1638, settled in the wilderness near this spot to plant a free church in a free town. They were joined in 1639 by others and in that year the town was incorporated. To do honor to the founders and fathers of Hampton, to exalt the ideals for which they strove and as an inspiration to posterity, this memorial park is dedicated, October 14, 1925.”

Along the sides of the park are boulders, each marked to show the various towns taken out of the original territory which made up the town of Hampton. They are Hampton, Kensington, East Kensington, Kingston, Danville and Sandown, and about one-third of Seabrook.

There are 29 boulders arranged on the plot. Each bears a tablet to the old families of the town as follows: Bachiler, 1638; Moulton, 1638; Palmer, 1638; Philbrick, 1638; Brown, 1639; Cole, 1640; Marston, 1640; Perkins, 1654; Hobbs, 1641; Redmond, 1642; Nudd, 1643; Shaw, 1647; Dearborn, 1649; Blake, 1650; Dow, 1653; Drake, 1657; Knowles, 1657; Fogg, 1658; Towle, 1659; Mason, 1684; Lane, 1686; James, 1690; Healey, 1701; Gookins, 1710; and Toppan, 1727.

It is desired that as many representatives of these families as possible be present on this occasion, and if any person who knows he or she is a descendent desires further information it will gladly be furnished if such person will communicate with the dedication committee.

The young trees are set out in honor of individuals of the towns and donated by friends.

Joseph Hobbs of North Hampton gave the tablet for the 12-ton boulder. The 65-foot flag pole was given by Mrs. Charles Batchelder and her son. The shrubbery about the park was donated by various societies in the town.

School Notes

The fall term opens Monday, September 14. It is very desirable that all children enter on the opening day. Registration of new children should be made at the superintendent’s office.

Under the state law all pupils attending school should be successfully vaccinated.

Examinations for pupils who have been studying during the summer will be given Monday, the 14th.

The following teachers have been engaged for the new year: Academy, Russell H. Leavitt, Headmaster, Mathematics and Science; Vina M. Jones, English, Latin and French; Marion G. Little, a graduate of the Plymouth Normal School, Commercial Subjects. Junior High School: Arthur C. Sears, Principal, Manual Training and Science; Mildred Smith, a graduate of Farmington Normal School with several years experience in Waterville and Malden, Mathematics; Mildred Pehrson, French and Latin; Effie Muchmore, a graduate of Plymouth Normal School and New Hampshire University Summer School, English and History; Marion Dexter, Domestic Arts. Grades V-VI: Charlotte Taylor; Grades III-IV, Marion Jenness; Grades I-II, Adeline Marston; Music, Esther B. Coombs; Drawing, Frances K. Sears; Nurse, Dorothy Eldrige.

Hampton Beach

Dr. Nettie Ardell Bolton, wife of William C. Bolton of 100 Huntington avenue, Boston, and a summer resident here on the Ocean Boulevard, died here yesterday of heart trouble. She was the daughter of Eugene and Francina (Whitting) Baldwin and was born in Vermont, November 11, 1862. She is survived by two sons and three daughters, one of whom is the wife of Dr. Oscar Bartlett of Holliston, Mass. The body was taken to Boston for burial.

Prominent Athletes for Carnival Week

An array of athletics never before competing at Hampton Beach will be seen in action here on Sport’s Day of carnival week, if the entries forecast anything, according to Secretary Leon S. McCombe of the Hampton Beach.

George Kinnally, captain of the Georgetown university track team last spring, Tony Plansky and Emerson Norton of the same university, Bill Dooly of Huntington and Charles Carroll of Holy Cross are some of the stars who have promised to be on hand. Kinnally, who won the century dash at the New England A. A. U. championships last Sunday, in the 300-yard dash indoor champion of America and as good a runner as the veteran mentor John D. O’Reilly of Georgetown ever had in tow.

Anthony Plansky, for the last few years a student at the same Washington institution, won the pentathlon championship at the Penn Relays. He is an all-round man of no mean ability.

Another of the stars expected to be on hand has on his entry blank such records as 70-yard indoor champion in 1922 and 1923, place winner in the I. C. Four A and title holder in the New England Intercollegiate association is Charles Carroll formerly of Holy Cross.

Emerson Norton, for several years at the University of Kansas and for the last three or four years at Georgetown, a member of the United States Olympic team, will be on hand for the weight.

Then there is Bill Gorman of Huntington, who does the pole vault and discus; Dana Burnham, a quarter miler; Frankie Woods and Bill Dooley both of Huntington, the latter N. E. half miler A. A. U. champion.

Field Day

Hampton Klavern, No. 4 and Portsmouth Klavern, No. 2, will hold a joint field day on the Lafayette road Labor Day, September 7. A big parade will be held; national speakers, band concerts, naturalization and refreshments will be served. Hampton River fried clams will be served on the field. Fireworks in the evening.